December 7, 2021

Think of me

Today while working my granddaughter Sammi brought me a present. 

But the story goes back further after all who wants a one line story? Couple weeks ago I made blankets for all the grandkids. I realized that I had made Sammi‘s blanket like the boys and I didn’t want her to be the only girl that didn’t have the fluffy blanket. So I bought new material and I made her a second blanket. That left me with not knowing what to do with her first blanket. I thought about giving it to Evelyn so she would have a blanket and a pillow for naptime at daycare but… I had picked out this material specifically for Sammi, it was purple with unicorns and rainbows and stars and snowflakes. All the things she seems to like. When I make the blankets I think of the child I’m making it for and the whole time I made that blanket I was thinking of Sammi so it only seems right that I gave it to her even though that would mean she had two blankets this year . So I took it to work today and when she got home from school I asked her to come to the front office and I gave her the blanket and she loved it. She went back to her class dug around in her backpack came back to me and gave me this bracelet. She said that it was Christmas time and you’re supposed to buy gifts for your family and she had bought me this at school.  She told me it’s a mermaid and when you see her think of me. This rubber bracelet will find a home either on my wrist or in my jewelry box for years to come. What a special and meaningful gift.

December 5, 2021

Sammi & Danni


Weekends go to fast!

 What did I do this weekend that made it go by so damn fast:

  • Changed the sheets
  • Wrapped presents
  • Cleaned out 6 bathroom drawers
  • Swept and cleaned the swimming pool
  • went  grocery shopping for the week
  • Made Potato Soup
  • Updated website
  • Created newsletter
  • Worked on Blog
  • Cross stitched 1 panel for the blanket
  • Cleaned out the car
  • Listened and completed TWO books on Audible (each 5 hours long)
  • Cleaned out the Fridge
  • Cleaned out the Pantry
  • Straightened out my Closet
  • Worked on Blog
  • Did some mending 
  • Took my mom some Christmas decor

December 3, 2021

Who Needs Netflix!

 I have a library in my home.  <see photo>

It's awesome and cozy.  It has the right amount of light.  Has an awesome chair!  It's full of books and...

 it's seldom used.  

I am the type of reader that once I start a book... I don't want to put it down for hours.  I have been known to read them cover to cover and not sleep at night.  But I am always having things that I need to do, so who has hours to read?  

Not a business owner for sure!!

However, I have discovered the world of Audible books and have been downloading books from Amazon left and right!  I counted the number of books I have listened too, just in the last 6 months. 

********Drum Roll*******


I clean the pool... in goes the headphones.

I clean the kitchen... in goes the headphones.

I craft, sew, cross-stitch, clean the house, go shopping, travel... wait at the doctors office or get my nails done... in goes the headphones!  I am not behind in my home projects....  NOPE!  I just listen to a book and stay busy the whole time!  

I have listened to entire series of books by Authors that took them years to write.  Just finished a series with 3 installments and each book was over 18 hours of listening pleasure!

I'm telling you there is an endless supply of great books out there, I have only scratched the service!

With a great pair of Airpod Pros with noise cancellation... I am forever in a different place!

October 23, 2021

Feels Pretty Damn Good!

I am finally a published author.  It's a great feeling to see your words in print.  I designed the cover and it is on Amazon to purchase.  I don't care if anyone buys it.  It's out there and that is enough!  The second book is so much better.  It is written better and has much more structure.  It took less time then the first, but sometimes you finish what you start, and you do it just for you... to prove you could. 

And I did it.

October 5, 2021

Show me your crazy without telling me your crazy...

I direct Plays....

First time I directed Grease.  These are my T-birds.  I did those jackets

I bet you can pick out Danny Zuko!

The Pink Ladies

Me and Audrey!  She works on movie sets in Hollywood!  
Movies like Waking up in Reno and Cast Away.  She taught me so much!  


October 3, 2021

Show me you CrAzY without TELLING me your CrAzY

I direct Plays.....

 We won Best Show for Steel Magnolias.  First time director in that theatre.. not to shabby.

Me as Truvy....

Look at this mess I did while I said my lines...

Me and my step sisters!

I am blocking the fairy Godmother and Cinderella.

So we didn't have curtains for a show.. I had to make shift some so I wrote in knights to be the curtain pullers and say some jokes between scenes.  ONE of these knights is now a special effects coordinator on movie sets and worked for 2 years on Stranger Things.  

Don't Drink the Water..... I'm fancy now!

Me and my Son on stage together.

Every year we did a Varity Show.  I was the mop lady.  I'm sitting with Minni Pearl.

Sweeny Todd... These guys trying to cut me!!

My ducky!

My son... holding up a bird cage

I was a DO-WOP girl in Daddy Warbucks... 

Literally, he is a real Priest, it was awkward to flirt with him! lol

Just getting direction while I hang out with Annie

Now I am being a mean Social worker!

My sweet Sara.  God love that child.
Me and Roger and Kenicki... Two of the T birds!

