August 24, 2013

I LOVE to read!!!!!

Why would I need to see a stripper?!?!

Dennis and I where driving through .... what I called "the ghetto", and  he called the "Scenic" parts of OKC today when I spied a Strip bar. 

Me:  Those places are gross! 

Dennis: Why?
Me:  I mean the whole atmosphere around that stuff is gross.

Dennis:  No they aren't!

Me:  Yes.... they are!
Dennis:  Not all of them.

Me:  Well I am not talking about the way they look... I am talking about the nasty girls and the perverted guys!  The whole thing is a big turn off. 

Dennis: hmmmm

Dennis:  Í don't think it is gross... maybe the perverts that sit up close are gross.

Me:  Well what would you think of  a place where men stripped all their clothes off?

Dennis:  I know I wouldn't' be going there.. that is gross!

Me:  What would you think of me if I went there.

Dennis:  (outlining his body with his hands, while driving... I might add) Why would you go there when you got ALL OF THIS at home!

* I laughed for 4 blocks!

July 31, 2013

Virginia Bound

My baby boy moved to Virginia this week.

Baby...  UGH!  He is 26.

So weird to think he is so far away from me.  It's not like I saw him every day anyway.  I mean he has lived outside of the family for 8 years now..... but I COULD see him every day if I had wanted too with him only being 20 minutes away, and I think that is the point. 

I am excited he is getting to experience new things and new places.  New people and even new food!  He is going to be a family man.... of sorts.  He starts his job on Monday and hopefully he will be a happy camper from now on. 

I want him happy more then I want him 20 minutes away. Crazy how much you love your kids.

July 20, 2013

Conversations uncensered

Here are some conversations we had while we went to visit Grandma~!

Grandma asked my three kids while driving to the grocery store
"What should we have for dinner?"

They all three, at the same time say, "Chinese food!!!"

 She laughs and clarifies, "No something we can make for dinner."

Tanner says, "oh!  I don't care as long as its something with.... steak.....potatoes.....and gravy!"


Tanner was rubbing on Grandmas back:  Grandma, your shirt feels like a ruffles potato chip!

Katie couldn't get Matthew out of bed so we could go to Lawton. 

Katie- Tanner, go fart in Matthews face!  That will get him up!


Tanner was hollering at his phone while he was playing a game.  (Apparently he was playing the new app he had just downloaded... farkle) 

Me:  Tanner what are you doing!?
Tanner:  I'm Farkling all over the place!!

Matthew - This coffee taste like BUTT!

Tanner takes a sip

Tanner - your right Matthew this coffee DOES taste like butt!

July 6, 2013

A blog of mine worth revisiting...

Ambitious or Never Satisfied?

Crap! It's that one girl!

I celebrate 19 years with this man this month~!  Where's my damn COOKIE!

Who would have thought a blind date would lead to 19 years?  Miracles happen every day. Here's the story on how it came to be....

I babysat for Mike and Kim.  Mike worked with Dennis.  I had just broke up with Ronnie.  Mike came to pick up his kids and said.... "Hey! I know this guy....."

Mike also told Dennis... "Hey, my babysitter just broke up with her boyfriend... you wanna check it out?"  Dennis was like "yeah, sure why not."

Mike tries to tell me what Dennis looks like:  "He's a really nice guy... He wears glasses and they kinda make his eyes big."  (Oh THAT sounds attractive!)

Mike tries to explain to Dennis who I am:  "She sometimes goes to the Spa and she is blond and tall... Dennis thinks he might know who he is explaining and doesn't like me.  But can't be sure... so he still agrees.

Date Night -  We both go to Mike and Kim's.  Dennis is repeating in his head.. "I hope it isn't that one girl! I hope it isn't that one girl! I hope it isn't that one girl!"

I walk in... and in his mind he says.. "CRAP!  It's that one girl!"

We go to see the movie SPEED.  We hardly speak, he never asks for my number.  We say goodnight.

Cut to one month later.  July 2

I go to spa with a friend that finds a biker more interesting than me and leaves me stranded... I need a ride home... I see Dennis watching me.......Kinda creepy.......  So I say "HI!  you remember me?"
He says "yes."
I say..."Can you give me a ride home?"

He owned a kitchen table with chairs......And the rest is history! 

Our converstations.... what have we become?!?!

Dennis:  Here tastes this.

Raven:  NO!  It's ocean water!

Dennis:  It's tastes really salty!

Raven:  DUH!


Dennis:  I ate something that upset my stomach.

Raven:    Are you okay?  You feel like you wanna throw up

Dennis:  No.  Just gassy.  I swear I could blow up an inner tube!

Raven:  TMI


We SUCK at our Parenting Skills!

Matthew could not keep his eyes open. Here we were - Hollywood Studios in Florida, the epitome of excitement, and my kid decides this is the time to take a nap? He leaned on poles, on me, on walls—basically, anything that supported him. The boy even dozed off while waiting in line for rides! Eventually, we stopped for lunch, thinking food might revive him. Nope. Once he finished eating, his head hit the table like a cement bag. Moments later... not a twitch. Out cold. For Matthew my ADHD kid, that’s the universal sign. He was done.

We tried to wake him gently, but you can’t reason with someone who’s reached a coma-level slumber. What’s a family to do? Oh, we walked away. That’s right. Cleaned up the table, tossed our trash, slid those super loud benches back into place (because why not?), and just strolled off. Meanwhile, Matthew stayed sprawled there, happily snoring in public like he owned the place.

Now, it gets better. I spotted a cast member nearby and, fueled by equal parts mischief and parental exasperation, asked her to help us out. She could hardly contain her laughter but eventually agreed. With some coaxing (OK, some light bullying from me), she tapped his arm gingerly. No response. She tapped again—harder this time, because this kid sleeps like a rock—until finally, she said with a perfect deadpan, “Excuse me, sir? Are you done with this table?”

Matthew bolted upright like a deer in headlights, drool prominently featured (a classic Matthew move). Confused, he scanned the scene only to realize he was utterly abandoned. The tables nearby? Filled with giggling spectators. His response to seeing us at a safe distance? “You guys SUCK as parents!”

