April 21, 2024

I am the one between

The one that came before me was a blue eyed beauty with thick long hair and long nails on eloquent hands. . She had a small frame and beautiful voice. She was active in her community through volunteer  work and community service. She was an excellent  seamstress,  a devout Christian, a hard worker, a talented artist and wonderful hands on mother. 

The one that came after me is a green eyed beauty with a small frame and a beautiful voice.  She has a tons of spunk and the desire to learn and implement her new found knowledge. She is resourceful and determined.  She works quickly and throughly. Shes a talented artist, a creative person,  a devout catholic, a talented artist and a wonderful mom. 

I came from one and poured my life into the other. 

April 13, 2024

Forever the Boss

Today Katie Short was telling me I wasn’t the boss of her.  I told her I would always be the boss of her because I was her mommy!  She started to argue and  joanie interjected: 

joanie:  momma!  Lolly will always be your momma even when she’s in heaven!!   

Katie: *heavy sigh* joanie…. Do you really think lollys going to heaven !?  Do you even know your Lolly?!?

April 2, 2024

Appliance Wars!

Dennis and I are learning to live together through his retirement. He has started to move things around and I am not a fan. So after a debate over which way the toaster needs to face, I had it!

Raven: If you don't put it back the way it goes it's going to disappear.

Dennis didn't think I was serious. So after I caught it in the wrong place again, I took it, cleaned it out and stored it in the cabinet directly under the counter from where it sat.

Cut to the next morning,,, I go to make myself a cup of coffee and the reservoir for my keurig is missing. Dennis is no where in sight but I know he hid it! So of course the only logical thing to do is to hide his coffee pot.

Eye for an eye...

The only problem is I am trying to do it in a hurry before he comes in the kitchen and I can't find a space big enough...Finally I think I found a spot above the microwave, but when I turned to be sure the coast was clear, Dennis's head was slightly peeking around the wall looking right at me!

Caught in the act I jumped 2 feet in the air and screamed, then laughed so hard I almost peed my pants! I don't know why! It wasn't funny that I got caught!

Coming all the way from behind the wall he just looks at me with an intense glare.

Me: Where's my water tank?

Dennis: Where's my toaster?

Me: Tell me first!

Dennis: No! It doesn't work that way! I couldn't even take my medicine this morning cause I couldn't make toast! That's elderly abuse!

I started playing the world's' tiniest violin with my fingers.

I purposely walked slowly out of the kitchen, head held high... with the his coffee pot still in my hand and went to change the bed sheets! When I was taking them to the laundry room Dennis stopped me.

Dennis: Just sit them down and I will do them.

Raven: Why don't you want me to start the sheets?

He says NOTHING.... just stares at me like we are fixing to draw guns in a showdown.

He and I both go toward the cabinet above the washer where the laundry soap is. I try to open it and he pushes it shut!

Raven: My water tank is in there I saw it!

Dennis: No it's not!

It was... and he had to give it to me cause "thems the rulz"!

I made sure he had his toaster and coffee pot back for the next day.... and it's worth mentioning the toaster hasn't been facing the wrong way since!

Happy wife.... happy life!

March 28, 2024

Can Bug Spray kill a Cyclops?

I was peacefully writing in my hut when Dennis burst in holding a tissue with a tiny squashed bug.

Dennis: Look what I found on the kitchen floor.

Furrowing my brow....

Raven: What is it? An ant?

Dennis: No! It's a Cyclops!

Raven: A What?!

Dennis: It's a Cyclops!

As he showed me the tiny insect, squished on the tissue, I stared at him.

Raven: Dennis, it's just an ant.

Dennis: I'm getting the bug spray.

March 23, 2024

Cheap MF

Watching a show with Matthew where there was a funeral......

Raven:  Matthew, I want to be buried at sunset. 

Matthew:  I bet you got to pay extra for sunset services cause everything is closed.

Raven: I don't care if it cost more money. Don't let dad bury me at 10 in the morning.  I hate mornings!

Matthew: No, he will bury you at 8 in the morning because it's probably cheaper. The Early bird special!

March 9, 2024

Bladder Issues Discovered

Struggling with bladder issues? You're not alone. Doctors often rely on guesswork due to the lack of diagnostic tests for these symptoms, leading to misdiagnosis' and ineffective treatments like Botox.