 The T Bird practicing hanging out at Fenchies.

The second time I directed Grease.... These are the T Birds

The crew

Danny and Sandy

Me and the Cast doing some photo shots and stirring up interests in the Play

Me and the T Birds (and Eugene) at the Wrap Party

Kenickie being mean to Eugene...

The Grease Cast and crew of El Reno

If you can't tell who is who... I suck at casting!  lol 

Opening Night.  Let's DO this!

October 1, 2021

Show me you are crazy without telling me your crazy.......

I directed plays...    and I designed costumes.  
Not even the Featherston's from the Bridgeton's can hold a candle to the step sisters!
I can cast a show!


September 9, 2021

September 3, 2021

Danny age 3, Sammi age 5

Dennis and I are trying to figure out what movie Danny was saying he wanted to watch.. we asked Sammi “ what’s is he saying?”  

Sammi: Danny? What movie is it?

Danny says it again but gets aggravated because no one understands what he’s saying.  Sammi tries to be comforting.

Sammi:  Danny, we keep asking you because you aren’t speaking properly and we don’t understand you!

Pop says to Sammi: look who’s talking!!

September 2, 2021

People wanting free shit again.....

Uhm...  how do you pay the professors and the administrators?  Are they suppose to take a cut in pay? Anything worth having takes sacrifice and work. Maybe get more scholarships and grants.  Get better interest rates and stop making them take classes they don’t need for their major.  That’s would cut down at least one year of cost!  Offer affordable housing and have more student jobs at the college to pay for it. And when you get a loan for school… plan on paying it back so you don’t screw up your credit!

August 31, 2021

I’m tired of waking up looking like Einstein! When is it gonna be my turn to have long luxurious luscious locks LOL

It's done.... Now what?

So I got one book finished. Had it edited and re-wrote it.  Hopefully it doesn’t suck too bad... but I’m not a writer.  I just have a passion to tell stories and it’s hard to tell a story in writing when you don’t have the grammar you need, but I tried.  That’s more than a lot of people do, and I got an editor and I edited it and I revised it and I edit it again and I revised it again and I’ve written it and I rewritten it and I finished it!!  I feel like that is an accomplishment to be proud of even if it does suck!

It is now being published in a book form so I can put it on my library and I hope to God that when I die my children don’t put it in a box for $.25 and get rid of it.  It will be the only copy and I would hope they would want to keep it just because I worked for so many years on it as a hobby and it meant something to me.

This is what it looks like... DON'T LOSE IT!

You be the glue then... asshat!

I’m not meant to be the glue. One thing.... I’m too lazy. 

I like it whenever we could all get together and have a good time But do you know how much work goes into a family gathering?

NO?  Let me enlighten you.....

You have to clean the house even thought you know the entire time you are busting your ass to get it clean ... in just a matter of minutes your company will MESS IT UP!

You have to plan what you will feed for a meal or meals... then do all the shopping and put it all away.  Then you have to prepare the meals and do the cleanup. 

Have events planned so they aren't bored, and usually I try to have noise of some type in the background so I spend at least a couple of hours making a playlist. Or time shopping for toys or games or crafts.

It’s a lot of work. And even though you only do it a couple of times a year it just wears you out!!  And if, GOD FORBID,  it doesn’t go right... you have that memory going forward along with the memory of how much work it was and you get older every year making it harder and harder.

Pictures are always fun.....  you have the kids complain about taking every picture you want to take to try and get something equivalent of showing a good time. 

And all of thee above is fine... I can do it all and honestly, I enjoy doing it UNTIL ......

You add a spouse that expects you to buy and prepare the EXACT amount of food they will eat, (Like you know this)  and then get mad cause someone didn't eat and it was a waste.  Complaining about spending too much money.... about making too much food.... or says... "They won't eat it anyway."  Like I'm not suppose to feed someone ???????

It really takes the fun out of doing a family get together’s. 

Mom’s are supposed to be the glue but every time I try to be the glue I feel unappreciated so I don’t like to be the glue.  Dennis can start being the damn glue!

July 8, 2021

Maybe later

 It's been a month of Sundays since I posted a blog.  I always have shit to say, but never sit down at my computer when it is going through my head.  Now as I sit here I got nothing.... 

The valid points I argue in my head will never see the light of day or a white screen or even a writing utensil.  I swear I can't get my ducks in a row right now.

Maybe later.

June 30, 2021

Put the tools down and move away!!!

 Dennis had his surgery and he is not a happy camper.  He can't do alot on his own yet, but he keeps trying!  I have had to take lots of tools out of his hands.  Leaf blower, weed eater... the lawn mower!!  He is not use to sitting idol.  He can shower himself... but the good arm has to be washed by me.  Hopefully he will use the pool for some good therapy!  

The Day he got home... he was a little loopy!  But glad it was over.  He was brave.  I would have been a basket case!

This is him just a few days later... on a ladder, trying to work around the house.  I made him get down, but he  just went and got the leaf blower!