Of course, embarrassment only wakes you up so much, so we figured it was time for drastic measures. Enter the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. If plummeting 13 stories—four times in a row—doesn’t shake you out of nap mode, nothing will. Astonishingly, it worked. Matthew was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after that.

Parenting at its finest, folks!

June 28, 2013

Damn Dog!

Tanner: I'm trying to give Alex a peice of chicken and Belson snagged it!

Me: Its okay... he's bad anyway!

Tanner:  Who's bad?

Me:  Alex

Tanner: Why

Me:  Cause I went to help dad with something and I left my food, and when I came back Alex was eating it.

Tanner: You left your food on the couch?

Me:  No.  I left it on the table by dads chair and he climbed up on the chair and then the end table.

Tanner:  What was it.

Raven:  Avacado

Tanner:  *laughs*  Alex ate an avacodo?

Raven:  No! He realized what it was, but once his face was in the bowl I wasn't going to eat it!

Tanner:  awwe.. So Alex got into trouble right before I got here?

Raven:  No this was two days ago.


Raven:  Yeah!  I'm still pissed about it! You don't mess with my food!   

June 26, 2013

June Bugs ONE - Raven ZERO

The damn June Bugs Won! 

Tonight I was enjoying some peace and relaxation out on the patio, while surfing the web and enjoying some Stevie Nicks tunes when I was accosted by June bugs!

I hate June bugs.  They are some seriously over weight, needy bugs that cling to you and NEVER let go, even when you do a weird African type boogie woogie salsa dance!  They're like Velcro! 

They make weird noises as they fly around and I think they might be sight impaired as they never seem to know where they are going.  Either that, or they are drunk!  They slam into walls, chairs, lights and my head!  If they land on the ground, they do this weird type of break dancing and never seem to be able to get up on the first try.  I always watch them and think of that phrase:  Help me I've fallen and I can't get up....

They travel in a pack, as there won't be any... and then all of a sudden one comes, and then four, then twelve... then Forty!... I think they come from Mexico!!!  And you always know when they are coming cause you hear a pop sound, and everyone looks toward the sound, and you know...

It's a June bug!  

Then you start getting all paranoid, cause you know more will show up and take over your area.... knowing they are going to head for the light, but because they all show up intoxicated, they end up in your drinks, and in your hair or hanging on to your shirt while you freak out!  Finally you slap them off you causing them to fly away just to land on you again in a minute. 

It's a vicious cycle that you just can't win. 

June 25, 2013

Not Wanting Much....

Oh man!  I am outside, eating pasta and writing!  I love being outside!  I think I should live in a tent in the woods by a stream....  Okay maybe not a tent... but all the other stuff would work if it was a quaint cottage and had A/C, a room full of books.. and all the music I wanted.  I think I just described heaven...

I might need a kitchen and a bathroom.  And a porch bed swing... and obviously some mosquito repellent.  I hate those pesky things!  But JUNE bugs can freak me out and make me go in really quick!

I might could use a jeep... so I could get to the store... or a Olive Garden. I mean I guess I could just fish in the stream but who would clean them?  Not me!  I barely touch the bait for the hook.  Unless I use Hominy... then it's okay, but I won't touch a fish once I catch it.  NOPE!  A garden to work in would be cool.... LOTS OF CANTALOUPE PLEASE!

Yep... I don't need much....

June 22, 2013

My husband is a kiss ass

Eating at the Outback (Which was FULL)

Dennis:  I never have had to wait this long before.

Me:  They're busy....  It's not a big deal.

Dennis:  Yeah I know, cause I am with the girl I love. 

Me:  GAG!

I am married to a Little Debbie Junkie

Watching Dennis pull his hand out of a Little Debbie Swirl Box.....

Me:  OMGOSH Dennis!  Do you have enough?

Dennis:  What?!  This is all that would fit in my hand!

Me:  Are you going to eat all of those?

Dennis: For now... Doesn't mean I ain't coming back for more though!

June 17, 2013

Ahhh Family time!

I can FEEL the food chain shifting.....
This is how my mom survived raising 4 children.  She ignored us!  Pretending we were never up to no good. 

I Call B.S.!!

I have been playing scrabble with my sister  who lives in Colorado lately, and while playing a perfectly  Legitimate word, it said it was not a word!!  I found it ironic... Because I play this game on my iPad.... Using an app!  I call BS!!!

June 14, 2013

Dog Sitting

We are dog sitting for some friends.  She is such a cute and sweet little Yorkie.  She has been no problem at all.  We could tell she was missing her mommy and daddy that first day... so Dennis started talking to her like he does our dogs.  But you can't call us mommy and daddy... so he started referring to himself as Uncle Dennis. 

The 2nd day, Dennis still refered to himself as Uncle Dennis, but started to refer to me as Grandma! 

Me:  How come you are Uncle Dennis and I am GRANDMA?!?

Dennis:  I don't know...

Me:  Well I am not grandma if you are Uncle.  So ....... call me something else!

Dennis:  Great grandma?

Me: *insert stink eye look here*
Today is my youngest birthday.  He is 18!  I have mixed emotions about this.  I don't know where 18 years went.. but it sure went in a hurry.

My Life in a Nut shell!

June 13, 2013


I got up and got dressed.... nice clothes, not bummy ones...Put on make up!... FIXED my hair... didn't pull it up or put on a cap.  I was looking good enough to be out and about. I go to the store  and I won't tell you which one, but not because I don't want too... but because I shouldn't.  AND the sales jerk..( not clerk) says:...

You tired?

I say.... er , NO? 

She says:  You look tired!

WTH?!?  I know YOUR not working on commission! Why do I look tired?  I didn't look tired 15 minutes ago when I left the house!  I can tell you this... even if I did look tired... I looked better then she did! 


June 12, 2013

Swimsuit suicide watch! I can't believe I pay for this torture!

This mess spells depression!  The Sales lady will love me!
So... I bit the bullet today and finally went swim suit shopping! Only took me 5 years!  And let me just say, that was the most depressing 3 hours of my life! My friend Tracy went with me and I swear she brought me every swimsuit they had... every color.... every style... and none of them made me look even near 18 again. or 21, or 34, or 46... or.... well you get the point! UGH!

