I haven't really been writing on my blog in a while. The last blog was in August 2013... WOW! Six months is a long time with bottled up emotions! I have probably lost my audience. All three of you! Well that saddens me. If you reading this for the first time, go to my archives and get to know me. I am not quite right in the head, and the sooner you realize that, they less you will expect from me as you read my blog. They ARE my thoughts and my ideas... opinions, all a rather scary past time for you to partake in.
Last August it was just fixing to get crazy for me. I can remember thinking I couldn't wait until I got through all the beginnings of building the business. The painting, the ordering, the deocroating, classroom set up, sewing, the schooling and the paper work! Glad that is over! It was rough!
Right when I was set to buy all my equipment, the government shut down. My loan was sitting on someones desk without being signed or approved, and I was told by the banker to go ahead and use my credit card to buy my stuff. So I did. All THREE of them! Can you say maxed out??? Then then the bills came in, he said the type of loan I got wouldn't pay that off because it was already a debt! WTH?? So my husband had to leave the bank before he hurt someone. It was a BAD DEAL!!! And my stress level was on high alert! However, my husband.... my forever knight in shinning armor took care of it. He just paid it all off. He said screw the bank!
We worked really hard! Hours of painting, hours of getting forms ready, decorating, organizing, and enrolling kids. Now I am on the other side and seemed to make it unscathed.
Now, I am in the process of going for my 3 star and I just started the food program. No rest for the wicked! I have a full enrollment and a waiting list in 4 classrooms. Not bad for being open for 4 months.... however, it seems like we have been open years longer. Perhaps that has something to do with the amount of hours that I was working. I worked 12.5 hour days for about 6 weeks. Then I moved to a regular 10 hour day. Now, for the past month, I have been working a square 8 hour day. That is an improvement! Maybe soon I will be able to work a 6 hour day! Looking forward to that! I am missing eating dinner with my family.
Now, I am just waiting for spring so I can sit on my back patio and finish writing my 3rd romance novel.