October 31, 2020

Grandbabies are the culprits

Katie and the kids came over today to catch up on laundry since her power is out.  They got to the house around 12:30 and left around 9:00.  They even laid on the couch and watched a movie!  I still got 12,452 steps in because we played outside and ran like crazy!  Still didn't close my rings, but I don't want to give myself a heart attack!

I had a lot of fun getting to spend time with them, but they are a lot of work and I am exhausted!  I am not use to this sort of activity on a daily! lol  I sit at a desk for Petes sake!

10 Ways to survive your next ice storm

  1. Don't live paycheck to paycheck! Save money for emergencies. Put money up and don't touch it except for emergencies. It can be all the change you get when you break a bill... and don't use it for cigarettes. Work odd jobs for emergency money... Babysit, do someone's laundry, pet watch. Just knowingly do that for this emergency fund.
  2. Put Extra food for the cupboard...Food you can fix on the gas stove top or eat cold. Have bread, peanut butter, chips, soups, velveeta cheese, if you have a gas stove, you can make a lot of things. It saves on food and uses the food you have. before it goes bad.
  3. Have Big blankets and candles ready and have a blow up bed ready for sleeping where the heat is or if company crashes to wait out the storm.
  4. Have plenty of firewood, enough to burn for at least 3 days and keep it in a dry place.
  5. Keep your laundry up so you have those comfy Sweats. 
  6. Have flashlights and batteries on hand at all times. 
  7. Have a battery charger ready to give your phone that extra life until you have to find another way to charge it.
  8. Even water if the pipes freeze up. 
  9.  Put some projects aside you can do if you have days to entertain yourself, like creating photo albums, or painting a room. Have puzzles, and games readily available. Netflix on an ipad for a special treat before bed...
  10. Have instant coffee and a tea kettle.

October 27, 2020

Wait Until Next Year

 I have had this cold for about 4 weeks now.  I am so over it.  I have no idea why I am so surprised, I get this every year.  What would it be like to actually not have a cold in the fall?  Anyway, I'm sick with this cough and sore throat and this time, everyone looks at me like I have covid! lol  

Jennifer got tested for it today because she can't smell anything. Shoving vics up her nose and not melling it isn't a good sign.   Hopefully she doesn't have it...  I am tired of sending entire classrooms home. 

Anyway, we have been passing this thing around the place for weeks and it seems it is always my turn to have it.  So I am writing this as some form of a reference.  Next year at this time if I am experiencing a sore throat and an cough I will know that this year... it probably wasn't covid! lol 

October 25, 2020


 Man!!!  Why do I put off doing shit I KNOW I have to do!?!?  I still have to do it and now it's midnight!  I will never grow up!

(On the upside, my blog has a new background, I figured out the new program of blogger and I have updated some posts!  So I guess that is something.)

Just a Covid Update

The election is in about 2 weeks and they have now pretty much stopped trying to contain this virus.  We are not as freaked out about it as before and I have had some cases (1) at the daycare plus some member of their families.  Its definitely closer to home and in Yukon.  We're still waiting wondering what will happen after the election is over and curious to see if there is going to be meds they can use to help.  

President Trump got it and was given some meds and is back out on the campaign trail.  I am very glad he didn't get bad with it.  They say we are closer every day to a vaccine, but I am more interested in meds you can take for it if you get it.  It's always going to be something that will float around every year like the flu.

The joy!

Anyway, I haven't been on the world meter in months so let's see where we are:

8,889,179 cases in the US
230,510 Deaths
5,772,498 recovered


43,345,944 world wide
1,159,093 deaths
31,904,891 recovered


116,736 in Oklahoma
1,249 deaths


3846 Canadian County
23 deaths



You want to know who is going to ruin this country?  


Moms who think their children do no wrong.  

Moms who don’t make their child pay the consequences for any actions.  

Moms who think their child should have the best, get the best and are the best without even having to earn the best.  

The moms who teach their children it’s all about them and not to think of anyone else first.  

Moms need to do better!

October Movies

I love scary movies, but I only watch them during September and October.  Just like I only watch Christmas movies in November and December. Not sure why I'm that way... but by the time September and October rolls around I am giddy with excitement to watch some scary stuff! 

Every holiday has their own genre and should have their own space and season to watch them.  With this holiday coming to a close soon, I am on a mad hunt daily to watch a good, scary movie. With this in mind, I thought I would jot down some of the ones I have watched this holiday season and pass them to you so you didn't have to look as hard as I have had to, to find worth watching movies. (Or steer you away from the bad ones not worth your time.)

I don't like blood or gore, but really enjoy a good thriller, and any type of world catastrophe is good.  I use to like movies like "Contagion", but this year I'm pretty much over that scenario.


Zombies are cool and anything that goes bump in the attic is always a hit with me.  I won't watch demonic possessions movies at all, and I don't usually care for syfi, but for Halloween I allow the exception for that rule.

With all this said, here is a list of movies I have watch this year on Netflix or Hulu.  Maybe you will find something to watch this Halloween season and if you have a suggestion for me, let me know!  I have a week left!


He’s out there - 👍🏼whoa! This is interestingly weird and good, but also creepy 

The Silence 👍🏼 weak storyline and some far fetched plots.. but what’s there was entertaining 

AHS Season 9 - 1984👍🏼 music is awesome a lot like Friday the 13 ... until it’s not! Lol

House at the end of the street👍🏼 name brand actors... Interesting plot... a big twist.  Not the ending I wanted.  But it’s entertaining.  

The cabin in the woods 👎🏼 weird and bloody.   I don’t really like bloody.

Cabin fever👎🏼 predictable and dumb

The Lost Boys👍🏼 classic.  Always a favorite.