What happened to the fun time of buying that perfect suit with your friends, the one that hugged you in the right places and showed off what little you had.  And the fact that you wanted the boys to see you in it.  Laying out with your friends at a public pool or a lake!  NOW, I am looking for a swimsuit that not only sucks in, lifts up, divides, conquers, trims, molds, squashes, separates, reshapes and defines, but also one that will look good completely covered up with a large Sarong wrapped around my entire body!   And we PAY for this?!?!

If I wasn't going to the Atlantic Ocean in a couple of weeks... I would not have bought one!

Life is unfair and who needs it!!!  Why must women trade in their perfect little OP bodies when they have kids?!?!  Oh who am I kidding... I got this figure from my love of chocolate ice cream!  Well... here's to Special K for breakfast, lunch and dinner the next couple of weeks!!!

June 10, 2013

SUNBURNED!!!!! Holy Hell

I am on this mission to tan.  Why?  Cause I am going to Florida and the beach. I want to wear nice cool flowing sun dresses and sandals and be comfortable... I don't want to be the pasty white girl on the beach looking pathetic, so I thought I would get my tan on.
I got my burn on! 
It hurts. 
Holy Hell!
When I told Dennis that I didn't' want to look stupid at the beach all white, he said,  "Yeah, now you get to go all peeling and gross!  That's the look to go for!" Smart ass husband.... 
I forgot how a sunburn hurts!  I am a dumb ass! 

I am a Librocubicularist!

Okay so I am a librocubisularist.  There!  I admit it.  I enjoy that time of day.  And I also wear my hair up and have glasses.  I prop up on numerous pillows and even sometimes have a robe up all the way to my neck, with a hot cup of something ready at all times.  But I am not understanding the thigh highs.  Pretty sure I don't own a pair or would wear them while I read.  They are a little scary, and frankly.... it makes me uncomfortable just seeing this.  Plus I think this chick fell asleep as she has no pupils! 

June 9, 2013

More Space Needed!!

My kitchen table is never going to be the same.  I have it filled with crap!  I am so busy with computer stuff and book stuff and ledgers.... the list is long and all of that is on my table. I can't see the top!  It's sad.  I need a desk.  Wait!  I have a desk.  It wasn't big enough!  Now I need a bigger table.  Maybe I need to just simplify and do one thing at a time!  YEAH RIGHT!  I have not time for one thing at a time.  It all has to be done by last Tuesday!  I would take a picture... but my phone is on the table... and I can't find it.  :(

June 8, 2013

This is not a Drill!

The last two weeks are not the weeks to live in Oklahoma!  We have had so many tornado's, I can't even tell you, for sure, how many we have actually had. 

Is TOO DAMN MANY close enough?

But it isn't the same as hearing the weatherman say "There is a mile wide storm with a multiple vortex tornado coming straight for you!"

.... which it was. 

Both sides of neighbors come over with their dogs and our neighbors from across the street.  We all watch the weather while we still have time before we have to go in the fraidy hole.  Of course our electricity goes out! It goes out when the sky is blue, and the birds are singing, and there is no wind.
I think if someone in the neighborhood  farts.... the electricity goes out!

Anyway... the last thing we heard on the TV was; "We have a tornado on the ground ONE mile south of I40 heading toward Yukon.

DUDE!  We LIVE 1 mile south of I40!  So this tornado was not just heading toward our town... but our street.... Without power and us having the weatherman to depend on... We start going down into the cellar. 

We have a 15 man cellar and we had 11 people and 7 dogs in before the night was up.  

You learn things when you go in the basement for real.  You know.... when you actually have to close the door because a truck might slam into your face if you don't? 

I learned  IT IS HOT in there! We need CIRCULATION!!!

I learned we need benches instead of chairs.  Chairs are bad.  They are big and take up too much room!  

We need a weather radio cause the life gets SUCKED out of your phone while you have iheart radio streaming... listening to the weather!

I also will take a ice chest down there and put some water in it!

 I was not prepared this storm... except with a place to go and lights!  I had two lanterns and 4 push on lights.  WHY for one small area I have NO IDEA.. but we were good in the light department!!!

After the tornado threat was over... we needed an ark!  It rained 10 inches and flooded lots of places in the city and surrounding towns. 

I am ready for this storm season to be over with. 

May 25, 2013

Something you don't see every day

I was at a store yesterday and while waking down an isle in search of candles, I walked past an older man that was bald, and he had a large band aid smack dab in the middle of his forehead!  Now I know as you get older you tend to not worry so much what you  look like in public, but a band aid on your forehead?  Come on!

May 19, 2013


Ya know... I came to a conclusion today.  I think I need to get a tetanus shot before I go into another casino!  People that frequent those places look scary!  They do not look like the people you see in movies that are in a casino.  They aren't all dolled up, or look like mobsters.  Nope, they look like washed up has beens that might still be strong out on crack! 

May 14, 2013


I have all these ideas in my head.  They kinda jumble up in there.  Then I fall asleep and the next day I have more.  I think my mind must look like the local trash dump by now.  I never seem to have time to sit and write my thoughts down.  So I use my NOTES on my iphone.  I looked at them today and could not sifer a ONE of them. So I wrote down another note.... BE MORE specific!


The other day I blogged about needing a fork cause I was done.... well.... today I need a knife... so I can stab myself!!!!  The year as a whole went by pretty fast, I mean wasn't it just Christmas?  Sure doesn't feel like I got my ipod 5 months ago..... But since Spring Break I feel as if it is going is SLO MO!  Today is the Seniors last day of school.  I will miss the little buggers that sit in my office daily and make my life here easier.  For that reason I am sure the rest of my time here will take forever!  Is this purgatory?

May 9, 2013

Stick a fork in me cause I am DONE!