Frustrated, I turned into Dr. Google and self-diagnosed myself after almost 2 years of research:

Overactive Bladder caused by Low estrogen and Red Dye

For me, low estrogen and red dye were the culprits. Think about your diet when symptoms started. Narrow down problematic foods based on when symptoms began. Red dye can really irritate your bladder and found in a lot of food. All Dyes are terrible for our body and only legal in the USA.

Menopause can also bring unexpected challenges like increased urination due to estrogen depletion. If sudden bladder issues arise... and nearing menopause - consider estrogen levels. Low estrogen affects urethra positioning. Also, focus on pelvic floor muscles. Feeling overly relaxed down there? Do Kegels.

I went to my doctor and got estrogen inserts and cut out food, bodywash, shampoos, lotions and make up with dyes in it. (surprisingly it isn't that hard to do.) The estrogen took about 2 weeks to notice a change and 4 months to make a difference with the plumping up my lady bits, and the bladder started to heal from the inflammation after about 4 weeks of no dyes. I also drink around 36 - 52 ounces of water a day oppose to the 8 - 24 oz I had been drinking. Flushing out the bladder really helps it heal.

Also, it is important to understand that not all Overactive Bladder cases involve wetting or urgency to reach the bathroom immediately; in fact 67% of people with OAB have OAB-Dry. This is where you feel the urge and frequency, but can wait to go without wetting yourself.

(Sidebar: they say that Botox wears off in 6 months.... mine did not for over 8 and my bladder still does not work like it did before the botox. and it's been 2 years. I would never recommend bladder botox as I believe it damages nerves and the organ itself.)

I’m not gay. But I love people and their life stories matter even if it’s not like mine. Romance is romance.

March 4, 2024

If I were a tree.....

One a trip back from Red River one year.  Tanner was lazily looking out the window and enjoying the passing scenery.  He saw a big lone cottonwood tree out in the middle of a field.  

Tanner:  Look at that tree.  If I were a tree, I would want to be that one.  Left alone, plenty of room to grow,  providing shade for cows..... that's a nice tree.

Then he looked at me and asked.  

Tanner:  Mom,  what kind of tree do you think you would be?

Without even waiting for me to answer Dennis chimed in

Dennis:  She'd be a cactus!

March 3, 2024

My mother, the President

My mom is living her best life in an assisted-living community. She's basically the queen bee, having landed the gig of resident president. It sounds fancy, right? Her main job is to be the voice of the people, bringing every little grievance to the staff's attention. Except, here's the twist - she's really not into the whole 'complaint department' vibe. Instead, she's all about turning complaints into reasons for a fiesta.

Why fuss, she argues? In her eyes, the place is practically utopia. They cook for her, clean for her, even mop and sparkle up the bathroom - it's like living in a hotel that you never have to check out of. There's entertainment on tap, and should anything dare to break, it's fixed in a jiffy. "What's there to gripe about?"

However........ my mom does have one beef - and it's not with the service. Nope, it's with a fellow resident she finds less than delightful. This lady apparently missed the memo on being kind and Oh, the drama unfolded like a scene right out of a daytime soap opera!

Picture this: This lady made the classic mistake of crossing words about one of my mom's children.... That's right, they poked the mama bear and the ladies at my mom's table - you know, her loyal squad - had to practically form a human barrier to prevent a full-on "lights out" scenario. My mom, being the queen of sass and class, delivered a comeback so epic, not anything like: "hold-my-earrings" but more of a explanation on how my mom was going to knock her dentures out of her head. This lady could do nothing but retreat. She scurried away, tail between her legs.

A few sunsets later, this lady waltzes back into the drama, toting a big ol' apology in her hand. My mom, in a move that could only be described as classic her, accepts the apology. Then the lady wanted to know if they could now be friends now and my moms response was a hard NO! She basically said, "Look, honey, I've seen how you treat the folks here, and it's not pretty. Rudeness is a friendship deal-breaker for me!"

Moral of the story? My mom might not be running around fixing the world's problems (or even the minor inconveniences of her living community), but don't cross her family, or you'll get a candid piece of her mind. It's comedic gold – a sitcom episode in the making.

My mom, ladies and gentlemen, the non-complaining, party-loving, straight-talking president of her assisted living place.

Mom Shaming...

