May 2, 2011

Good old family time

Had a good little family time this weekend.  Katie came home on Saturday and hung out with me on the back patio for a bit.  Dennis and Matthew were out there too, but they were to comical for words, talking about bathroom edicate! lol  Tonight Tanner came over and I made a big mexican feast where my entire family sat around the table saying... "I'm so full I am sick!" lol  Katie had to head back to Stillwater, but I got to have some time with Tanner and he played the guitar while I kicked back before we watch almost all of Celebraty Apprentice.  But my family is so important to me and I am so grateful for the time we have together.  When we can sit around the table like that, it makes me so glad that I live much closer to the kids.  I cant wait for the summer nights! 

May 1, 2011

Song of the week

Good song! My song pick of the week.

When did I become the mommy?

Most of the time I can't remember what I had for dinner the night before, but some things I can't forget.... like the smell of Fort Cobb lake at night, or the fire flies on Ozmun street when all of us kids were outside playing hide and seek in the neighborhood.  I can remember my 7th birthday party like it was yesterday with red hot Candy's and red hearts everywhere... my doll with the tear drawn on it and the year 1972, when I realized what that number meant.  Weird how time flies and one day you are a kid and the next you are the mom.  WHEN DID I BECOME THE MOMMY!?!?  46 years have gone so fast, and I hope that I have more to enjoy... and I hope when I am older and I look back at my life now... I remember the good times...  I can handle forgetting what I had for dinner as long as I can remember the good times.

April 29, 2011

I stayed home today and tried to enjoy some time alone in the house.  I watched the Royal Wedding...I didn't get up at 4 to do that... that is way too early, and I am not that dedicated... but I watched the highlights of it after it was over.  It's terribly romantic!  I am such an avid reader of romance, I can see this easily making a great book!  After watching that I plugged in my head phones, cranked the old ipod up with my favorite tunes and enjoyed being in my own world while I cleaned my house from top to bottom.  The phone rang several times but I didn't hear it.  again... LOVE the ipod! lol  Now I have the weekend for fun stuff instead of household chores!  I talked to both kids on the phone... Tanner is excited about possibly getting a new truck and Katie wanted to know what degrees the oven went on to make a potato!  So nice to still be needed! :)  Then I went and picked up the boy from school.  Not that impressive of a day... but considering it is usually work and then theatre... today was a nice, quiet, productive day.