Oh my HECK!  I am ready for some lazy days and late reading nights!  Company on the back porch and movie nights with my kids on the couch!  I am ready to date my husband!!  I need R&R in the worst way and I need to have time to heal my poor body from this sickness I have had to put up with for 9 months!   I am ready to organize and clean my house.  And I am ready to write!!!  I am ready for my SUMMER BREAK!  I really like that it will spill over into the fall! ;)  I don't go back to work until Sept! 

Big Annoucement!

We are opening a Daycare in September!  So that means I am either out of my mind or a glutten for punishment!  Either way... it's happening.  I am excited and nervous!  Ready and NOT ready all at the same time!  The architect and I went over some last minute things, and now comes the blue prints.  First order of business was to get my L.L.C Papers and to name it.  The name is A Child's Garden.  WHICH is what I wanted to name my other daycare but couldn't because it was already an existing business in Edmond.  (A greenhouse business) This summer I get to buy TOYS!  I have missed buying toys!!! lol

I have been working on the website and it is killing me! lol  I am trying to make sure all bases are covered, T's are crossed and i's dotted.  I want to give enough information, but not overwhelm them or confuse anyone. I am very picky and it never seems quite right!  It'll get there.

I have enjoyed the last three years off from daycare, but truth be told, I always missed it.  It's just where I belong.   I thought when I sold my other one that I would have the feeling of a huge weight off my chest.  I never felt that.  I did feel alot of regret!  Weird!  I have done a lot of growing over the last three years and alot of reflecting.  And I have always worked.... I thought being a stay home mom for Matthews high school years would be where it was at... NOT!  I can't sit home!  Depression sets in! 

I think I can definitely hone in on where my weaknesses where in my other center and not have the weaknesses in this one.  Keeping business separate from friendships will be hard, but I know it is a must.

May 2, 2013

Count down

I have 19 days left of work then then I am off until September!!!!! WOOT WOOT!    Been a long rough year health wise.  I am hoping I am getting stronger!

Not Cool this 3 a.m.!

I woke up at 3:00 a.m.  3:00!!!!  What happens at 3:00 a.m that I needed to be wide away for?!?  Nothing that's what!  I roll over that make sure I have an "A-OKAY" text from Katie saying she was at home, in bed and safe.  then I notice my sister left me a message, so I write her back... next thing I know we are having an entire conversation!  For like one hour! 

I never did go back to sleep, though I should get an A for EFFORT!  I tossed and turned and tried new pillows.  I did really well all day though, kept busy and did my job.... now that I am home I am fighting sleep!  I really don't want to waste my evening time off sleeping so I am struggling.  I would rather sleep at work!

April 20, 2013

Therapy comes in all forms.....

I have a lot of pinned up anger.... I can see why.  I understand why.  I am trying to control my words, but  I seriously might explode.  Fever blister, stress, anxiety.... yeah I fear my up coming blogs might upset some people.   Life is short... and I am not going to shorten mine by keeping anger bottled up to spare feelings of those that put me in this state.  Therapy comes in all forms.  Mines called blogging.  Watch out.

April 19, 2013

Not really feeling it.

We have two performances left with GREASE.  I am ready to get it done.  Not just because of how this crazy and ODD experience has effected me, but because I have other important things going on in my life that I need to make 1st priority.

Not sure I will ever direct another play.  Think that part of my life is over. I have been very successful at directing plays.  I have always managed to get great plays that people want to come watch.  But going to another town 15 miles from home to a theatre... and it taking up so many nights a week and it being so much work, and the feeling of swimming upstream for 8 weeks is not my idea of feeding your passion. 

Although I am use to being behind the scenes.. and prefer it actually... I have never felt so isolated.  There is a loop in that theatre, and I was never let into it, and because of that, I feel the final project suffered for it. 

But, Stars were born!  And I am sure they will continue to shine somewhere, even if it isn't at that theatre.  Altough I have met some pretty cool cats, I'm ready for it to be wrapped up!

March 25, 2013

4 Blogs in March?  That's ridiculous!  27 in January and 4 in March!!! Where am I putting all my creativeness???  Oh yeah!  GREASE!

I Blinked and Missed Spring Break!!!

Why is it a normal week of work, staying busy and responsibilities drags by but a week off to catch up on fun things goes so fast you never feel like you actually had a break!?  I kept very busy for the week, doing lots of different things.  First off, we had play practice 8 days during spring break, so it's safe to say that I worked on Play stuff alot of the time.  I also worked on some daycare stuff, Taxes, returned phone calls, cleaned house, and went to see my mom for a couple of days.  I have come to one conclusion and that is.... I have to no idea how I have time to work!!! :)

My sleeping pattern changed and therefore, today... on my first day back, I am exhausted!  I cleared up my crafts for the play last night and was in bed by 10:15... HOWEVER, I did not fall asleep until 3:00!  Getting up at 6:00 is going to make this a long day!  The only comforting thought with that is most of the people I have talked to are in the same boat! I hate being such a night owl!  I even got up early so I would be sleepy enough to go to bed early, but my mistake was relaxing in my bed with Dennis and Matthew while watching a movie and we all fell asleep!  I woke up to find even both dogs in the bed with us... UGH!

Well, I have 10 weeks of work ahead.  I hope I can get my routine back on!  Here's to June 7!!!!!!

March 22, 2013

Busy Busy

I have been too damn busy to write a blog.  I mean how busy do you have to be not to have time to sit and write something?!?!  Well... I am THAT busy!  We now are 3 weeks to opening night on Grease and NOT READY!  But what else is new.  Isn't all shows not ready until the day AFTER opening night?!?!  Maybe those are just MY shows! :)

We will be though, cause I am working their butts off!  We have all kinds of extra practices and they work very hard on their own as well.  I think I might have some perfectionists in the cast! :)  Either that or some people with some serious OCD and they might need medication!

Battles are getting fewer and farther between... some things backfire and some don't.  I laugh at the ones that don't, and kick myself for the ones that do.  I still have to find a stinking light and sound guy.  I am NOT tech friendly.....cause I tried to do it all tonight plus take notes and keep the cast of 30 on track!  I was playing songs that weren't even in the play!!!  I swear.... THIS is why I am tired! 

I would like to enjoy the couch and a home cooked meal soon... 3 weeks!  THREE WEEKS!

