So here's the thing. I'm not your average bear. I have learned to stay awake all winter even when I want to sleep... why? Because there is work to do! Damn! Is it October yet?
So today we had some worker bees at the center getting things geared up for the new addition. I would like to say I was happy to see it but I was running around like crazy!
I caught Abel as he was leaving to ask what they got done today because all I heard was "They are in the ceiling somewhere" from Katie. :O It's such a whirl wind I don't even know what they are suppose to be doing!
Maybe tomorrow I can actually get to stop and take a peek. I will have new cameras and new door plates and new phones with a headset...(personally most excited for) and some contraption where I can see who is at the front door from my office! I am always fascinated by what technology can do.