April 20, 2013

Therapy comes in all forms.....

I have a lot of pinned up anger.... I can see why.  I understand why.  I am trying to control my words, but  I seriously might explode.  Fever blister, stress, anxiety.... yeah I fear my up coming blogs might upset some people.   Life is short... and I am not going to shorten mine by keeping anger bottled up to spare feelings of those that put me in this state.  Therapy comes in all forms.  Mines called blogging.  Watch out.

April 19, 2013

Not really feeling it.

We have two performances left with GREASE.  I am ready to get it done.  Not just because of how this crazy and ODD experience has effected me, but because I have other important things going on in my life that I need to make 1st priority.

Not sure I will ever direct another play.  Think that part of my life is over. I have been very successful at directing plays.  I have always managed to get great plays that people want to come watch.  But going to another town 15 miles from home to a theatre... and it taking up so many nights a week and it being so much work, and the feeling of swimming upstream for 8 weeks is not my idea of feeding your passion. 

Although I am use to being behind the scenes.. and prefer it actually... I have never felt so isolated.  There is a loop in that theatre, and I was never let into it, and because of that, I feel the final project suffered for it. 

But, Stars were born!  And I am sure they will continue to shine somewhere, even if it isn't at that theatre.  Altough I have met some pretty cool cats, I'm ready for it to be wrapped up!