January 14, 2013

Seven Is My Number

I had an aide ask me today if I had any New Years Resolutions.  I said no because I never end up doing them and set myself up for failure EVERY year by making them.  Then I see all these posts about 100 things people want to do or accomplish this coming year and I am thinking... 100?!?!  WOW. Talk about setting oneself up for disappointment!  Let me make that my #1 thing I want to do this year....   READ 100 accomplishments that someone else wants to do.  Makes no sense.  Plus, I would never get that hour back!  ( I'm a slow reader). 

So, I thought I would write down 7 GOALS I would like to reach this year.  Then I wondered... will NOT accomplishing only 7 things make me a looser?  I mean, 7 isn't a large number... and if I only get 5 of them, should I still feel as though I succeeded?  I guess it would depend on how big or outside of the box they are.  And let's just face it.  I am NEVER in the box!
So here goes:
  1. Get a little religion flowing in my blood.
  2. Continue to have a happy and healthy marriage and spend as much time with family as I can .
  3. Help my kids succeed in whatever endeavors they choose to do.
  4. Always say kind words instead of negative words, and try to always bring a positive influence to my surroundings by doing something good for others.
  5. Finish my book  and then publish both of them, either just for my own personal library or for yours :) But I don't want all that work to just sit around or get lost... or heaven forbid, DELETED!
  6. Create my own path. (This is a wide open sentence, since I am really unsure of what it is I  want to do.. I can't pin point one idea.
  7. Have a healthy life and make as many friends as possible.

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