Demoniac 👌🏼it’s like a mystery... has a good storyline... a little questionable but it’s a good watch. 

Don’t be afraid of the dark 👍🏼 this movie scared me. I don’t like gremlins running around or under my bed. 

Crawl 👌🏼 this movie exhausted me and ends abruptly  

The haunting of bly manor - 👍🏼confusing if you don’t pay attention and even then you have to figure out what’s going on.  Not has good as the first one.

When a stranger calls 👍🏼 pretty good... suspenseful, stupid ending 

Gerald game 👌🏼weird and heavy it’s mainly dialogue pretty much set in one scene.  

What keeps you alive - 👎🏼the victim is dumb as hell.  She has no heron traits and makes really bad decisions.  And if you understand the ending explain it to me!!!!

Open House - 👍🏼 good thriller. Interesting character 

Hush - 👍🏼 great movie!  Suspenseful.  The kind of movie where you yell at the tv screen. 

Rebecca - 👌🏼 eh. I like period pieces but this isn’t that great.  It worked better as a love story than a scary movie. 

The Lodge - 👎🏼 slow, religious and not really entertaining.... 

October 11, 2020

How to fall asleep in two minutes

1. Breathe slowly and deeply, relaxing the muscles in your face. Release any tension in your forehead, jaw and around your eyes.

2. Relax your body. Start with your shoulders, dropping them as low as possible. Then loosen your upper and lower arm on one side and then the other.

3. While breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly, relax your upper body and then release any tension in your legs, from your thighs to your lower legs.

4. After your entire body has been relaxed for 10 seconds, you have to clear your mind. This can be done by doing one of the following:

  • Imagine yourself lying in a canoe on a serene lake with blue sky above you.
  • Picture yourself cozy and warm in a black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room.
  • Say "don't think, don't think, don't think" over and over again for 10 seconds.

Once you are physically relaxed and your mind is empty for at least 10 seconds, you’ll fall asleep.

20 things I learned at the 1st annual Granddaughter sleep over

1    They are not quit old enough to be left unsupervised.

2    No matter what room you clean or toys you put away, that's the toys and the room they want to play in next 

3    One book is never enough   

4    Just because they go to bed late doesn’t mean their sleeping in

5    Gravity doesn’t exist while jumping on the couch, and you can't see them jump on the couch if they don't see you.

6    They will tattled on each other until someone spills the paint.  Then they go by the snitches get stitches rule.

7    Evelyn can get so much in a small purse she’d make any bag lady proud

8    Girls will run naked around the house if given the opportunity.

9    Pop can't control girls gone wild, but Lolly can.

10    Joanie asks the same question until she gets the answer she wants. 

11    It does no good to tell benji not to spray you.  If he has the opportunity... he’s taking it.

12    Evelyn is a planner, Joanie just wants to know what’s next

13    If there is a ball anywhere josh will throw it and if there is more then one, he will try to hold them all at the same time.

14    If it's small enough to fit down the key hole in the sewer Main....Danny will get-r-done!

15    Either no one has to go potty, or they all have to go at the same time.

16    Wakely can't shut a door without putting her fingers in it first.

17    No one is hungry until the food is put away.

18    They can be in the house by themselves, in a room under the bed playing with something they shouldn't have, but once it's bedtime, they are afraid of monsters!

19    If there is a dog around, it is better than any toy.

20    No matter what you make for breakfast, they want donuts.

October 8, 2020


Religious people sorry but you brought this on yourself. If you're going to be religious you're going to need to lead by example. The hypocrisy of religious people is what turns away so many people from religion. 

Is this your desire? To turn people away from religion? 

If so, you're doing a bang up job of it! You have a big responsibility.  You have the responsible of always being nice, of always doing the right thing.  Of always being the one people look up to, I've always been the one that people go to for guidance, you are the one that needs to be nice sweet forgiving not be the one that's condemning or causing drama. This makes you look bad not only in our eyes but in the eyes of God. Going to confession will not be taking care of all the souls you lost today. So if you're going to walk around and be religious ... then act religious. Your actions are louder than any words  or any prayers you could say.

Empty Nester

My thought process is pretty simple. 

I think it’s OK to have been that involved mother that made dinner for the team and stressed over Cheerleading tryouts. The mom that ran missing homework up to them at school and Freezed your ass off at football games 4  nights a week.  Having the occasional slumber party for all the new cheerleaders or putting on some prom before dinner event We went to the chili cook off‘s,  to the mini dance recitals and school plays.  The talent shows and basketball games and baseball games. 

I think it’s OK to have been that heavily involved with your children. 

I think it’s only natural that when they move out you do have a sense of loss because your identity has been formed around their needs for so long that it is stressful to try to find your way back. 

But at that point you either decide you are your own person or you don’t. You find your own interests... you find your own hobbies.... your own friends, and you find your own life. A new life... but your life.

If you were a controlling parent you probably have a hard time letting that go when they moved on. Instead of seeing it as a job well done you see it as a competition between what I want them to do and what they are doing.

Let it go moms.  Let it go.

October 6, 2020

A misbehaving kid is a discouraged kid, or a disempowered kid, or a kid missing the skills to deal with a challenge they were given. There’s always a reason for a behavior. And building strong relationships will help me find the reason more often than not. 

This happens all the time!

Dennis:  I ate too much!

Me: What did you eat?

Dennis: I ate an entire pizza...

Me: The whole thing?

Dennis: Yeah and 10 cookies.

*** 20 minutes later... Dennis is in the cookie jar again where he eats more cookies.***

Me: Didn't you just say you ate too much?

Dennis: Yeah.

Me: Then why did you just eat more cookies?

Dennis: Cause I have a problem.... okay!?