March 7, 2013

Shit will Fall Off you if you Piss me OFF

I don't get made often... but when I do... I am somewhat........ mean.  What is with all the rude people these days.  Hows does your lack of effort cause it to be my fault.  I don't think so.  But as Dawson said in Roadhouse...It's time to be nice...until its not time to be nice.  My alarm is fixing to go off...

Lazy people can't have OCD

 I have felt a bit lazy lately... even though I am always busy doing something.  After all no rest for the wicked!  And I like to stay busy.  I often have more then one iron in the fire.  But I can be a bit lazy when it comes to the same old chores every day!  I mean.... didn't I JUST pick up the living room or put laundry up!?! 

And I use to think I was superstitious and that is why I did things over and over until they were right, or until it felt right.  I would even think... I have to walk around this three times, or I have to let it ring 5 times, or I had to fold it just right.... or bad things will happen.  I remember thinking how stupid it was, but I had to do it just the same. 

The other day, while making my bed it had to be just right.  I was running late and my rational mind was saying... you don't have time for this, while I still took my time to get it just right!  Then it hit me.  Lazy people can't have OCD... it takes to much effort to try to be perfect!  With OCD, you do things over and over and a lazy person doesn't even want to do it once! 

So now which is better, being lazy or OCD... oh great a new worry!  I'm a hypochondriac!!!

February 27, 2013

I wanted a snow day!

A shell of who I was

Growing old watching my mother grow old.  Totally new to me.  To all of us I imagine.  I watch my friends become grandparents, and I think where am I at?  I feel the same, yet different.  I know I am the same person, but yet not.  So strange to find a place in the world after your done with another place.  It's like we are shedding our skin.  Baby... shed..... child.... shed....teenager.... shed..... young adult, mother, care giver...... shed.... now what?  I feel like a locust.  the shell is the same, but where am I?

February 18, 2013

Ready? Set!! .... Crap!

Directing Grease again!  I might have to kill myself now.  I held auditions and I was suprised that I was able to cast the whole show with the auditions! 

But before this happened, we have already had lots of ups and downs on this adventure.  For one, we were suppose to do this LAST YEAR, and the license didn't get approved in time.  Then, I had some issues with Divas in my way... and we all know that Raven don't talk Diva!  Then we have too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Then, when we had auditions full of young 10 - 14 year olds and older people!  I was like... This play is going to end up being "Grease!  Before high school", or "Grease!  The 20 year high school reunion" show!  Man.. I was like no way!  I am all for casting older actors over young ones.... cause face it, I don't like Stage moms in my  Eventually a group came together and feels like the T birds and the Pink Ladies and I think we got this!

Now I am trying to get everyone lined out with their jobs... Set construction, painters, Prop Director, Costume Director, Music Director and Choreographer!  There is a lot to do and everyone has a job!  My deal is.... I have no idea who is doing what?!?  Gotta figure this out quick! 

We are going to rent mics (thanks to Guymon Community Theatre) and sing with a track... which scares me... but will sound so much better!  First two weeks is hard cause of the blocking.  Then after that comes the RE BLOCKING!  Ugh.... again, I think I might shoot myself!

Just ready to see some progress even though we haven't even had our first on stage practice yet!  I might be a little impatient!

February 15, 2013

Curiosity Almost Cost Me An Eye Brow

So I was digging around in the bathroom drawer looking for my elusive brush.  I could not find it anywhere.  I was starting to curse myself because I thought I had left it at the hotel in Fort Worth, and it is my favorite brush, the one I use daily AND one that is not easily replaceable. 

Well... that should have stayed my only problem. 

My husband and I have a large bathroom in our master bedroom and we each have our own drawers.  He has all kinds of cool stuff in his drawer that I have always wondered about.  Well while looking for my elusive brush, I saw his weird little twisty thing... Now I have watched him cut the nose hair out of his nose with these and have even stopped and watched him while he used these little do hickey's.

Getting them out I didn't see any blade.  How can this work?  How can it cut the hair out of your nose if there isn't a blade?  So I decided to put it to the test.  First I ran it just on my upper lip.  It made a pretty cool sound when I did it, but lets face it... I don't have a mustache so how was it going to prove that it shaved anything?

Looking in the mirror I got a bright idea.....since I usually pluck my eye brows... I wondered if it could trim my eye brows.  (Insert slap on forehead here). 

WELL......there is a blade somewhere in there.  It does exist, and it DOES cut your eyebrows. 

And thank God I realized this before my right eyebrow was completely gone!  I think I will stay out of his drawers from now on.

January 30, 2013

I ate spaghetti and didn't combust!

Eating some food again after being told I have LPR is good!   Too bad I can't eat chocolate, but really... my ass was getting rather large, so this could be a good thing.  I am not happy to just eat food with flavor again!  Spaghetti was a good start!  Yeah me

January 27, 2013

The Mr Yukon Pageant

Last night was the 14th annual Mr. Yukon Pageant.  The contests have to attend Yukon High School and it was so funny to watch boys I see daily in my office on stage! And the whole things is put on my the Yukon High School Pom Squad as a fund raiser. What a great gig!  

Katie went with me because Dennis didn't want to go... although I have no idea why!  I thought it would have made a great date night activity!  lol  I think he was thinking about the pageants he has sat through with Katie as a contestant and thought these boys would actually take it seriously!  Although, some did, most of it was just pure entertainment!

Boys are sure different then girls are (other than the obvious).  I commented on the fact that the boys would actually help each other out by being in their skits to help them pull off their talents, whereas girls..... eh, not so much! 

We saw singers... good and FUNNY!  We saw dancers, a comedian, a piano player, rappers, the 7 up guy "bump it likes its hot",  a lead singer in a rock band, a thug that played a recorder....  and some crazy strange and somewhat frighting dance where a guy had his hands tucked into this parachute type outfit.  Seriously, that performance might need to be accompanied by some therapy for this audience member. ;)

Our high school police officer that was there working the show on duty said,  "I'm watching this laughing so hard, and thinking.... I can't believe I get paid for this!"

