April 7, 2020

Valued Time

It's been a few days since I sat down to the blog.  I have been working on my book.  It's going pretty well... I am almost to the part of having it edited and that will also cause me stress.  I want it done so I can print it and I KNOW it will still need work.  My dilemma is my editor has taken a job and can't get to it as soon as I want it done.  So now I am in the process of screening other editors.  And the aren't as cheap as she was. 

But I think having it done and in print is something I need to do for me.  I am not sure if lots of people write books.  But I think if you spend 10-20 years of your life writing a book... you owe it to yourself to see it in print.  I printed my blog and it is the best thing I have done for me in a long time.  Long after I am gone my family can read my crazy thoughts and see all my typos! lol