March 10, 2025

Does this chair make my butt look big?

My office chair is playing the world’s slowest game of hide-and-seek, and apparently, I’m losing. One moment, I’m at eye level with my screen, typing away, and the next, I’m staring up at my keyboard like a kid looking over a candy shelf. How do I not notice myself sinking into the abyss of bad hydraulics? Has my chair developed stealth skills, or am I just too distracted by Love is Blind on Netflix to feel the slow betrayal beneath me?

This is chair number four to pull this stunt. Four. Either office chair manufacturers have a vendetta against me, or my backside has been indulging a little too much during snack breaks. At this point, I’m not sure if I should blame the crappy hydraulics or bravely admit that gravity’s winning this round.

I Ain't about it!

What's new in my life? Oh, nothing major—just contemplating whether I should stick a fork in myself or go the extra mile and grab a knife. You know, for drama.

I cannot, for the life of me, deal with redoing things I’ve already done! You pour in your time, effort, and money to wrap up a project, and then someone swoops in with, “Oh, by the way, I’ve changed my mind. Can you do this instead?” Can I, Brenda? CAAAN I?! ARGH.

Right now, I’m in the early stages of getting my center accredited, and, well, I hate everything. DHS has requirements that make about as much sense as a salad fork at a BBQ. I just know I’ll spend weeks tracking down forms, sacrificing sleep (and, possibly, my sanity), only for them to say, “Oh, new rules. Forget the forms; we actually need you to summon a toad and present it as an offering to the almighty gods of Quality Daycare!”

The worst part? They’re accountable to NO ONE. Meanwhile, I’m over here playing a never-ending game of bureaucratic hopscotch while they keep moving the squares. But here’s the kicker—I feel like the entire industry is on the brink of some massive shake-up. And honestly? DHS better buckle up, because if they don’t adapt, they're going to need more than a toad to get through it.

Anyway, that’s my update. How’s YOUR life going?


I haven’t been posting on my blog much lately. Is it laziness? Probably. Burnout? Oh, absolutely. Or maybe—just maybe—I’ve reached that bizarre point where I feel like I have nothing to say, which is both hilarious and alarming because, between these lines, I’m out here living a whole life. I mean, come on—if I truly have nothing to write about, what does that say about my life? (Spoiler alert: nothing flattering.)

People say I act like I don’t care but it’s not an act