At the end of the evening a Senior boy won the crown and he was truly very good.  He sang a song he made up called, "I'm Bored, " while being accompanied by another contestant on the guitar.  It was very Justin Beiber-ish and I still find myself singing it.

The only down-fall was when I realized I forgot to take my 2 gallons of milks and quart of ice cream home before the show.  But it was cold enough on this January Oklahoma night, that it was fine!

January 23, 2013

My kids are Stupid! lol

I am a money tree... Or at least that what my kids think.  Poor stupid children. They don't realize we are just poor white trash.

January 22, 2013

I am THAT crazy OKC/Rumble fan!!

I marked one thing off my bucket list today... I got a picture with Rumble!  I work at the high school that won a contest that got him, the storm chasers, the cheerleaders and the DJ,  to come and do a game at our school.  Every since I have seen an OKC Thunder game and I watched Rumble perform, I put him on my bucket list.  He is such a big personality, I HAD to have my picture with him!!!

Flash Back to Sept... when we were at the Oklahoma state Fair, I saw Rumble.  I got so excited and was practically dragging Dennis toward him.  He was surrounded by kids, so instead of pushing them out of the way... which was what I wanted to do..... (hehe) I waited for my chance to get a picture.  He had to leave before I could get one and all day long I whined!  Dennis kept laughing at me and saying he was just a big Muppet, and I would get mad and tell him he WAS NOT! He was real!!!   
Watching Rumble walk away was the saddest thing that happened to me that day!

Back to the Present - Getting the picture,however, was not easy!  First of all, I was tired!  Just got back from Fort Worth last night late, still living out of my suitcase this morning, dragging myself to work.  After work I went home and took a 20 minute power nap!  I knew I was going to need my strength for my hunt for Rumble at the YHS game tonight.

Matthew met me at the game, but had to leave for gym before I could locate Rumble so Katie came up there and got ready to use the camera once I found him. my kids have always been my partners in crime.   I tried to find him early, before the game started because since I work there, I can walk the halls easier then most... but I think Rumble stays in his van before he enters a game.  Too many people want to see him!  Once he came out to roll the thunder on the drums... I started the stalking game.

Of course he went of the OPPOSITE side of where I was sitting... which prompted me to jump up, crab my purse, my jacket, my coat and my camera.... and sprint to the other side of the HUGE gym.  Once there, I watched as he climbed down and went across the gym floor to the exact location we were JUST AT!  GOOD GOD!!!

I sprint back through the halls with all my belongings...down the stairs and I see the Miller Man... (our mascot) with Rumble.  He was getting his picture with him.  Now... I have connections with the Miller Man... after all, it's NOT WHAT YOU KNOW BUT WHO YOU KNOW!  He saw me and knew I wanted a picture with Rumble, so he told Rumble.... in their mascot, no talking way of course..... that I wanted a picture... and then Rumble looked up at me with his big brown eyes and shook that big ole' horned head at me...motioning for me to come over!

I got THREE pictures with him, and my daughter said when I walked away, he did the crazy sign to his head with his finger and pointed at me!  Man!  Rumble is not only AWESOME, but smart!   I am crazy enough to do whatever it takes to get my picture with him and cross one more thing off my bucket list!

Thunder UP!

Scary Toilet!

The Toilet at the hotel scared me!  It was quick to flush... extremely loud and it had the suction of an airplane toilet.  I literally was afraid if I got too close it would suck my scarf off my neck and blow it out over Switzerland!  I learned to step away and flush as I ran out the bathroom door!  I have no idea why it was so powerful, but it made me wonder what kinds of quest they had had in the past to make them get the super sonic toilet system!

January 21, 2013

My 4th hour Blessings in disguise (except Micah. He is bad) lol

I have two hours with my 4th hour aides and those are the funniest hours of my day! Although everyone of these boys will work very hard to get the job done... in our more quiet moments I have got to spend some quality time with them.  This is what I have learned:

*Clay is a self proclaimed nerd who still owns a Lego Star Wars watch and wears socks that have caps and bow ties!  He seems to takes his school work very seriously but I know it is only because he doesn't want his sisters to have better grades then he does!  He is also very concerned that I will be taken during the apocalypse and he won't be.

*Micah is a mischievous one with a smirk on his face all the time. He plots against me... I know it! Well I can prove it.  Once after I returned to my office and he had just left, my computer screen was different, my chair was low, my iphone had a new background with a note attached telling me he hopes I found everything he had messed with while I was gone.

 *Ross is a tall curly headed blond boy that would fit right in with the friends on Big Bang theory. I see Sheldon's humor in him.  He always has a funny story about himself or one of his friends.  He dresses like someone in the 70's (or a Goodwill shopper) but always manages to look hip... which makes him a hipster!

*Tanner is my sweet guy that is shocked by what the others say and do. Must have paid a fortune for his smile and is the brother of our currant Miss Oklahoma USA.

*Matthew is the jock.  He is in all the sports and has a very none emergency thing about him.  He moves at his own pace and often shoves all the chairs together and tries to nap!

I am thankful for these crazy aids.  My day is much more pleasant with them in it.

January 19, 2013

On the OTHER side of the Trees.... there's a lake.

While driving to Fort Worth Texas... I had my friend take pictures of some of the landscape.  Oklahoma has some great scenery!  We were driving by this huge beautiful lake and the sun was shinning on it.  I said... "Tracey!  Get a picture of the lake." So by the time she fumbled around with the camera and took the picture... this is what we got. 

YEAH!  :(

Great shot of the "lake" TRACEY!  Don't quit your day job! lol

January 16, 2013


Lights are out. Alarm is set. Tucked in for the night and curling up to a romance novel. Going to bed at a decent time for the first time this week.

Parents anniversary

So weird to call my mom and not tell her happy anniversary.  This is the second year, and it just doesn't seem right that this very important date is not being recognized any longer.  We tend to shy away from it.  I know it is hard for my mom, so that is why we probably do that.  But still, I call her just to say hi.  I hope she knows I remember, and that was the real reason for the call.

