April 30, 2020

My kids live some place else

For some reason, that I can't not make sense of, when my kids where little I knew they would grow up.  I thought about when they got bigger, but I never realized they would get bigger and move on with their lives.  It's sad sometimes at my house when it's just me and Dennis padding around trying to keep busy and me doing the same things I use to do... Clean house, grocery shop, organize a closet.  Now I'm not stopping ever so often to asnswer a phone call for a teenager or having to step over thier lastes school projects.  But the reality hits when one graduates and actually moves out of the house!  You think,, where ya going?  And then they reply with,  to build my own life!  Ugh, It's a sad thing to raise them just to leave. I enjoyed being a mom and wish I would have realized that it really doesn't last forever.

April 28, 2020

Covid19 Update


USA            1,035,765
Deaths              59,266
Recovered      142,238

Oklahoma         3410
Deaths                207

World         3,138,886
Death            218,010
Recovered    956,057

Little Blessings

The grandbabies bring me so much joy.  I loved my children and these little off spring of them are just as delightful.

Writing Away and Biting the Bullet

I have been trying to finish my books since the whole covid19 happened.  I thought about all the time and effort I put into writing them and thought, I really need to get them edited and published so that I atleast have a copy in my library of them.  How priceless would that be!?  

The amount of time it takes get the thoughts to full fruition is undeniably priceless.  I thought about what would happen if my books got fried in my computer!  Oh my heart!

I just had to bit the bullet and spend a few hundred to have it edited and printed.  It is something I am doing for me and I think I am worth it!  I will be posting it online as well ... possibly under a different name.   haha

Grandbaby update

All my grandbabies are walking now!!  Little Joshua just joined the ranks a couple of weeks ago.  And he is so cute walking!  I have a four-year-old, I have three 3-year-olds, I have one 2-year-old, I have two 1-year-olds,.
As of right now only three are completely potty trained two are very close and one is refusing. And the other one is  not ready yet.  They are all growing so fast and becoming so smart and speaking so well. Sammie has always had her own little language but I have noticed lately that I can understand a lot more of what she’s saying, so either she is getting better or I am learning her language.
  • Joannie is very smart just like she has always been she’s the shortest one in her class and she refuses to take naps most days. She is learning family dynamic and who all belongs to her clan and she lets everybody know if you’re her family and how important you are to her. 
  • Wakely is learning how to ride all sorts of things we watch videos of her often and watch her riding her little bike down the street with her friends she also got a new swimming pool so I can imagine all the new tricks she will learn This summer. 
  • Benji has a temper and he refuses to go poop in the potty. But he is very sweet very loving and he loves trucks and dinosaurs. 
  • Sammie is still our crazy grandbaby she’s wild. She is also very easy to watch she minds very well she is super sweet and growing very big she used to be really Tiny but now she’s taller than Benji and I believe she’s very muscular she’s also our first grandbaby to played sports she played soccer before the pandemic she did not like it. LOL. 
  • Then we have Miss Evelyn who is as Beautiful as her name she is the one that looks most like her mama. She is Miss Independent and does not need your help! She doesn't like to be held, unless she wants to be held.  She has a deep little voice that's a little bit nasally because she really needs her tonsils taken out. She’s a good big sister to Joshua and a fun little sister to her other two siblings. I find it funny that she likes to have a purse a baby and a cell phone at all times and as soon as she gets into the car after daycare she asks for her phone LOL. 
  • Then we have a Little Danny.. oh Danny is the apple of my eye on most days!  He’s very tiny.. looks like his mama..and is the sweetest thing ever!  Loves dinosaurs! I think that may be the only word he says. 
  • Then we have a little Joshua who was born with the most hair of all his siblings.  He’s a brute. He’s as tall as Danny probably wears a bigger size if not the same. He’s rough, he’s tough, and he tumbles a lot. He just recently fell down the stairs at his new home -which I predicted might I add- and had to go to the chiropractor to get readjusted so he could start walking again. He has just learned to walk and I am very afraid of the trouble that he will get into LOL. 

I am waiting for Keiran Blaize to be born. My prediction is that this baby will be a lot like Joshua.

April 27, 2020

My Candle Burns at Both Ends

As many people are doing... I am trying to accomplish what I can during the shut down. But I am also trying to take time to rest when it is time to rest.  Going 90 to nothing and not allowing my body to rest during a stressful time could backfire.