Have we reached a parenting low, or is it just me? Moms are too busy perfecting their fake lashes and scrolling through social media to hear their kids' cries. Dare to point this out, and they play the "offended" card, labeling you a mom shamer! Is telling the truth about harmful parenting now off-limits? Does "mom-shaming" shield moms from taking responsibility when their actions harm their children? While some worry about borders and politics, I'm fretting over the silent victims of struggling mothers who are missing the mark on motherhood!

Moms have found a sneaky loophole in parental duties – handing an iPad or game remote to keep the kids entertained. The fridge might be packed with sugary, preservative-loaded snacks, but are kids learning how to socialize? As moms aim for TikTok stardom, their kids might end up in a sugar-induced coma. Screens have become babysitters, leaving no space for real conversations. Are children being raised or simply tolerated? We already know the answer. That's what's sad.

February 15, 2024

Which Came First? Procrastination or Stress? It's a vicious cycle I can't break

Some might say I'm the reigning champion of "I'll do it later" land, with a gold medal in procrastination. Truth be told, this habit turns me into a bit of a stress-ball. You might think that intentionally turning my life into a pressure cooker sounds like a recipe for disaster, but surprise—it's actually my secret sauce for brilliance!

See, without the adrenaline rush of a looming deadline, my productivity is pretty much a sleepy sloth. Yes, I’m aware of my tasks and where I need to be, but somehow, the motivation plays hide and seek with me—and it's really good at hiding. Time? Oh, that slippery little thing means nothing to me, making my day-to-day a juggling act where I'm constantly dropping the balls.

I keep pondering if there'll come a day when I ditch this merry-go-round for a more straight-laced approach to tasks.

Procrastination and stress, the dynamic duo that somehow gets me to the finish line—albeit looking like a mad scientist who's just had a eureka moment after days of no sleep. The plot twist? The pressure cooker method, while slightly bonkers, turns out to be my strange muse.

February 6, 2024

I’m in mourning

Today is my last day of being 58.  I have not like these last years of my 50’s.  My health is declining, I can feel it.  I take 4 prescriptions now and I’m losing what looks I had. My hair is on its last leg and my body aches somewhere new every day. 

 I feel like I have had a good life.  I have been my own boss for 32 years of my career. The career that was forced on me as a single mother. I have been able to support a family with its income most years.  I was lucky enough not to have to do it alone. 

I have raised 3.5 kids with pretty good values and to be productive members of society… at least I have cut the apron strings. I’ll let you decide who the .5 is. 😉 

I could have done things differently…. I would have in hindsight… but it is what it is now.  We work to play and we play to work.  Not many get a free ride. I’m not ready to enter my 60’s but if it means I leave these nasty 50’s behind then it might be worth it! 

This thing's going to out live me!

When I bought this plant... like five or six years ago, it was a little bitty, and a tiny little pot.  I thought "oh this is really cute." I had a great place for it to ad a little color to the kitchen... and you know with my luck with plants, I would only have it for a couple months, then it would die, and then I’ll get something else to go there. Nope! Dennis started taking care of it and we have had it now for six years!!! We’ve had to re-pot it twice, and it looks like it needs it again! I got quit buying plants. 

January 31, 2024

Sammi (grand baby #3) came to the daycare after school wearing her “100 days of school” outfit, and then she told me that she dressed like I did when I was in school! 😳😳😂😂 Maybe 32 years of childcare hasn't aged me so well!

January 30, 2024


To every mother who feels a little alone today, please take this post and pocket it.  

You know what is hard? Motherhood. 
You know what is amazing ? Motherhood. 
You know what is lonely? Motherhood (even though you are never alone, like ever). 
You know what makes you feel like the biggest failure? Motherhood. 
You know what makes you feel like you are super human? Motherhood. 
You know what makes you feel like you are crazy? Motherhood. 
You know what  makes you feel like the most patient person in the world? Motherhood. And guess what makes you feel like the most impatient person in the world, yup, Motherhood. 
You know what brings out your worst side? Motherhood. You know what brings out your best side? Motherhood. 

Motherhood, it is full of oxymorons, polar opposites, fear, doubt, joy, love, and literally every single emotion in between and some you didn’t even know existed.Wherever you are on this motherhood spectrum, from brand new to having grand children, all of us feel these emotions! And it’s the reason we do it. 

Motherhood is a journey filled with love, joy, and challenges. It teaches us patience, resilience, and selflessness. We experience the highs of watching our children grow and achieve their dreams, and the lows of sleepless nights and endless worries. But through it all, the love we have for our children keeps us going. It's a love that knows no bounds and a bond that cannot be broken. 