January 14, 2013

Seven Is My Number

I had an aide ask me today if I had any New Years Resolutions.  I said no because I never end up doing them and set myself up for failure EVERY year by making them.  Then I see all these posts about 100 things people want to do or accomplish this coming year and I am thinking... 100?!?!  WOW. Talk about setting oneself up for disappointment!  Let me make that my #1 thing I want to do this year....   READ 100 accomplishments that someone else wants to do.  Makes no sense.  Plus, I would never get that hour back!  ( I'm a slow reader). 

So, I thought I would write down 7 GOALS I would like to reach this year.  Then I wondered... will NOT accomplishing only 7 things make me a looser?  I mean, 7 isn't a large number... and if I only get 5 of them, should I still feel as though I succeeded?  I guess it would depend on how big or outside of the box they are.  And let's just face it.  I am NEVER in the box!
So here goes:
  1. Get a little religion flowing in my blood.
  2. Continue to have a happy and healthy marriage and spend as much time with family as I can .
  3. Help my kids succeed in whatever endeavors they choose to do.
  4. Always say kind words instead of negative words, and try to always bring a positive influence to my surroundings by doing something good for others.
  5. Finish my book  and then publish both of them, either just for my own personal library or for yours :) But I don't want all that work to just sit around or get lost... or heaven forbid, DELETED!
  6. Create my own path. (This is a wide open sentence, since I am really unsure of what it is I  want to do.. I can't pin point one idea.
  7. Have a healthy life and make as many friends as possible.

January 13, 2013

From a Walker to Independence in 2.2 Seconds!

I watched my daughter drive down the street today and I remembered her in her walker just yesterday... Zooming around in that big round thing, running into furniture and bouncing off of walls with a big smile plastered on her toothless face.  She felt her first experience of independence in that walker that I gave to her.   Where did all that time in between the walker and the car go? 

January 12, 2013

Dead Beat Parents ... take that call!!!

Who doesn't give all they have to their kids? Dang dead beat parents that's who! 

My passion is kids.  I have no idea why.  It is not really where I wanted my life to go.  But once I had my first born...I was hooked on the idea of it! 

Kids are amazing.  Fresh minds and talents, with the world at their finger tips and every adult in their life has an amazing opportunity to be such a great influence to them and what they can become.

Why do some parent choose to be such JERKS!

Okay maybe it is too late for some of you to be parents.  You know the ones.... the ones that only gave the money cause it was court ordered and never worried if they had anything other then that.  Why can't you dead beats own up to what you did and apologize to your kids and tell them it was your mistake and that it had nothing to do with them. 
Maybe it isn't too late to still become friends with your adult children.

I am dumbfounded at the amount of effort some will do to keep from doing anything for their kids.  Hiding in a house and not answering doors.... avoiding conversations, not sending simple acts of kindness such as a card to tell them, Merry Christmas,  congrats on your graduation.... happy birthday?! 

Parents are suppose to help them out emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially.  What is wrong with these people that they aren't just head over heels in love with their own kids?  Man, whenever my kids call, I don't care where I am, I take the call.  I might say... let me call you back, but I take that call. 

January 11, 2013

Katie's New Adventure

Katie is going back to college this spring and we are very happy for her.  She only took a semester off... she wanted to study "life" for a semester and decided - rather quickly - that she wanted a new major! lol  But just because she wasn't at school didn't mean she set idol. 

She moved to OKC and in her own one bedroom apartment... worked on furnishing it the way she wanted which is retro and new york!  (Of course).  She works two jobs and hangs out with friends.  She works out with her personal trainer and she got to go to Las Vegas for a week and party!!!  (She actually was in a singing contest and won 14th place nation wide!)  There has been several other adventures along the way, but I can't remember all their names! LOL

Once she decided to go back to school she had to figure out some financial issues, as she always paid for college her self.  However, this time she is not sharing a house with 4 other girls.  It was proving to be a bit challenge.  Her daddy, once again, came to her rescue!  Daddy's are amazing like that... or at least some are.... and luckily hers is AWESOME to always take such good care of her.  He wants her to succeed in her life,so he handed her his visa today and told her he would help her with her college expense. 

Next Monday she will get to enroll in her classes and start her new adventure and take those baby steps toward her new career.  I am not sure what she is majoring in because she is talking to her advisor to see how her associates she has already earned can help her achieve her Bachelors degree.  But I can tell you this... It will be a major that has "Katie" written all over it. 


It's 9:00 and I am SO SLEEPY!!!  What has become of my life?!?! 

January 10, 2013

I changed my mind! I don't want to be a Big Foot in my next life!

Why does my hair get to the same length and then just quit growing? I always wanted long, luxurious hair... "CHER HAIR"!  Yes I was the girl that wore the slip on her head and flipped my head back while I sang into a brush singing,  "I got you babe!".....  But it gets just past the shoulders and then stops. As in DOES NOT GROW!!! 

And it isn't as if I haven't tried everything to get it to grow.  I have taken vitamins, put eggs and mayo in it, used horse shampoo and conditioner.  I have bathed it with Beer!  I have permed it... NOT permed it.  NOT blow dried.  Not curled it and.... even slept on a silk pillow case. 

I have wore it up tight in a pony tail. Something about pulling it out from the scalp, and I have stopped wearing it up tight in a pony tail ... something about causing it to split.

I have kept it trimmed.  Massaged my scalp.  I even tried pulling it like those dolls with the button in their stomach.  You know the one!  (That will tell your age).

Maybe my next life I will have long hair.  Maybe I will be like Rapunzel!  Okay I dont' want to go overboard.... I would end up looking like big foot... or worst, coming back as a big foot!

Maybe I will just count my blessings and go buy extensions!

January 9, 2013

Memories That Slam You In The Face

Strange how memories can slam you in the face out of nowhere.  I mean, I remember my Daddy every day.    Every day without fail, when I drive to work, I think of my Daddy because the sun is just coming up and the sky is so pretty. He was always up and already doing something outside by that time.  He loved being outside and getting his day started before it got too hot.

