Stay home is still in effect. The next week or so is supposed to be the worst. At least in New York. Here, we have to wear masks to go in public. I made my family some. I still have to make the kids some, but I am not sure they will wear them or have an occasion to wear a mask. The stores are mostly closed. The ones that are open are done so with new hours. Open later and closed earlier. I am sure the workers love that! You can only go in one way at Walmart and leave the same. It's freaky.
My daycare is at 60ish kids now. I think this might be my new regular for the month. I have changed my hours too. cutting off 1.5 hours a day. I like it! but won't be able to keep those hours as they don't work for most of my parents. Under the circumstances they understand...but for long term? No! lol
Here are the numbers today:
United States 400,540 cases
Deaths 12,857
Recovered 21,711
Oklahoma 1,472
Deaths 67
World 1,431,973
Deaths 82,096
Recovered 302,209