I am not one to sit ideally by and just "want" a better existence. Life is short and I learned at the age of 23 that I can't count on other people to get where I want to be. I was never one to try and marry for money.
No, I am too much of a romantic.
I'm ambitious. I am a planner, and I am determined. But more importantly, I make choices based on things I want to happen... and if my choices don't supply the demand I had in mind to reach my goal, then I make new choices.
Me... where I am today, is thanks to me and my dreams my goals and my aspirations. I am not saying I was not blessed by others along the way, but I chose who I put in my life... and who I got rid of.
Don't count on other people to get you were you want to be in your life. Don't blame others if you aren't where you think you should be. The spot your standing in right now is YEARS of your own choices.
Get an education... build up a network... set some goals... make sacrifices... make better choices.....