February 27, 2013

I wanted a snow day!

A shell of who I was

Growing old watching my mother grow old.  Totally new to me.  To all of us I imagine.  I watch my friends become grandparents, and I think where am I at?  I feel the same, yet different.  I know I am the same person, but yet not.  So strange to find a place in the world after your done with another place.  It's like we are shedding our skin.  Baby... shed..... child.... shed....teenager.... shed..... young adult, mother, care giver...... shed.... now what?  I feel like a locust.  the shell is the same, but where am I?

February 18, 2013

Ready? Set!! .... Crap!

Directing Grease again!  I might have to kill myself now.  I held auditions and I was suprised that I was able to cast the whole show with the auditions! 

But before this happened, we have already had lots of ups and downs on this adventure.  For one, we were suppose to do this LAST YEAR, and the license didn't get approved in time.  Then, I had some issues with Divas in my way... and we all know that Raven don't talk Diva!  Then we have too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Then, when we had auditions full of young 10 - 14 year olds and older people!  I was like... This play is going to end up being "Grease!  Before high school", or "Grease!  The 20 year high school reunion" show!  Man.. I was like no way!  I am all for casting older actors over young ones.... cause face it, I don't like Stage moms in my face....lol  Eventually a group came together and feels like the T birds and the Pink Ladies and I think we got this!

Now I am trying to get everyone lined out with their jobs... Set construction, painters, Prop Director, Costume Director, Music Director and Choreographer!  There is a lot to do and everyone has a job!  My deal is.... I have no idea who is doing what?!?  Gotta figure this out quick! 

We are going to rent mics (thanks to Guymon Community Theatre) and sing with a track... which scares me... but will sound so much better!  First two weeks is hard cause of the blocking.  Then after that comes the RE BLOCKING!  Ugh.... again, I think I might shoot myself!

Just ready to see some progress even though we haven't even had our first on stage practice yet!  I might be a little impatient!

February 15, 2013

Curiosity Almost Cost Me An Eye Brow

So I was digging around in the bathroom drawer looking for my elusive brush.  I could not find it anywhere.  I was starting to curse myself because I thought I had left it at the hotel in Fort Worth, and it is my favorite brush, the one I use daily AND one that is not easily replaceable. 

Well... that should have stayed my only problem. 

My husband and I have a large bathroom in our master bedroom and we each have our own drawers.  He has all kinds of cool stuff in his drawer that I have always wondered about.  Well while looking for my elusive brush, I saw his weird little twisty thing... Now I have watched him cut the nose hair out of his nose with these and have even stopped and watched him while he used these little do hickey's.

Getting them out I didn't see any blade.  How can this work?  How can it cut the hair out of your nose if there isn't a blade?  So I decided to put it to the test.  First I ran it just on my upper lip.  It made a pretty cool sound when I did it, but lets face it... I don't have a mustache so how was it going to prove that it shaved anything?

Looking in the mirror I got a bright idea.....since I usually pluck my eye brows... I wondered if it could trim my eye brows.  (Insert slap on forehead here). 

WELL......there is a blade somewhere in there.  It does exist, and it DOES cut your eyebrows. 

And thank God I realized this before my right eyebrow was completely gone!  I think I will stay out of his drawers from now on.