September 30, 2019

Here Squirrelly, Squirrelly, Squirrelly...

I don't know why I got a squirrel as part of my fall decorations... I don't think of squirrels as a fall thing.  Especially since I had a few of them living in my backyard before and they mainly put in an appearance during the spring and summer months.  Regardless, I saw it at Kirkland's and thought: what a cute little decoration....  

Toby, (my dog), did not share in my enthusiasm.  

The first day, he tried to size up this beast from the wild, sitting on his fireplace holding what seemed to be food.  He barked while jumping toward it like he was some bad ass, ninja fighting, super hero dog... only to fall short and  cower backwards to bark at it again from a safer distance...

(one step forward... there steps back).

After about a day or two of this strange dance off, he seemed to notice the squirrel was showing no interest in him, and that it was not edible food he was holding,  Toby finally calmed down and got use to the idea and decided to leave him alone, but not without a couple of sideways glances from across the room... just for good measure.  

For the most part he seems to have forgotten about him....Until I make the squirrel chase him around  making growling noise.  

Squirrel 234
Toby 0

September 29, 2019

Why you walking like a zombie down the isle?

You ever get behind someone that drives slow or takes forever to turn making you have to practically come to a dead stop?  Try shopping behind a woman who acts like shes the only one with that isles right of way.

The. Entire. Isle

Today while doing my weekly shopping, I get behind a women pushing the big blue kid cart.  So this thing is wide and extra long.  She has one kid in it and the kid is talking his head off and the mom is just agreeing to agree... she obviously isn't listening to him.  And she is obviously not aware of me behind her as she lollygags her way not only down the isle but from side to side so that I can't even move past her.

That was the longest isle of my life!

Just as we reach the end I think I can squeeze around her to go the opposite direction even though I needed to go the way she was turning, another person came in that way making me get back right behind her and guess what?  ....

Yeah!  She stopped to get cookies at the END CAP! 

As soon as I was able to get around her I went back to my shopping, but I avoided her and turned the opposite direction every time I saw her!

My kid the YouTuber

One of my kids is a you-tuber.  I don't even know how to spell that word, or if it is EVEN a word, but you get the gist of what I mean.  He's a poor college student and wanted to have something creative to do while he was on summer break that wouldn't cost money.  He had a you tube channel when he was younger called 'koolerthanu' so he kinda knew a little bit about it.  He thought this would be a fun way to remember he summer too.  

He has learned some funny editing skills and made a lot of friends while doing this.  Some of them are funny and some are just silly.  Each video is about different things and he often has friends in the videos with him.  This is one that he decided to do with me.  I always have fun hanging out with this kid.  

So be sure and give it a thumbs up after you watch it and subscribe if you want to see more!

Make Better Choices

I am not one to sit ideally by and just "want" a better existence. Life is short and I learned at the age of 23 that I can't count on other people to get where I want to be.  I was never one to try and marry for money. 

No, I am too much of a romantic. 

I'm ambitious. I am a planner, and I am determined.  But more importantly,  I make choices based on things I want to happen... and if my choices don't supply the demand I had in mind to reach my goal, then I make new choices. 

Me... where I am today, is thanks to me and my dreams my goals and my aspirations.  I am not saying I was not blessed by others along the way, but I chose who I put in my life... and who I got rid of.

Don't count on other people to get you were you want to be in your life.  Don't blame others if you aren't where you think you should be.  The spot your standing in right now is YEARS of your own choices. 

Get an education... build up a network... set some goals... make sacrifices... make better choices.....

September 28, 2019

A Win Day

So here I am, on my back porch on a Saturday afternoon.  I'ts a sunny and a comfortable 86 degrees.   I love sitting on the patio and getting some vitamin D while watching Netflix or reading a book... today writing the blog.  I hear the wind and see the big fluffy clouds and for some reason, it reminds me of a day I had as a little girl.  Sometimes smells of a breeze takes me back to a different time.  I like it when that happens.  It reaffirms what a great childhood I had. All my life I can remember looking up into the vast sky. 

