July 9, 2012

Thunder Rolls

I ran to Homeland to pick up a few things for dinner tonight and while I was there the song "Thunder Rolls" was playing.  I found it ironic for some reason.  Maybe the fact that as I was picking out fresh vegetables and the sprinkler system that sits over the produce section started thundering warning the shopper that it was fixing to spray the produce,  or the fact that Garth Brooks was singing the song and I was in Yukon, his home town... the fact that  we are OKC thunder... or the fact that it actually is thundering outside!

July 7, 2012

Settling In

In the words of Annie Warbucks:  "I think I'm going to like it here!" 

Yukon is always where I wanted to hang my hat.  In 1979 at the tender, yet impressionable age of 14,  I came for a Czech festival with my dad and his band and while here, I saw boys!  Lots of them!  I remember thinking even the fat boys were cute!  Since then I knew I was destined to live here. 

However, even though I wanted to move here, and have never regretted the decision to move here... it has been a little disconcerting to give up one way of life, in search of another.  And although many do it... it is more difficult to do while you are coming to terms with other changes in your live such as an 'empty nest'.  However, in that regard I am learning to love the idea of Dennis and I being a couple. Having never really had to time to "date" before we blended families and became parents together.  We know are dating, and I find that refreshing and fun.  I kinda like him!

With the start of my new job... a job that I wanted since before I moved here, I think I am finally settling in and growing some roots.  I think I'm going to like it here.   

July 6, 2012

Retiring from owning and operating a daycare at such an early age has given me the opportunity to recycle myself.  I am looking forward to seeing what else I can excel at!

I am a turtle.... on steroids

Ahhhhh my last day of steroids.... Happy dance...

Outside, my shell is sleepy and slow.  It wants to rest in a quiet place and cuddle with soft blankets and sleep with the distant humming of a fan set on high.

Inside, my body is full of bursting energy!  I have thoughts that string from one topic to another in a way that it couldn't possibly make sense to a normal person.  For instance,

"Where is my little green ipod, I haven't seen that in a while. It has crappy songs on it anyway.. . Oh I have brownies I bought them yesterday!  So excited to eat one later....  where is my book, I have to get that for my work out, but I will have to find my shoes.   I forgot to use my coupon.  Maybe I can go get some new pants..." 

This is how my brain flows.... EVERYDAY... and this is the stuff that I hear at 4 a.m while I am trying to go to sleep!! 

Yep... so glad this was my last day of steroids!..... Happy dance!

July 2, 2012

Believe it or Not....

So I write... I know you can't tell by my babbling on here, but there.. I said it.. I write. 
To prove it, I will share the poem I have published.

Sprinkles of Gray

Sprinkles of gray that cover over me,
won't lay to rest the black of darkness
won't come to pass.

Dark circkles in my mind,
the light that flashes bright,
Can't hid the fog of disaster...
in the words that love might.

Phases of laughter that's loud and painful
sees the gray on my soul
touches me gently
turning it to gold.

Moist tears that fall from my eyes
to be replace by happy times
and gray filled days shall come to pass
with no bitter lies.

Copywrite © 2001 An Eternity of Bliss
The international Library of Poetry

At any rate, I have a romance book written and ready. (I actually have several) My problem is how to get it to a publisher.  It is 363 pages and has over 80,000 words.  I had a publisher tell me she was interested in it and told me some changes to make... she told me to take it seriously and take my time with it even if that took months... so about 3 months later after I made all the changes - that made it more juicy -  I took it back to her, but she had left the agency and I can't find her.  So I know SOMEONE was interested in it.  So that leaves me with.... TOO MUCH RED TAPE...Which is why I have thought to just print it myself.  Seeing it in print might just be exciting enough... however, I might pound the pavement for a bit..

"Love by Choice"

     ~  Sometimes love is not a choice.  In fact, it oftentimes is messy, complicated, and very inconvenient or even, unexpected.  Lord John Sallanger never thought he would meet the girl of his dreams laughing in the middle of a mud puddle during one of the most prominent balls in Southampton. 
     Struggling with a tumultuous past relationship and his responsibilities to his family business, Lord Sallanger is a hardworking, self-made man. He has never had any trouble with finding escorts for himself, but when Aubrey Harrison, an independent farm girl from Wyoming, drops into the world of Southampton high society, Lord Sallanger can’t seem to take his eyes off of the American beauty.  He is enamored and intrigued by her, for she is unique in looks, attitude, and spirit than the snobbish women he has been surrounded with for his lifetime—and she is completely off limits, making her all the more desirable to him.
    Even though Aubrey will only be there for one season, a friendship that is created out of guilt draws them into a romance that even an ocean between them can’t destroy.  Jealousy, deceitfulness, and unknown family secrets meant to destroy them only knit them closer together, changing them both in the process.  In the end, they must make a choice to accept fate or create their own… and along the way, the advice of a few drunken friends never hurts! ~

Just wanted to put that out there.