So, wherever you are in your motherhood journey, remember that you are not alone. We are all united by the incredible gift of being a mother.

January 29, 2024

Tomorrow's Gonna Be A Snooze Fest!

It's the crack of dawn on a Monday. I should be getting my beauty sleep for work tomorrow, but my brain refuses to shut off. Sunday night insomnia strikes again! I've got a ton of things to do before the week kicks off, and I'm so hyped up with productivity. Who needs regular office hours when I can work on work-related stuff at this ungodly hour? Basically, I'm ahead of the game and ahead of my alarm clock! Sure, I'll feel like crap tomorrow, but at least I don't have a strict schedule. I can catch some extra zzz's and still manage to show up to work on time. Gotta love that flexibility! lol

January 27, 2024

Choose wisely.

How you perceive the world is how you will live

You can choose to focus on each awful, imperfect experience.  

You can assume the worst possible outcome and expect people to fail you.  

Or you can allow yourself to be in awe of what is right, beautiful and sacred, and profound.  

You can choose to focus on what makes you feel aligned with the extraordinary life you hope for. 

You can expect people to surprise and delight you in the best ways.  

What you focus on is what will become your truth.  

Choose wisely.

January 23, 2024

Words to live by


life isn't easy, and you have no idea what other folks are experiencing.

Your truth is yours. Leave space for someone else’s too.

Trust in people.

Believe in what you can't see.

Know that the world is an inherently beautiful place.

Believe that you are exactly as you're supposed to be.

Trust your journey.

Be a force of good to others.

And for the love of all things holy, be kind.

Recommandations pour les patates de canapé

Avez-vous regardé Emily à Paris ? C'est une jolie émission sur Netflix que j'ai regardée. Si vous avez le temps, vous devriez le vérifier. Au revoir

January 22, 2024

Silver Lining

Discovering the reality of aging has been quite the journey for me. My body has slowed down and started to stumble, betraying the youthful spirit that used to define me. It's a constant battle as my hormones run rampant and my joints ache in different places every day.

Even something as simple as reading has become a challenge. My deteriorating eyesight blurs the words on the page, making it impossible to fully enjoy a good book without the inevitable drowsiness taking over before the next chapter.

And memory? Well, opening a door seems to wipe away my thoughts like magic, leaving me with a frustrating sense of confusion.

To make matters worse, I can no longer indulge in the carefree eating habits of my youth. The days of stuffing my face without consequence are long gone. Where did that ability disappear to? I find myself yearning to wake up and stuff my face with a chocolate Pop tart and drinking a refreshing coke, but those days are behind me.  And we won't talk about the weight gain regardless of having to eat much healthier.

First, I had to give up caffeine due to heart palpitations. Then, alcohol joined the list of forbidden indulgences because of the relentless heartburn it caused. But nothing compares to the struggle of cutting back on ice cream. And don't even get me started on what milk does to me now...

Yet, in the face of these challenges, I have come to realize the importance of accepting the natural process of aging. It's true, you can dye your hair and get plastic surgery to maintain a youthful appearance, but your body won't feel young. The overactive bladder, achy joints, imbalanced hormones - they don't discriminate based on looks. And what's the point of looking 35 with a killer body if your nightly routine consists of going to bed at 8 and your main interests are limited to Netflix and chilling?

So, my ultimate message is this: love yourself through it all. Many didn't make it this far, and even though aging can be uncomfortable and not at all what you had planned for your golden years, at least we have the joy of grandchildren as a silver lining in this journey.

January 21, 2024


Finding the Humor..... Our Podcast is COMING.........Jimmy! Stop with the Yellow Pillow!

Our pod cast "Finding the Humor" is still on the way... Took some detours, cause that's how we roll....Our set is done.....but the yellow pillow and the orange blanket are becoming the props that won’t go away!!! We have to get the intro music and we bought the stuff to dress the set!  Then it’s record time!  We have over 40 episode ideas and several guest coming on board!  

Humor is a powerful tool that can bring people together and help us cope with difficult situations. From corny jokes to witty observations, humor has the ability to make us laugh even in the toughest of times. In today's fast-paced world where stress and anxiety seem to be the norm, it's important to find ways to inject some humor into our lives. 

