January 23, 2021

Building a pool will tear up your yard!

There is no such thing as Simpler Times

People pray for the simpler times... these are the simpler times! As hard as it is to believe... this is it!  It’s just going to keep getting more complicated and more complicated and more complicated. 

Our Grandparents needed it.  Our parents, us and our children.   We will all need to go with the flow.  

Music isn't what it use to be... isn't that what our parents use to say when they heard our music?  Now we are saying that about the music of today.

Prices are as cheap as they where either, but who is making $3.15 an hour at minimum wage?  That use to be a living wage?  NO... it was a minimum wage job. just like a $7.25 is a minimum wage job.

There is no such thing as simpler times, because what we see as simple was not simple to those living in that time.  

Constant adaption of movement is what is needed to survive anything we come across.  Having roots is necessary for survival, but even the top of the tree learns to sway.  

Stop Being a Dumbass about it.

159,633,396 American's voted in the 2020 Presidential Election. 74,222,958 of you didn't get the president you wanted. Personally I am over hearing you cry about it. I too, am a republican that voted for Trump. You aren't changing anything by posting memes, forwarding political bullshit or spreading conspiracy theories. BE the change you want to see in the world. Here is a prayer written in the 1930's supposedly written by Reinhold Niebuhr.

January 10, 2021

Grown up!

You don’t have to go out drinking every night. I know this might be hard to hear, but college doesn’t last forever and you can’t act like a frat boy or sorority girl  for the rest of your life. What are you trying to prove? I know that when we turn 21, it seems like drinking is the most adult thing you can do, but the more adult thing is to remember you have to work in the morning and make money. There’s this thing called rent. You have to pay it, which is hard to do if you’re always spending it on booze. As every bar patron knows, your decisions ain’t cheap. It’s hard to YOLO if you have NADA in your bank account.


Not exciting!

Life needs to be simpler!

 There's a lot of crazy going on in the world today.  Trump is throwing a fit and people are storming the Capital.  What a mess!    

We started on the pool Thursday and struck Water!  REALLY!!!???  Is there a lake under our house?  How is this possible? There are pools all around this neighborhood so hopefully this water will stop flowing in our big hole in the ground. Not to mention our internet line is currently stretched across the yard taunt!  One move an it's going to snap!  That' will piss off Dennis!

I want to get the vaccine and signed Dennis and I up for it but we aren't in the right phase yet.  They are in stage 2 and we are in stage 3.  But I'm essential!!

January 5, 2021

Yeah..... it is!

I saw this and HAD to post it!  I have a lot of people in my life that know I have earned what I have.  Either we sacrificed or we have invested and saved. We have both worked 100 hour weeks and took no vacations.  Little extras have gone away so we could achieve what needed to be done to have what we have.

Then I have some people who says things like this.
But maybe it is true. It is very “nice” that I choose a great partner and married a frugal man that has always had and kept a job.  I, myself, have worked since I was 15, so we have always had a steady paycheck coming in.

It is nice. 

January 2, 2021

My Two Cents

Blog "My Two Cents" ideas

Religious people sorry but you brought this on yourself. If you're going to be religious you're going to need to lead by example. The hypocrisy of religious people is what turns away so many people from religion. 

Is this your desire? To turn people away from religion? 

If so, you're doing a bang up job of it! You have a big responsibility.  You have the responsible of always being nice, of always doing the right thing.  Of always being the one people look up to, I've always been the one that people go to for guidance, you are the one that needs to be nice sweet forgiving not be the one that's condemning or causing drama. This makes you look bad not only in our eyes but in the eyes of God. Going to confession will not be taking care of all the souls you lost today. So if you're going to walk around and be religious ... then act religious. Your actions are louder than any words  or any prayers you could say.

~ ~ ~

This country was fucked up before Trump ever won presidency. We cannot blame everything on one person. It takes more people to make a mess of what we are living in now for generations free for years for for so long that it is unfair to blame it all on trump just like it is unfair to blame it all on Obama. But if we do not stop and stand up and start taking charge of our lives in America and start keeping that riffraff out we're going to be in a lot worse trouble in a couple years OK

Working for the man yes everybody has to have a job that's how you support yourself if you don't support yourself you live with somebody who is supporting you that's really not fair but I'm not going into that right now. What I do want to talk about is the fact that when you work for the man you have to follow the man's fallacies the man cannot do anything that he's not supposed to do and you need to quit bitching about the job that you applied for.

The first step to solving a problem is to admit the problem. My problem? Empty nest. I know longer have empty nest now but I was suffering from it for a while it was bad. I am a mother I've been a mother for 30 years what am I supposed to do with my life as my children grow up and move away? How dare they by the way I raise to grow up and move away that was stupid but now I look back and I think it's pretty good. I have an empty nest or full nest whenever I choose if I want to be by myself I can be by myself if I want to go somewhere I can go and not have to find a single babysitter. However if I don't want to be by myself I invite the kids over I invite the grandkids over I have fun I have play dates it's all good now it only took five years but I'm they are now praise Jesus

Attitude attitude can take you a long way in life first of all it makes other people want to be around you besides family members that have no choice. Second as you make friends because you have a good attitude you never know what your friends can do for you to help you change your life it's called resourcing baby it's called knowing a person and having a connection this person may be able to help you get that job this person manages you to the love your life this person may help you raise your family you never know you never burn your bridges and above all have a good attitude

Say and you know what the presidents is thinking is ridiculous you don't even know what you're thinking. What you really mean is I think the president is suggesting you don't know what he saying and nobody knows what he saying only he knows what he saying people was epic they know what he thinks they don't know what he thinks I only know what he says and what he says and what you say he thinks you're stupid you people that know what the president things you tell me the lottery numbers because since you know everything before it's even done I need money give me the lottery numbers

Do you see this person do you see this person they are both trashy people now do you see this person what about this person they are both successful people please do not confuse being smart and taking advantage of your sources for ethnic issues

I took all the Christmas magic down today. It’s so sad whenever that day comes and you have to take down all of the decorations and the festivities. I’m glad the memories don’t go with it. The house seems larger and cleaner but less exciting. Cleaning up after Christmas definitely gives you the time to deep clean and organize.I would say it took me two days to put it all up and one day to take it all down. I did have one large tree one 6 foot tree one 4 foot tree and two small table trees. Not to mention all the little Christmas kisses everywhere. My grandchildren and my children seem to enjoy Christmas over here this year so I guess it was worth it even though at the present moment my feet are killing me. Until next year Christmas magic…

January 1, 2021

New Year’s Day 2022

8.5” of snow last night.  It’s beautiful!

Uhhh... we lost power at 12:08.... please tell me that wasn’t an omen to 2021!

If only...

Stayed home... social distanced.  Doing our part.  
It snowed tonight and blanketed the earth with a beautiful white powder that could easily symbolize a new fresh start for 2021. 

If only... 

I want my life back.  I miss my movement! My freedoms. My people.