February 26, 2020

I work too much

I was thinking today....

I work too much.  And even when I am home or on the weekends, I am constantly working.  Always trying to improve something... the daycare ...the website... the staff.  Constantly worrying over it.  Wanting everyone to be happy and well cared for.. or paid well, or treated fairly or leaving happy!  I worry too much.

I work too much

I have not had a vacation since the summer of 2013, the summer before I opened.  I need a vacation.  I need to get away from the grind.... but I worry someone will need me and I won't be there to fix it or help them or put out a fire...... or  manage something!

How do you stop?  How do you make other people care about something your passion about?  Whats the secret?  Could I take just a week....ONE WEEK??

No phone? No email?  No bills?  No payroll? Pace myself... it's a long road still. 

I work too much

February 25, 2020

Hey Cracker

I have a grandson that calls me cracker.  It's not really a "Slang" as in his calling me a white girl.  It's what he seems to call everyone and everything.  He has been on this kick for about 4 months now and I keep thinking he will move past this word! Lately he calls me Lalalalalalalala and this word never ends.  It's really funny... but a MAJOR improvement to being called Cracker! 


Dennis finished Shameless before I got home from work... I got this text...

This, from a guy that I had to make sit down and start watching it.  He watch all 9 seasons in 2 weeks.  He asked me every day  "you ready to watch the movie?" lol  

February 21, 2020

Where's my time going?

I'm crossing things off from my lists... but is anything really getting done?  I cross one thing off and 2 more appear.  I keep saying good things come to those that wait.  But I am not a waiter.  I keep telling myself  I am a lot closer to being done then I was.  And if it's done, I don't need to be worried about anymore!  Personally I wonder if I will ever get to post anything personal again.  All I post about is work stuff these days!  But when you are consumed in your work... what else do you have to write about.


Oh yeah.. Dennis and I are watching SHAMELESS and he can't wait for me to get home every evening to start it.  But I barely get in the door and he asks me if I am 'ready to watch a movie'!  It's endearing and annoying at the same time, but it does explain why I'm up an freaking 1:37 a.m trying to keep up with my blog!  I don't want blank spaces at the end of this year... I needed to stay focused and dedicated!

February 18, 2020

Sore Ass But A Done Website

It's been crazy busy!  I have been updating the website and it took all of 3 days and a sore ass to finish!   ANd am I done?  Possibly... but spell check is never that dependable so possibly NOT! lol  Dennis and I have been binge watching SHAMELESS and we can't stop!  Dennis watched an entire season on Sunday!  It's funny to see him so enthralled! We watched the Manning babies for a bit on Sunday and took them to the park.  They are pure joy to be around.  Sammi still talks in her own language... but I am learning it.  I am sure once I get fluent she will start speaking correctly!  Bless her heart.  She gets frustrated when she tries to tell me something and I ask her to repeat it a few times.  Pop says:  I don't speak Sammi! lol   Danny is potty training and went potty for me.  Pop was impressed.  He is only 18 months old and already doing so well!

February 17, 2020

TV gone bad

Watching The Bachelor is going to result in me needing a new TV. THese women are IDIOTS! Big crying, bratty idiots! Everything is "unfair". All of them are picking on each other. Either the bachelor is the biggest pussy or the women are pure bullies! I'm going to end up throat punching the TV.

I. Just. Can't!

February 14, 2020

Redneck Anniversary

I love Dennis for the years he has been by my side and supported me and even financed my dreams.  He works on the weekends at the daycare and makes sure things are in good repair.  He has raised our two older children like his own and to this day loves and supports them when they need help.  I love that I never have dirty clothes, or a full clean dishwasher.  And I never have to pick up dog poop when the grandkids are coming over for the day to play in our yard.  It's in all the little things he does for me daily.  I love him for our private silly jokes and the small things he does for me on a daily to make me feel loved.... even the inconsequential things we find important or even endearing, like a love note on my way out to go to work reminding me to bring water!  BUT.... One of my friends at work got a diamond necklace with matching earrings for their anniversary which happens to be Valentine day... same as mine and Dennis's.  I got a bag of Jalapeno cheetos with a sticky note.   Is the 24th year the REDNECK anniversary?  Just checking! LOL

February 13, 2020

It is what it is...

The first rule of blogging is to post things regularly. 

Like what??  

I don't have that much to say and my life isn't that interesting.  Plus I'm not that organized and lack time management skills.  Not to mention writing daily can really interfere with my netflix time.  

I figure when I got stuff to say or share I will write... but it doesn't mean that 99% of what you read won't be pure bullshit. 😆 

February 12, 2020

Omelettes for Dinner

My sweet little daughter in law almost had a wreck on her way to work today and she cried and got all upset cause it scared her.  She called Tanner who called me and was like MOM!  That is my biggest fear that everyone I love is in the same car and they have a wreck!

Later, I run errands and see a big wreck on Garth.  Of course I call everyone related to me to be sure everyone is accounted for and when I call Dennis to check on him, I go ahead and tell him about Jessica.  The story goes to when we traveled by plane to Disney Land when the kids where little.  

Me:  My dad didn't like us all on the same plane.  
Dennis:  Well... I would have been fine if Matthew rode on a different one!

Poor Matthew always getting the short end of every family story!  Then because I had him on the phone, and this is how married live works.... I told Dennis I was making omelettes for dinner.  

Rise and Shine

Every week day of the damn week it is pitch black in my room.  I have to get up and open the curtains just to have some light.  Most days I don’t wanna get out of bed  because of this.  Today Saturday… the light is shinning in on my face at 7:30 a.m. !!  Where is the pitch black window today? The one day I could’ve slept in!

February 11, 2020

3:00 A.M.