I would love to have a time to close and just sit back and find some no stress days.  Dennis could manage all the bills for the rest of my life... the reason I work is beyond me.  My  "wants" are a little bit out of his realm probably.

At any rate, using some quieter time to reflect on what needs to be done and set some priorities is a great way to start. 

We changed the hours at the daycare and I have to tell you.  I LOVE the new hours! I want to keep them!  Unfortunately, I have always considered what my clients want above my own wants.  But 7:30 to 5:30 is floating my boat!

April 26, 2020

No good side to Covid19

I saw that the crime rate in every city has gone way down.  I am happy to hear that.  But Schools are closed... so..... of course no school shootings.  Churches either!  That's a definite win. But soon we will hear of riots and looting.  (It's coming)  Have you seen the cars in the drive through lines at fast food? 40 minute wait time.  People can't find meat... everyone is picking up and bringing it home. Sonic is making a killing!  So is Walmart and Lowes!  I would gladly pay $6.00 a gallon for gas if it puts families back to work!  

Ben was laid off yesterday.  and even though that has NOTHING to do with COvid19,  It's very frustrating that Russia and Saudi Arabia when Russia failed to deepen an existing  production cut of 1.8 million barrels a day.   As far as family goes.... I haven't seen my mother in 6 weeks.  It's like this is stealing what could be her last months from us. We weren't able to spend Easter together as a family either. I thrive on schedules and so do people with mental illnesses.  Depression is setting in on several people, especially those that live alone.  

Domestic and child Abuse is up and so is drinking.  Glad they left those liquor stores open! lol  People are not showering or washing their hair (Many are buzzing it off) and if you watch Tic Toc they will tell you they are wearing the same clothes from last tuesday! lol 

However... I am saving money!!!  Which is good cause I am not making much after I pay all my overhead to run an essential business during a pandemic! (Not all bills are being deferred)  I personally know of 14 nurses and there are hundreds more that got laid off work just last week because elective surgeries are canceled and that is the type of work they do in the hospital.  Many are stressed out single moms and unemployment does not cover the cost of their bills.  (Nurses bank it!)  Also deaconess hospital  in okc closed last week because they are not making money because elective surgeries are not being done. That's 313 beds and that's hundreds of jobs lost.  They do not have plans to reopen, possibly a buy out but nothing set in stone.  

I love that doctors are being praised more then hollywood people! Now if they would just quit posting videos trying to be famous on tic toc like hollywood people... with balloons as their asses and acting like they are sailing on the titanic, and care for dying patients, find a cure or a vaccine.. that would be time well spent!   

This slow down thing that God wants us to do..  would have been a great idea had it lasted for 2 /3 weeks and he made sure we all had tickets to our bucket list vacation spot!  

This is going to be bad.  Not slowing down... Dead Stopping.  Ruining lives.  Ruining futures.   

Staying positive is not an option.  Staying afloat may not be... with  millions of people receiving unemployment  that will eventually run out (which it does in about 5 months, possibly sooner since so many are collecting) and 1 job for every 500 people to compete for, assuming that over a half open back up businesses.

No good side to Covid19.

April 20, 2020

It's Time!

This covid19 going on... many people want to continue staying in and have just made themselves sick with stress and worry.  I think we need to get back to work.  I think life needs to continue.  I think the government has helped out with all he can... now it's up to us to get it going again.

People have literally been living off of savings, or with parents or off the government for 2 months now.  Lots of things are getting done in the houses and spending time with kids.  But it's time to get back to work!  I can't believe the people that don't understand basic Economy 101. 

April 19, 2020

Well, I don't care

I do alot of thinking when I make the bed.  And on Sundays when I change the sheets it takes longer and I thinker harder... so today I thought about aging and if it is effecting my compassion.  After much reflecting I think what is effecting my compassion is stupid people that expect shit for free. 

People that don't want to work but get paid, people that think their problems are everyone else's problems.  These are the ones that are affecting my compassion.  I have little faith in people doing the right thing now a days.  And I know that use to, I would worry about friends and people in general, but as I get older I realize that some of these people are in the positions they are in because they are stupid. 

Does that make me a bad person or a good observer?  I see a guy begging for money on the street, I think they should apply for jobs.  I work for my money....

April 16, 2020

Coronavirus Update

I haven't been staying on top of the pandemic.  Truthfully I am over it!  I need my life to go back to normal.  Things are starting to stay in the store longer... Toilet paper and Hamburger meat.  You still can't fin vitamins and you can't find lysol spray!  We have 14 days to go before we can even think about being able to open stores and I am missing Hobby Lobby and kirkland's and Catos! I might have to shop online!

