I am a member of a certain group online. Like most of us are I suppose. We join groups to feel like we belong, or that we have stuff in common with. We join them for advice or support. Most of the members are helpful and kind, but some of them are royal bitches. I'll admit, typed words can often be misconstrued and emphasis are put on words by the reader, so basically, there is alot lost in translation.
Anyway I posted on something early this morning that several other people had already committed on,but some of the snooty patooties didn't agree with what I said... (even though the post asked for opinions... went all after me and I kind a left it alone all day because you know... it’s my birthday I got stuff to do...
Anyway.... I come back in tonight and I’m thinking I’m gonna check Facebook. I haven’t really checked it all day, so I'm seeing a lot of "happy birthdays" and what not... I go on to that group facebook page and I can see where an entire thread is just the same three girls talking on my post even though a few other people are basically saying the same thing I said, but they are sticking to being bitches to just me.
I decided because this sort of thing happens a lot in this particular group, to report it. After the admin reads the posts she kicks them all of the group... and to be honest, I have never felt so liberated and good about a decision in my life! So what if I am a nark! Bullies are not welcome at any age!