August 27, 2020

Decades of Unknown Training

Advice to Parents:  
Parenting tip 122

Don’t be the parent that stays in the background. This is how children can be lost in the system that’s already failing. Don't be afraid of embarrassing your child with your efforts.  That is part of the job and as added bonus, it's one of the perks!  If you begin when they first go to school..they won't know the difference.

Be the mother that knows the teacher, that knows the principal and shows up and volunteers for parties.  Get to know the kids and as many of the other mothers you can.  Be the one that will help build the new library, or sew the costumes for the school play.  The one that keeps score at the game or brings the juice boxes for half time.  Be the mom that travels for the games or event taking several friends with them,  and hosts that extra practice at your house.  

Kids are not the only ones that need to know whos corner your in. So does the school.  Be that parent that makes a difference and holds others accountable.  Trust me... they see you.  They know who you are and they need you to hold them accountable.

You won't regret it.  All the time you have spent at your child's school. All those weekend trips driving 5 hours and staying in a hotel room just to see a 2 minute routine.  All those football games that you don't get home from until 5 in the morning.   Sitting around the kitchen counters eating favorite snacks at 4 a.m talking about the day... It's worth it.

Knowing your children, their friends and the work they put in every day is building a very strong individual.

Years from now when your kids are having kids of their own, you will find solace in the fact that you were there every step of the way not only giving them support, but teaching them how to be a parent of a child that is involved with activities. Because you are training them to take the best care of your most favorite people in decades...  Your grandchildren.

August 16, 2020

I'm Indecisive

I don’t know man... I keep looking at my blog thinking I need to change it but then I think... it is really kind of cute. 
Does anybody really see it anyway or is it just me? 

I guess it doesn’t really matter I enjoy doing it it’s a great venting tool.  Through all the BS stories I write sometimes you find a few with meaning.  Or that are mean.  It is a venting tool after all.

I just wanted to look cute. So maybe I’ll change the format ... maybe I won’t... maybe I’ll change the background... maybe I won’t.  

I guess in order to find out you just have to keep coming back. 

August 8, 2020

Investing your Time Wisely

Everybody’s worried about where they invest their money.   That’s reasonable since you have to have money to survive, but what about investing your time?  What about your time? If you don’t invest your time in relationships you don’t have relationships. 

And you don’t get to do over.  It’s like anything else with life, there’s a small window for building relationships with people and if you don’t take advantage of it, you don’t get another chance.

Sometimes, the only time you have is 'right now'.
You think you might have tomorrow,  hope you might have next year, and pray that you’ll have many years to come... but what if you don’t?  

What did you to do today to invest in a relationship with someone that you care about? 

It’s more than just sitting around a table or seeing somebody on holidays.  It’s more than just calling someone on the phone or sending them a birthday greeting.

It’s about spending a little little moments with somebody... it’s the extra mile you go for somebody... Its about making them feel they are important and they matter.

Get Busy

Today I am home cleaning my house and listening to the Eagles long run album.  It is my favorite album beside Stevie Nicks rocks a little album to clean a house by. 

Today I have a lot of things to do and instead I am blogging... why? I don’t know why I feel creative right now so I’m going to sit down and enjoy this small moment... they don’t they come often these days,  so infrequently in fact, I really need to take it advantage of it.

But, I really do need to clean out my drawers  and tackle that closet. This is my ADD kicking in.  
What do I need to do, 
    versus what I should do, 
        versus what I actually do. 
             It never ends well.  

Meanwhile, I have a mountain full of clothes that I need to put up. I guess if you know you need to do it you need a roll up your sleeves and just get it done.  So I guess I’ll quit blogging now and  tackle first the laundry then my closet  and then my drawers.  But man!  I just want to write.

It's still 2020 and it still SUCKS

Just a quick note updating on the pandemic for future references.  

It sucks!!

There that's pretty much the gist of it.

Everybody pretty much has to deal with the same things.  It’s a long trauma and a lot of us are getting kind of pissy about it. 
Most people are wearing masks now which is a good thing Canadian County as of yesterday had like 1197 cases which is bad, but Oklahoma county has like 10,000 in they are the next county over so I tend to stay to myself and with Dennisđź’• .  We are not going anywhere other than to work.  We mostly stay at home and occasional trip to the store. 

Work is going well I’m fully enrolled... well, let’s take that back... I have three openings but that’s not bad. also Yukon schools are not opening for the first nine weeks so we have to have virtual school in our daycare so Internet service is coming next week to help remedy my lack of internet problems.   Hopefully we will be able to have a decent first nine weeks with teaching them on the computers.  It really should be interesting. 

There’s a big controversy about this virus although I know for a fact it was definitely used by the Democratic Party to help further their agenda, which is sad because instead of worrying about America they’re just worrying about the election and right now we should be worrying about a solution to the pandemic!  BUT who am I? I am a measly little peon in a state of Oklahoma in a small little county that has not been hit as hard thankfully as many others. 

I have had friends that have it had it and it was scary for them, but they recovered and that’s good.  The only problem is you never know who will get it bad and he will not.  I think it depends on your gene make up or your DNA.  Or pre existing situation.... nobody knows!  I wish they would figure that part out. 

There’s also a big controversy about the medication you can take for it.  I personally will take the Hydro if I get it because that’s what my doctor suggests and he’s smarter than me!  My sister has been caring for Covid patients in Colorado and she agrees with my doctor so that just gives me one more thing to fall back on as far as feeling confident about my decision. 

Anyway,  I wish it was over.  I worry for my friends. I worry for my family.  And I worry for America.

August 5, 2020

Teachable moments

Today I was driving to an appointment when I look over to my right and I see a bunch a little kids with signs that says donate for our football uniforms. Well that’s all good and great but what does that teach our young America? 

What happened to the car washes?  The bake sales?  The yardwork for the elderly?  Why do we think that it is OK to teach our children  to beg for money... because if you’re asking for a donation at the corner of a busy intersection that’s basically what you’re doing.  You are begging for money! 

That does not teach morals
That does not teach any kind of value.

Sports are supposed to bring people together and teach them that hard work and dedication can make you winners.  What they’re teaching the children by having them stand on a street corner with a sign that says donate for our football uniforms is that they don’t have to work for something.  This is what’s wrong with America today!  Quit expecting to get things for nothing. You have to work for what you want.

August 3, 2020

I need to drop this wieght

Oh it’s that dreaded time again time when you pull out your summer clothes and realize you no longer fit them but you don’t want to go buy new ones because the old ones are so cute!  You keep thinking:  I’ll lose the weight." But then you keep on eating icecream and chips and anything full of cheese!  You spend all summer feeling fat an in clothes that are too tight and feel very uncomfortable and white!  Yeah White... because he’s gonna lay out if you’re too fat?  Nobody needs to see that!