Walking home from elementary school I would look up at the trees against the sky and wonder what my life would be like in the future.  Wondering if I would have a future.  I remember doing that on my back patio in Guymon when I was in my 30/40's while I listened to my son and neighborhood kids playing basketball in the park behind our house.  I seem to create an outdoor living space  at my homes because somehow it always calls to me to look at the sky.  So on days like these, when the sky is blue and the clouds are white and full,  I can sit and enjoy not only the present but reminisce about the past. It's a win day!

September 26, 2019

I need SLEEP! Not creativity in the wee hours

I am not sleeping.  I mean I probably would if I just shut my eyes, but my brain wont' shut up!    This is my 2nd night this week I am wide awake at 3 in the morning. 

There is nothing to do at 3 a.m  First off,  I can't start anything cause it's 3 A.M.  And I can't be loud.  I can't do anything without being loud.. just ask Dennis. 

Now, at 3, 4 or even 7 p.m. I am so tired I can't stand myself.  But something about night wakes me up! 

I hear that creativity comes to the night owls.  But as you can clearly see by reading my blog that is not always the case. 

I'm just glad I don't have an early schedule because sometimes the only sleep I get is the early mornings.

What are you guilty of?

You KNOW you are doing something you shouldn't be doing if you have to instill a GAG ORDER on an ex employee.  *insert eye roll here*.  I am amazed by people every day.  EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

September 24, 2019

Feeling Some Sort Of Way

I have tried to write this blog for a few days now.  Sometimes... you just can’t put your feelings into words no matter how you try.  I am trying to be very careful not to mix actual events with actual feelings.  The event that brought about these feelings is not important, but rather the way it made me feel is.  Truth is, this isn't the first time someone has made me feel this way and sadly it probably won't be the last.  People are not perfect.

I am not perfect.

I am sad to realize some people live double lives.  That no matter what you think you know about someone... you don't always know.  It's not like the quiet at home persona most of us are... or the at home personality you have that only your spouse or your kids see... it's a completely different life... like 'you have a whole other family in Wisconsin' life!   It is a secret that you live with and hide from people, so they don't know the real you, or the things you do when no one is watching you..... The things you hide in the very back drawer so no one knows you have them.

Me?  I am an open book.  I am blunt, even tacky.  My best friend says I have no filter.  She is right.  I don't menace words.  Of course there are things I don't like about  this personality trait of mine:  I don't have empathy for idiots or people that make the same choices and expect different results. 

But that does not make me heartless.

It makes me a realist! 

I don't do fake, and let me tell you... I recognize fake when I see it.  I do not use people, although I do believe that you can outgrow and move in a different direction from some people.  And I believe you have people passing through your life all the time... but that does not mean they are meant to stay in your life.

But the person that lives a double life is who I feel sorry for.  I would imagine it would be hard and exhausting to keep up that charade.  That is just wasting Energy that could be used to better yourself.  And the frustration that is left in the wake of these people is unfathomable. 

And sometimes you have to know when to cut your losses.

So, I can't be focusing my energy on this anymore.  I am too busy and I have so many great things going on in my life. I have to cut ties and move forward and not feel an ounce of regret for the people that come in and out of my life.  Because somehow they have taught me something I needed to know. 

September 18, 2019

Words that last...

You even have a moment where you know THAT moment is going to live on for ever?  That you will be able to recall exactly what you were talking about and where you were sitting and doing while you had a conversation?  The conversation itself was insignificant.  But the one line used will be a catch phrase I will use for a long time. 

We have several from my childhood. 

"Anyone want to go to the library?"  When My dad would decide to take a bath.....
"The bus is too big."  When the neighborhood boys wanted the girls to leave them along.
"Don't drop it in the beans"  When I wanted to see the picture everyone at the dinner table was looking at.  I was 6 or 7....

More recently, "Why you gotta be a bitch?"  Me cussing at Katie's desk when we were putting together in her new office at midnight.

Today I was talking on the phone to a friend of mine and laughed so hard I literally spit my drink all over my desk when she said. "I don't even have my teeth yet!" I can't even remember what we were talking about, totally insignificant.....