We'll talk about day to day issues and then find the funny side of things.  Finding the humor can lead to better relationships, improved health, and overall happiness. So come along on this journey as we discover the importance of laughter and how it can help us navigate through life's ups and downs. Stay tuned!

My Grandboy the Movie Star!

Keiran stars in a national commercial honoring veterans, earning $100 and scoring some tasty snacks. The shoot hits a snag when the little girl he's acting with proves uncooperative, casting doubt on whether any usable footage was captured. Despite this setback, the experience was a delightful getaway for the whole family, and Keiran walks away with plenty of snack shack money.

Struggling to Keep Up with Daily Blogging!

Already feeling like a failure, I had hoped to blog every day, but it's only January 21 and I'm already falling behind. It turns out, expressing your thoughts and documenting daily events is not as simple as it seems. I did have a few memorable "Dennisisms," but they were probably too Tacky to share anyway! LOL

January 16, 2024

I often find that the people complaining about you,
 are the same ones that can’t seem to pay their bill on time! 

January 14, 2024

It doesn’t have to cost a lot

Discovering a long-forgotten treasure while tidying up my craft room - a picture frame Dennis bought for me for Valentine's Day, almost two decades ago. He had carefully included a photo of "us," (this drawing) which I've cherished since then, unable to bring myself to replace it. The sentimental value of this thoughtful gift remains unmatched!


January 10, 2024

It's Not Just About You.

Don't you find posts like this frustrating and self-serving? It's puzzling why people feel the need to put them out there. Maybe they're seeking attention? Lately, I've seen countless posts like this across social media platforms, especially since the new year. It's a type of cleansing technique that some people use to convince themselves that they deserve undivided attention. But here's the thing: you should know your worth without seeking validation from others!

Sure, one can understand the message about the challenges of one-sided relationships. However, there's often more to the story as to why your friends aren't constantly blowing up your phone. Sometimes they're dealing with serious issues like anxiety, depression, or introversion. And let's not forget the impact of Covid-19, which has made many people content with staying home. Others may be swamped with work, building a career, or dealing with their own family responsibilities. Perhaps they're new grandparents investing extra time in their grandkids, or they're caring for elderly parents. Some are trying to navigate the difficult balance of work and starting a family, and there are those who simply can't afford to socialize.

Before we rush to cut people out of our lives based on how they make us feel, we need to remember that it's not always about us. We may not have a clue about the hardships others are currently facing.

January 9, 2024

The Invasion of Parenthood.

If you going to have children.... Get ready to kiss your personal space goodbye because there is no escaping the invasion of parenthood.  

Many young parents cling onto their dreams and hobbies, refusing to let go. Well, I hate to break it to you, but once you have kids, your time is officially over.  Say goodbye to "me time"......There is no "me time." in parenthood just like there is no crying in baseball!   You aren't even able to sneak off into the bathroom with a crunch bar and a magazine without little fingers sliding around  under the door interrupting your peaceful moment and asking you if you are "using it"..... Probably before you finish the candy bar.  

So many young parents are not ready to give up on their own dreams or  hobbies, but your time is OVER once you start  having kids.  Sure you can always go back to it... but it should definitely be on pause.  It's time to devote the time you aren't working or taking care of the household chores to raising your kids.  That means carpools to school, volunteering for parties, coaching little league, making costumes... so many day to day needs just being met... Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks.. Dentist appointments, hair cuts, playdates... again the list is endless.

But there is a silver lining. Enroll your kids in sports, dance, or anything they can thrive in. And here's the solution to having no time with adults.... get involved! Be active and participate alongside them.  Meet the  other kids parents, tailgate, chaperone... this gives you the leg up to get to know your kids friends too.  And who knows, you might discover a hidden talent or passion of your own in the process. 

So embrace the chaos, because soon enough, you can go back to your won hobbies and interests... but you can never get back your children's youthful experiences/

Private Vacation Spot

Our back yard is lovely.  I'm talking 5 star resort kind of lovely.  We have a fire pit, a pool, an outdoor living area and a stereo system with speakers surrounding the pool and beautiful landscaping complete with lights.

Dennis is always outside doing some type of work or just hanging out, but I couldn't see him.  When he finally came in I asked:

Me:  Where have you been?

Dennis: On vacation.

January 8, 2024

I hate it when that happens.

Do you ever get really worked up about something or just super pumped to tell your story, and in the middle of it, you completely forget what you were talking about? Then you start talking about some off-the-wall stuff and can never find yourself back to the story?

