January 9, 2013

Memories That Slam You In The Face

Strange how memories can slam you in the face out of nowhere.  I mean, I remember my Daddy every day.    Every day without fail, when I drive to work, I think of my Daddy because the sun is just coming up and the sky is so pretty. He was always up and already doing something outside by that time.  He loved being outside and getting his day started before it got too hot.

Out of the blue today I remembered something my daddy use to say and do with me and my siblings when we were little.  We could be whiny or could have hurt ourselves, or maybe we were just tired... What ever he was doing, watching TV, eating dinner, talking with friends, he would stop and stick out his hand and say, "Ahhh, come lay you're little head in my hand." and then miracles upon miracles we always felt better! 

I wish I could put my head in his hand today.