Oh My Gosh!  Where is Fall?  I realize it is technically fall, but I'm so tired of the heat!  I feel like I need a turban on my head as I walk just the two car lengths from my parking spot to the front door. And my makeup disappears by the time I get to the door... well disappears is a strong word.. it's still there it's just in a puddle around my knee caps.

Tapping Out

Today I woke up to a wake up call.   Not that I had an alarm set or anything that rang or told me to get up.  Just that I realized I don't need to be worried about things I have no control over.  Truth is, I'm not about it.  It takes effort to play this tired game and I'm tapping out.  I am moving on and getting things done.  Staying positive and letting the Universe handle the rest.  I'm good with that.  

September 17, 2019

I have a bully in my life.  How did this happen?  Lord have mercy on this poor pathetic person.  She gonna need it!  lol  Hmmmmm. wonder how things will work out for her?  My guess.... probably not well.  Your move... Let's go.

September 16, 2019

Life Lesson could suck Less

It’s depressing to go to work now.  I am very sad by the current events and really bummed about having to be put in the position to play the role of an adult and a business owner.  Sometimes, you have to make hard choices.  And just because you make them and move on doesn't mean you’re okay. 

September 15, 2019

Why is it acceptable for people to be idiots, but not acceptable for me to point it out?

Is it old age that makes you less able to deal with idiots?  I mean, what is it about getting older that screams... "Here let me do that for you?"  I have not volunteered for this extra stuff, because I do not want to do this extra stuff.  I have my own stuff to do.  I don't have time or the desire to do your stuff too!
No this is not making sense, but I have to write in cryptic so the guilty parties don't realize I am talking about them.  (My therapy blog remember?)
You know when it's fun to read my blog?  Years later when I am trying to figure out what the hell I was talking about!  This blog will have me baffled, I'm sure!  (Note to self:  It didn't make sense when I wrote it either)!

September 13, 2019

Over Night Kids

I kept 3 of my grand babies last Friday night just for fun!  I haven't really had them over much cause they are all so little, ad so much work, but I thought I would test the waters.... stick my toe in as it were, to see how well I could handle it.

It was FUN & crazy!

They are really good kids.  They are pretty self entertaining, but want things readily available and if it isn't, Joanie is the one that will ask where it is, and WHEN will it be available... and then she will ask you 14 more times until you get that done to her satisfaction.

Benji is good playing alone... He likes the dinosaurs I have for him and the cars.... he also likes to be left alone and isn't good at being teased.  He hasn't learned that personality trait yet.

Evelyn is the easiest  of the three to care for.  She goes with the flow and is perfectly happy playing with the lid of the bubbles and a pay spoon.  If she ever appears to be unhappy  just feed her!

September 12, 2019

Moving to High Tech Stuff

So here's the thing.  I'm not your average bear.  I have learned to stay awake all winter even when I want to sleep... why?  Because there is work to do!  Damn!  Is it October yet?

So today we had some worker bees at the center getting things geared up for the new addition.  I would like to say I was happy to see it but I was running around like crazy!

I caught Abel as he was leaving to ask what they got done today because all I heard was "They are in the ceiling somewhere" from Katie. :O  It's such a whirl wind I don't even know what they are suppose to be doing!

Maybe tomorrow I can actually get to stop and take a peek. I will have new cameras and new door plates and new phones with a headset...(personally most excited for) and some contraption where I can see who is at the front door from my office!   I am always fascinated by what technology can do.

Old people! Sheesh!

The other day I was at the new building with the heat & air guys.  David, the owner, just got a new trailer... and I could NOT talk Hecto, the site foreman, to help me hide it.  I said... it's on wheels!  All we have to do is unhook it and roll it over there behind the vans!!  I could tell he thought about it for a minute... but would not do it!  Why you gotta be an adult dude!?!


After an extremely hectic couple of days at work, my daughter thought we needed to unwind a bit.  So she rallied my daughter in-law and a good friend to go out for dinner and drinks.  I got there late of course and as I was looking for them a waiter came up to me and ask if I was looking for my party.  Then he said, you look familiar.... then he pointed to Katie sitting at he table and said.... that’s your party.  I laughed and said... how did you know???  He said you look just like her!  Needless to say any man that thinks I look like a 30 year old gets a decent tip from me!

