June 26, 2013

June Bugs ONE - Raven ZERO

The damn June Bugs Won! 

Tonight I was enjoying some peace and relaxation out on the patio, while surfing the web and enjoying some Stevie Nicks tunes when I was accosted by June bugs!

I hate June bugs.  They are some seriously over weight, needy bugs that cling to you and NEVER let go, even when you do a weird African type boogie woogie salsa dance!  They're like Velcro! 

They make weird noises as they fly around and I think they might be sight impaired as they never seem to know where they are going.  Either that, or they are drunk!  They slam into walls, chairs, lights and my head!  If they land on the ground, they do this weird type of break dancing and never seem to be able to get up on the first try.  I always watch them and think of that phrase:  Help me I've fallen and I can't get up....

They travel in a pack, as there won't be any... and then all of a sudden one comes, and then four, then twelve... then Forty!... I think they come from Mexico!!!  And you always know when they are coming cause you hear a pop sound, and everyone looks toward the sound, and you know...

It's a June bug!  

Then you start getting all paranoid, cause you know more will show up and take over your area.... knowing they are going to head for the light, but because they all show up intoxicated, they end up in your drinks, and in your hair or hanging on to your shirt while you freak out!  Finally you slap them off you causing them to fly away just to land on you again in a minute. 

It's a vicious cycle that you just can't win. 

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