I'ts 3:00 in the morning and I am wide awake.  The reason?    I took a 2 hour nap on the couch after work.  I didn't even know I was tired.  Dennis and I have been watching Shameless and he was getting caught up with where I was so I just dozed right off.  Now I'm awake and getting far ahead of him again. .....

I see a vicious cycle forming.

February 9, 2020


Friday was my birthday and my Facebook was lit up all day with notifications from my friends! Thank you so much for making my birthday more awesome then it had a right to be! 55 is a crazy age man! When did this happen!? Why do I still feel like I’m suppose to be 23!?! Well none of us get out of this alive so I’m gonna rock my 55th year and count my blessings! Concentrate on improving and be glad I’m still here to enjoy life! Thank you for making me feel special

February 8, 2020

Ideas gone Blank....

Every day I have something to say.  I have valid points to make and I talk to myself in the car!  Then, at night when the house is quiet, I get giddy with the idea that I can finally sit down and play on my blog only to realize my mind is completely clear... except for the sounds of crickets!

I even jot down notes throughout the day, or tell them to my apple watches microphone, but then can't understand them or can figure out what the root of the idea was.....

I need a better system.

LIberated from Bullies!

I am a member of a certain group online. Like most of us are I suppose.  We join groups to feel like we belong, or that we have stuff in common with.  We join them for advice or support.  Most of the members are helpful and kind, but some of them are royal bitches.  I'll admit, typed words can often be misconstrued and emphasis are put on words by the reader, so basically, there is alot lost in translation. 

Anyway I posted on something early this morning that several other people had already committed on,but some of the snooty patooties didn't agree with what I said... (even though the post asked for opinions... went all after me and I kind a left it alone all day because you know... it’s my birthday I got stuff to do...

Anyway.... I come back in tonight and I’m thinking I’m gonna check Facebook.  I haven’t really checked it all day, so I'm seeing a lot of "happy birthdays" and what not...  I go on to that group facebook page and I can see where an entire thread is just the same three girls talking on my post  even though a few other people are  basically saying the same thing I said, but they are sticking to being bitches to just me. 

I decided because this sort of thing happens a lot in this particular group, to report it.  After the admin reads the posts she kicks them all of the group... and to be honest,  I have  never felt so liberated and good about a decision in my life!  So what if I am a nark!  Bullies are not welcome at any age!

February 7, 2020

Botox STAT!

Today was my birthday so all day I have felt special.  Katie went all out for my day like she usually does... The staff always contributes and get me awesome stuff.  Turning a year older with these women in my life has been easier to do.  Tonight, Dennis took me to eat a steak and one of my staff was there with her husband.  They sent a birthday dessert over to the table and it was icecream!  How can you go wrong with that!

My computer was covered with crunch bars and I had several balloons tied to my chair.  THere were 55 flyers of me all over the daycare saying I was 75!  And people where like..... You're not really 75 right!?!? 

Calling for botox and fillers first thing in the morning!!!

February 6, 2020


We're getting things ready for moving classrooms.  We started today, so that's one down and 4 classes to go.  It all seems like a lot, but if they more one classroom at a time it should be done in less then two weeks.  That's plan anyway. We got new carpet in there yesterday and I will be ordering the new furniture as we need it.  It will be the the first time I have a double class and we will see how that turns out!  I know that it better be clean, organized and ready to go all the time! lol

I will make money off of that room and that is important!  Before when it was just the cafeteria I made no money.  That was not a good business decision.  Each room needs to hold it's own for payroll.... and then some for the rent!

And I really want that damn pool!
Time will tell....

Update: they already moved all the classrooms.....took them 3 days and going in on a Sunday....... now I have to buy toys!  I was prepared quit yet!!!!

February 5, 2020

First Snow of the Year

Joanie, Benji & Evelyn went home early from daycare with daddy and played in the snow

Mind over sickness

I think I am getting a sinus infection.  Can you talk your self out of having one?  It's not like wanting that ice cream that is he freezer.  I mean I want that and I can, for the most part talk myself out of it.  but can I talk myself out of a sinus infection?  I don't want to go to the doctor and I don't want to take meds!  I don't want steroids at all, but I really don't want to be sick either!  It started yesterday and I felt better until this evening and now I have a dang headache.  Headaches are my downfall.  They will get my attention!  I guess I will go to the doctor tomorrow if I still feel these nagging signs.  I don't wanna..... but I will! Dammit!

February 2, 2020

Not Family Friendly

I didn’t even know who was performing this year until the halftime show started.  Dennis asked me who Shakira was.  But as soon as I knew who it was, I knew there would be lots of hip action!   They are such beautiful women and they are super talented.  And the performance was perfect.... but was it appropriate for all viewers?  Thrusting, popping and grinding crotch views are not appropriate.  And definitely not classy. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The super bowl doesn’t have a restricted age to attend the game like the movie Hustler did.  I wouldn’t take my children to watch a pole dance... but I would take them to Cirque du Soleil.  The costumes are much the same, so that’s not the issue.... the movements are different.  Where does the line get drawn on what’s decent for one and all and what’s not? It’s obviously not going to be Hollywood or networks if sex sells. 

February 1, 2020

Wedding Vows On A Weekend

This weekend I woke up having slept my record best in a recorded 199 sessions  90%!  And it probably showed, as I got some serious office work done today.  We worked up at the center for about 5 hours and it's crazy what I can get done with noone is messing with me.  Not a steady stream of interruptions breaking into my concentration, except an occasional breakdown Dennis would have about finding something!  I had to unlock the gate for him, find the two water hoses, and locate the door stopper that had broken off earlier this week.  Other than that.... I was on a roll. Monday at work should prove boring with nothing left for me to do!