October 23, 2021

Feels Pretty Damn Good!

I am finally a published author.  It's a great feeling to see your words in print.  I designed the cover and it is on Amazon to purchase.  I don't care if anyone buys it.  It's out there and that is enough!  The second book is so much better.  It is written better and has much more structure.  It took less time then the first, but sometimes you finish what you start, and you do it just for you... to prove you could. 

And I did it.

October 5, 2021

Show me your crazy without telling me your crazy...

I direct Plays....

First time I directed Grease.  These are my T-birds.  I did those jackets

I bet you can pick out Danny Zuko!

The Pink Ladies

Me and Audrey!  She works on movie sets in Hollywood!  
Movies like Waking up in Reno and Cast Away.  She taught me so much!  


October 3, 2021

Show me you CrAzY without TELLING me your CrAzY

I direct Plays.....

 We won Best Show for Steel Magnolias.  First time director in that theatre.. not to shabby.

Me as Truvy....

Look at this mess I did while I said my lines...

Me and my step sisters!

I am blocking the fairy Godmother and Cinderella.

So we didn't have curtains for a show.. I had to make shift some so I wrote in knights to be the curtain pullers and say some jokes between scenes.  ONE of these knights is now a special effects coordinator on movie sets and worked for 2 years on Stranger Things.  

Don't Drink the Water..... I'm fancy now!

Me and my Son on stage together.

Every year we did a Varity Show.  I was the mop lady.  I'm sitting with Minni Pearl.

Sweeny Todd... These guys trying to cut me!!

My ducky!

My son... holding up a bird cage

I was a DO-WOP girl in Daddy Warbucks... 

Literally, he is a real Priest, it was awkward to flirt with him! lol

Just getting direction while I hang out with Annie

Now I am being a mean Social worker!

My sweet Sara.  God love that child.
Me and Roger and Kenicki... Two of the T birds!

 The T Bird practicing hanging out at Fenchies.

The second time I directed Grease.... These are the T Birds

The crew

Danny and Sandy

Me and the Cast doing some photo shots and stirring up interests in the Play

Me and the T Birds (and Eugene) at the Wrap Party

Kenickie being mean to Eugene...

The Grease Cast and crew of El Reno

If you can't tell who is who... I suck at casting!  lol 

Opening Night.  Let's DO this!

October 1, 2021

Show me you are crazy without telling me your crazy.......

I directed plays...    and I designed costumes.  
Not even the Featherston's from the Bridgeton's can hold a candle to the step sisters!
I can cast a show!