Out of the blue today I remembered something my daddy use to say and do with me and my siblings when we were little.  We could be whiny or could have hurt ourselves, or maybe we were just tired... What ever he was doing, watching TV, eating dinner, talking with friends, he would stop and stick out his hand and say, "Ahhh, come lay you're little head in my hand." and then miracles upon miracles we always felt better! 

I wish I could put my head in his hand today.

January 8, 2013

Day 8 Is A Bust!

Oh no! Day 8 and I don't have anything to say? How is the possible? I always have stuff to say! I know! I know! you are use to my blog being informative and full of scholorally topics! but today on day number 8... I got nothin'! This is going to be a long year!

January 6, 2013

A "Step On Me" Moment......

My oldest daughter, Stephanie, AKA "Step on me" came to visit over the weekend and spent some quality time with Matthew.  While they were at the mall, Matthew hiccuped and asked...  What causes us to hiccup."  Stephanie told him it was caused by too much air in our heads!  WoW! Really?lol 

OKAY, now in defense of Stephanie.  What she meant to say was we had too much air in our LUNGS.  But I can't seem to fight the urge to give her crap about it.  So there ya have it.. the blog of the day!

HUGS Steph!

January 5, 2013

Dreams in my pocket

Am I too old to have new ideas? Am I too set in my ways, or to tired to handle a new challenge? What is the age of standing still?  Cause I know that often people change directions but is my timing off? I have big pockets and I want a life full of meaning and of success. The "know how" is there, and my ability is greater. I want to make a difference and I still feel like a flame that isn't ready to go out!  Does life begin with change or does it end?  Ugh!  I need a shrink! 

January 4, 2013


So I buy me some chex mix to have a snack tonight while I work on my computer.  My favorite is the little brown round cracker.  Don't exactly know what it is called, but there is literally like 5 in the entire 8.75 oz!  WTH!!!  There are hundreds of those fake cereal looking things and tons of pretzels, but I like the dark round crackers!!!  I feel as if I am being screwed here! 

Different Time Zone

Today I got up at 7:30 against my bodies objections and started my day running!  Lots to do the last official day of my winter break.  Days off travel fast and days at work drag.  Story of every ones life I am sure. 

Got a directing gig coming up Feb - April.   Been working on this for about 7 months now.  Theatre finally got the rights and the cash to pull it off.  I got some dates ready and assistants lined out.  Casting is in February, with rehearsals starting right away.   Ready to Rock and Roll GREASE! 

I was lucky enough to get to change pharmacy companies today!  THE JOY!  Took me all of 1 hour to get everything straight.... but happy to say I won't start "jonesin'" for my drugs from lack of delivery! 

I also got what might just be the final over all floor plan of the upcoming daycare center!  The builder emailed it to me today for my final stamp of approval. Now I just have to figure out if this is the floor plan that will best work!  This is only the 25th draw up we have had!  Bless the Architects heart!  He must really hate me by now!

I took the dogs to the groomer.  Did some grocery shopping (within budget) and got stuff ready for company we have for the weekend.  Glad this day is at it's end.  I am really trying to get my nights and days switched back to the right time zone!  I have no idea how I can managed to get on Tokyo's time zone so fast!

January 3, 2013

Next Week ... I Might Have Some Issues

The plan of the day was to do nothing!  Well.... I succeeded!  I am not sure how going back to work next week will effect my new interest of doing nothing.  I think it might interfere a bit. 

Next week I will be expected to be up and at work by 7:15 and today I drug myself out of bed at 11ish. (I put the "ish" on the end to clarify that it was after the eleven o'clock hour and could very well have been pretty close to 12:00).  

Next week I will be expected to be dressed and groomed.  Today I wore sweats and a bathrobe.... but I am pretty sure I brushed my teeth, so I view that as an accomplishment.  And to be fair, I wonder if the fact that I succeeded in doing nothing - as that was my plan - is, infact, another accomplishment?

Next week I will be expected to be alert and friendly.  Today, I forgot I was toasting Eggo's, until I smelled something burning... and I yelled at Judge Judy. Ooh!  And the news for telling us again for the 20th time that a house blew up today.  I HEARD THEM THE FIRST TIME!

Next week might be a challenge for me.  

A Good Day

These are my thoughts... If I can manage to make all but one person happy during the day when I have helped around 50 people..... then I will call that a good day!

Was I on drugs while buying music?

What is this crap on my ipod?!?! Did this use to be music and it somehow warped into this weird crazy beat and what ever those instruments are.  Every other word is "shit "and something about "walking on a tight rope".  Here I am, all chilling out, working on the computer and listening to some music when some really weird and somewhat disturbing music comes on.  I hope I didn't pay for this! 

January 2, 2013

Sleepy time with an ipad in your face

I got an ipad for Christmas!  Now I blog from bed.  Dennis should have thought this through better! :)

Dreaming about Zombies

I had a dream that while I was going to get something out of my car, I noticed a Zombie in our garage. I quickly closed and locked the door and then told Dennis:

me: There's a zombie in the garage.

Dennis: What?!? Ewww! How did he get in?

me: Yeah eww! I have no idea. I didn't send him an invitation!

He does nothing.

me: Well, you are going to have to get it out of there, the kids will be home soon.

Dennis: I don't want to. They freak me out!

me: Well he can't just hang out there! They eat the rubber off my tires! Didn't you have the house sprayed? Maybe he will groom himself and die somewhere!

Dennis: ugh! We'res the zombie spray and rubber gloves!?

January 1, 2013

Happy new year!

This is the first New Years we stayed home since we moved here. Not too bad and defiantly warmer! But I missed the ball drop and the venues. Well 2013 .... What do your have in store for us this year? I am hoping to put some dreams in my pocket this year, and hopefully start some new ones. I would like a healthier year and possible one without another funeral. I would like to blog every day but realize I am not, nor is my life ... that interesting! :) I can't even imagine what 365 topics could be about! " why don't people wash the chicken noodles from my sink" or " I brought the wrong shampoo again" don't seem like topics many would be interested in reading about. If I wrote about all the stuff I forget or manage to screw up I might be able to pull off 365 posts! But for now I will call this number one and enjoy this small feeling of accomplishment while it last. Have a great new year!