January 10, 2013

I changed my mind! I don't want to be a Big Foot in my next life!

Why does my hair get to the same length and then just quit growing? I always wanted long, luxurious hair... "CHER HAIR"!  Yes I was the girl that wore the slip on her head and flipped my head back while I sang into a brush singing,  "I got you babe!".....  But it gets just past the shoulders and then stops. As in DOES NOT GROW!!! 

And it isn't as if I haven't tried everything to get it to grow.  I have taken vitamins, put eggs and mayo in it, used horse shampoo and conditioner.  I have bathed it with Beer!  I have permed it... NOT permed it.  NOT blow dried.  Not curled it and.... even slept on a silk pillow case. 

I have wore it up tight in a pony tail. Something about pulling it out from the scalp, and I have stopped wearing it up tight in a pony tail ... something about causing it to split.

I have kept it trimmed.  Massaged my scalp.  I even tried pulling it like those dolls with the button in their stomach.  You know the one!  (That will tell your age).

Maybe my next life I will have long hair.  Maybe I will be like Rapunzel!  Okay I dont' want to go overboard.... I would end up looking like big foot... or worst, coming back as a big foot!

Maybe I will just count my blessings and go buy extensions!

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