Here is where we are today:

World             2,088,240  Cases
Deaths               134,720
Recovered         515,854

USA               644,348
Deaths              28,.554
Recovered        48,708

Oklahoma     2,263
Deaths             123

Can I predict it or what?!?!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how people were getting the wrong stuff for isolation.  How they needed to be grabbing the fake nails and the fake eyelashes and the hair dye.... WELL GUESS WHAT!?  I went to the store today first time in 2 weeks and there was NO eyelashes, polish remover and the color section is looking low.  Can I predict it or what?!?!

April 10, 2020


I was napping on the couch, or trying to. Seems that is all that is deemed necessary for Dennis to need to go into the kitchen.  Anyway, I was napping off and on and I hear myself say:  I feel like all my friends are grounded.

Dennis said.. I think you are still asleep. To which my reply was a  light snore.  Or so I was told.

April 8, 2020

Pandemic Update

Stay home is still in effect.  The next week or so is supposed to be the worst. At least in New York.  Here, we have to wear masks to go in public.  I made my family some.  I still have to make the kids some, but I am not sure they will wear them or have an occasion to wear a mask.  The stores are mostly closed.  The ones that are open are done so  with new hours.  Open later and closed earlier.  I am sure the workers love that!  You can only go in one way at Walmart and leave the same.  It's freaky.

My daycare is at 60ish kids now.  I think this might be my new regular for the month.  I have changed my hours too.  cutting off 1.5 hours a day.  I like it!  but won't be able to keep those hours as they don't work for most of my parents.  Under the circumstances they understand...but for long term?  No! lol

Here are the numbers today:

United States    400,540 cases
Deaths                12,857
Recovered          21,711

Oklahoma            1,472
Deaths                      67

World            1,431,973
Deaths               82,096
Recovered       302,209

April 7, 2020

Things my son in law buys for me

He saw this at some craft & art show.  He just knew I needed to have it.  I refuse to actually use it but I keep it clean and hung on my oven.  I love having an Owl in every room.  This is a great piece.  Someone spend time hand stitching this for my enjoyment and Ben gave it a good home!

Jefferson here was the first Christmas present he got me.  It was my favorite gift of the night!  When I moved into a new home it came with me against my husband's wishes. 

While on their honeymoon... bed saw this at a store and told Katie he HAD to get that for me!  It's out on our patio out of the wind and the weather, and it is a great conversational piece.  I named him George

Valued Time

It's been a few days since I sat down to the blog.  I have been working on my book.  It's going pretty well... I am almost to the part of having it edited and that will also cause me stress.  I want it done so I can print it and I KNOW it will still need work.  My dilemma is my editor has taken a job and can't get to it as soon as I want it done.  So now I am in the process of screening other editors.  And the aren't as cheap as she was. 

But I think having it done and in print is something I need to do for me.  I am not sure if lots of people write books.  But I think if you spend 10-20 years of your life writing a book... you owe it to yourself to see it in print.  I printed my blog and it is the best thing I have done for me in a long time.  Long after I am gone my family can read my crazy thoughts and see all my typos! lol

April 5, 2020

Are we ever really ready to leave this earth?

I think it's like the horrid behavior that sparks up during the teenage years preparing the parents for the child's departure from the home..... I think bad health makes the elder be okay with dying.... just wanting relief from the struggles 

April 1, 2020

You Know You Live in Oklahoma When....

I’m a dumbass.

I accidentally took the food binder home with me from work.  As soon as I get home I realize my mistake and had to take it back. Dennis offered to drive me back just to get out of the house.  After we got done dropping the book off he wanted to go see Katies new house.  We did a quick run by and visited with them for a few minutes and checked out their new digs.

On our way back home Dennis and I talk about His day and my day and stupid stuff that we normally talk about when we’re in the car... but today there was and added twist.

Today, he reminded me that we live in Oklahoma.

Dennis:  How was your day?

Raven: Not normal!   Or maybe my new normal!  Damn coronavirus!  How was yours?

Dennis: Normal. The damn cows keep licking on my truck while I’m working!

Raven (laughing) what sort of a day do you have if its considered normal for a cow to lick on your truck while you're at work?!?

Dennis:  (without missing a beat) A better one then if a horse is around.  They will eat the paint off your truck!!

Isolation problems

For the days Dennis doesn’t meet the qualifications... lol

April Fools