Midnight Shenanigans

It's quiet in the house. I can hear the distant noise of the box fan in our room down the hall and a soft ticking of the clock in our family room. I'm working on odd and ends stuff on the computer before I got to bed and decided to listen to a little bit of Iron and Wine.
Realizing I don't have  the amazon app on my computer, I install it. Once its installed I sign in and then ask Alexa to play Iron and Wine, which is a singer song writer easy listening group... Only my Alexa from across the room is listening to me and I am not paying attention to the blue ring on the device as it lights up. Next thing I know, Alexa, who is still turned to high heaven from my weekend cleaning spree shouts: PLAYING MUSIC FROM IRON & WINE! Its so loud it can't hear me yelling at it, and then it begins to play the loudest Iron and Wine song EVER! I can't get away from the bar fast enough and to Alexa that's across my large kitchen! Now Dennis is awake and the dogs are in here looking at me! Midnight is NOT the time for these shenanigans! Now I can't get back into my work mode.

September 11, 2019

Gearing up for Someday

Man I'm busy. Always something to do, some place to be, or some bill to pay! I'm trying to gather my wits daily, but I feel like as I am dumping them into my basket they are falling out of a hole in the bottom! It's never ending. I am a woman on a mission and all the people that are helping me are on SLOW MOTION! Where is your speed control button?! When I find it.... I'm pushin' it!

'Someday soon' I will be placing orders (as soon as they can be delivered)...

'Someday soon' I will be putting together furniture.

'Someday soon' I will be arranging 5 new classrooms

'Someday soon' I will be separating toys and creating "Well Defined Centers"

'Someday soon' I will be compiling a library

'Someday soon' I will be enrolling and hiring and "firing"

I need things to move along so my' Someday soon' doesn't have to happen all in the same week!

But the yearbook is done! 1 down.....1,283,495 to go

Sweet girl....

My granddaughter Joanie, is learning about family, feelings and pets in Preschool this month.  She drew this picture yesterday and I may never leave the daycare again!!!

When Enough is Enough.....

Ya know... I thought I was handling things okay... Building in July is hot, so rarely is there a full 8 hour day by any crew that shows up. Moving the dirt has stirred up my allergy symptoms somewhat. I expected that. I double up on meds and shower off every day once I get home. We have handled the rain and the mud being tracked in everywhere. Even after the carpets were shampoo'ed. All the equipment that goes into the new building is now in my hallways and every extra spare space I have. I have only asked about 100 times for them to move their cars so the garbage truck could get to the dumpster. I have dealt with the broken water hose they left out in the parking lot that was completely flattened. Blowing my breaker time and time again causing all 4 computers to abruptly shut down while they use our power, not to mention the nice bald spot I have under my door where the extension cord is so they had 'said' power. The building inspectors that still has yet to show up. The building being built completely backwards and having to move walls three times in different directions. The toilets that are in the wrong part of the rooms and 8 windows being built in the wrong place and the 2 that were completely missing. I have even handled the crazy idea of them wanting to put a flume right in the middle of my toddlers playground. And where is the garage door again? But when I heard tale that my ceiling has a community of brown recluse spiders in it, enough is enough already! I have to draw the line. So pest control as been called, bombs will be set up, and all my personal belongings have been moved to a completely different location! Adios Amigos! Enough of this shit!

Spiders 1,
Raven... Out of here!

Hope you guys enjoy the building, rents due on the 1st!

Never Forget

September 10, 2019

The New Design

I haven't been on my blogger in what seems like forever!  I have a whole new computer system since the last time I seriously blogged and I basically had to reteach myself this entire program.  It's not like riding a bike!  Nope!  They keep changing the way things work when you aren't looking!  I had a background on there from 2014 and NO idea how to change it.  But I was determined, so 4 YouTube videos and finally reading the directions in front of my face later.... it's a done thing!  Hello Pretty fall background!   I am now ready  to begin a new series of blogs about absolutely nothing.  You're welcome!