February 21, 2020

Where's my time going?

I'm crossing things off from my lists... but is anything really getting done?  I cross one thing off and 2 more appear.  I keep saying good things come to those that wait.  But I am not a waiter.  I keep telling myself  I am a lot closer to being done then I was.  And if it's done, I don't need to be worried about anymore!  Personally I wonder if I will ever get to post anything personal again.  All I post about is work stuff these days!  But when you are consumed in your work... what else do you have to write about.


Oh yeah.. Dennis and I are watching SHAMELESS and he can't wait for me to get home every evening to start it.  But I barely get in the door and he asks me if I am 'ready to watch a movie'!  It's endearing and annoying at the same time, but it does explain why I'm up an freaking 1:37 a.m trying to keep up with my blog!  I don't want blank spaces at the end of this year... I needed to stay focused and dedicated!