It's frustrating when that happens, especially when you were so passionate about what you were saying. 

It's like your mind just goes blank, and all those carefully crafted words vanish into thin air. 

And then you're left scrambling, desperately trying to remember what you were talking about, but it's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. 

It's a struggle to regain your train of thought and find your way back to the original story. And when you do, your enthusiasm isn't there, and your intended point was never made. 

I hate it when that happens.  

January 7, 2024

A Optimistic Sunday kinda Post

Sunday Funday... why do they call it that? It's not fun to know you have a whole work week ahead of you! That Monday is tomorrow and you're not even privy to the shitstorm that lies ahead, except to know it's coming! 

It should be Funday Saturday, but I guess that doesn't roll off the tongue like Sunday does! 

Regardless, Sundays do have their own charm. It's a day to relax and recharge, to spend time with loved ones or indulge in hobbies. Plus, it's the perfect opportunity to plan and prepare for the week ahead. So, while Mondays may bring their challenges, let's make the most of our Sundays and embrace the positivity they offer. 

January 6, 2024

Sage Away

Today, I made the decision to smudge my house. Let me just say...it smelled so good! I'm not really sure why the temptation to purify my home was irresistible, whether it was because of the bad mojo we have going on or the fact that I had just cleaned out a drawer and found some sage. Either way, I opened all the windows and doors, saged every nook and cranny of my home, and enjoyed all the fresh air coming in to carry it away. It's cold outside but, I think the winter months are when you should definitely get fresh air in your home!

January 4, 2024

Happy Birthday Beautiful!

 Today is my moms birthday.  She is 90 today and still just as awesome as ever.  We had a big party planned for her but she went and got Covid.... So we have postponed it until the 16th.  I got her a kindle and can't wait to give it to her.  She will LOVE it.  (I hope)

January 3, 2024

Annoying Interruptions: My Morning Battle with Dennis

As I was getting ready for work this morning, Dennis was constantly bothering me. It wasn't anything major, just little things that were driving me crazy.

To retreat from the annoyance, I took solace in my amazing earbuds equipped with noise cancellation. I turned on a TV show I had been watching, thinking I could finally have some peace while preparing for the day. Nope! Dennis  ignored my daily routine and chose that exact moment to strike up a conversation.

And the worst part? He had absolutely nothing interesting to say.

Today, he decided to show me the difference in water pressure on his side of the sink. 


So, I kept taking my earbuds in and out, trying to hear him out despite his lack of captivating content.

Finally, after many failed attempts, I angrily removed my earbuds and snapped, "WHAT?!?"

Dennis seemed all butt hurt and huffed, "Nevermind!"

I thought I might be in the clear to finish, but then, just a few minutes later, he extended the electric razor towards me, asking me to trim the back of his neck. As soon as I reached out to grab it, he pulled away, saying, "Well, maybe now isn't the best time. I'll wait until you're no longer aggravated with me!"

Smart man.

I Can't Keep Up!

 Starting a new year can be extremely challenging for those who are self-employed. With all the festivities and obligations taking place in December, important end-of-year tasks often get neglected. And as if that's not enough, we also have to juggle the usual monthly responsibilities along with the year-end tasks. It feels like a never-ending cycle! I'm hoping to complete everything within a week, but I'm not very optimistic about that. Maybe I should invest in a cloning machine to make things easier for myself.

January 2, 2024

Sad Good-bye

My day was filled with storing away my Christmas decorations. It's always a little bittersweet when I have to put away my beautiful trees. This year, though, I really didn't want to take them down. They were perfectly placed and added such a lovely glow to different parts of my home. There was a tree in the entryway, dining room, and even our bedroom. Every corner had a festive touch! The only upside to putting everything away is the extra cleaning that comes with it.

January 1, 2024

Here' to 2024..... She better be good to me! (Tina Turner)

My blog helps me fight off my inner demons. While I could keep a private journal hidden away, I choose to share my thoughts in the hope that they might offer solace to others facing similar struggles. Sometimes, just knowing you're not alone can make all the difference. Online support groups are everywhere, but there's something special about reading someone's thoughts, especially when they resonate with your own. Each of my posts is fueled by a unique mix of emotions, experiences, and outcomes. Being at this stage in life is uncharted territory for me, with all the ups and downs it entails. It can be tough and amazing at the same time – it all depends on the day!