January 11, 2013


It's 9:00 and I am SO SLEEPY!!!  What has become of my life?!?! 

January 10, 2013

I changed my mind! I don't want to be a Big Foot in my next life!

Why does my hair get to the same length and then just quit growing? I always wanted long, luxurious hair... "CHER HAIR"!  Yes I was the girl that wore the slip on her head and flipped my head back while I sang into a brush singing,  "I got you babe!".....  But it gets just past the shoulders and then stops. As in DOES NOT GROW!!! 

And it isn't as if I haven't tried everything to get it to grow.  I have taken vitamins, put eggs and mayo in it, used horse shampoo and conditioner.  I have bathed it with Beer!  I have permed it... NOT permed it.  NOT blow dried.  Not curled it and.... even slept on a silk pillow case. 

I have wore it up tight in a pony tail. Something about pulling it out from the scalp, and I have stopped wearing it up tight in a pony tail ... something about causing it to split.

I have kept it trimmed.  Massaged my scalp.  I even tried pulling it like those dolls with the button in their stomach.  You know the one!  (That will tell your age).

Maybe my next life I will have long hair.  Maybe I will be like Rapunzel!  Okay I dont' want to go overboard.... I would end up looking like big foot... or worst, coming back as a big foot!

Maybe I will just count my blessings and go buy extensions!

January 9, 2013

Memories That Slam You In The Face

Strange how memories can slam you in the face out of nowhere.  I mean, I remember my Daddy every day.    Every day without fail, when I drive to work, I think of my Daddy because the sun is just coming up and the sky is so pretty. He was always up and already doing something outside by that time.  He loved being outside and getting his day started before it got too hot.

Out of the blue today I remembered something my daddy use to say and do with me and my siblings when we were little.  We could be whiny or could have hurt ourselves, or maybe we were just tired... What ever he was doing, watching TV, eating dinner, talking with friends, he would stop and stick out his hand and say, "Ahhh, come lay you're little head in my hand." and then miracles upon miracles we always felt better! 

I wish I could put my head in his hand today.

January 8, 2013

Day 8 Is A Bust!

Oh no! Day 8 and I don't have anything to say? How is the possible? I always have stuff to say! I know! I know! you are use to my blog being informative and full of scholorally topics! but today on day number 8... I got nothin'! This is going to be a long year!

January 6, 2013

A "Step On Me" Moment......

My oldest daughter, Stephanie, AKA "Step on me" came to visit over the weekend and spent some quality time with Matthew.  While they were at the mall, Matthew hiccuped and asked...  What causes us to hiccup."  Stephanie told him it was caused by too much air in our heads!  WoW! Really?lol 

OKAY, now in defense of Stephanie.  What she meant to say was we had too much air in our LUNGS.  But I can't seem to fight the urge to give her crap about it.  So there ya have it.. the blog of the day!

HUGS Steph!