June 14, 2013

Dog Sitting

We are dog sitting for some friends.  She is such a cute and sweet little Yorkie.  She has been no problem at all.  We could tell she was missing her mommy and daddy that first day... so Dennis started talking to her like he does our dogs.  But you can't call us mommy and daddy... so he started referring to himself as Uncle Dennis. 

The 2nd day, Dennis still refered to himself as Uncle Dennis, but started to refer to me as Grandma! 

Me:  How come you are Uncle Dennis and I am GRANDMA?!?

Dennis:  I don't know...

Me:  Well I am not grandma if you are Uncle.  So ....... call me something else!

Dennis:  Great grandma?

Me: *insert stink eye look here*
Today is my youngest birthday.  He is 18!  I have mixed emotions about this.  I don't know where 18 years went.. but it sure went in a hurry.

My Life in a Nut shell!

June 13, 2013


I got up and got dressed.... nice clothes, not bummy ones...Put on make up!... FIXED my hair... didn't pull it up or put on a cap.  I was looking good enough to be out and about. I go to the store  and I won't tell you which one, but not because I don't want too... but because I shouldn't.  AND the sales jerk..( not clerk) says:...

You tired?

I say.... er , NO? 

She says:  You look tired!

WTH?!?  I know YOUR not working on commission! Why do I look tired?  I didn't look tired 15 minutes ago when I left the house!  I can tell you this... even if I did look tired... I looked better then she did! 


June 12, 2013

Swimsuit suicide watch! I can't believe I pay for this torture!

This mess spells depression!  The Sales lady will love me!
So... I bit the bullet today and finally went swim suit shopping! Only took me 5 years!  And let me just say, that was the most depressing 3 hours of my life! My friend Tracy went with me and I swear she brought me every swimsuit they had... every color.... every style... and none of them made me look even near 18 again. or 21, or 34, or 46... or.... well you get the point! UGH!

What happened to the fun time of buying that perfect suit with your friends, the one that hugged you in the right places and showed off what little you had.  And the fact that you wanted the boys to see you in it.  Laying out with your friends at a public pool or a lake!  NOW, I am looking for a swimsuit that not only sucks in, lifts up, divides, conquers, trims, molds, squashes, separates, reshapes and defines, but also one that will look good completely covered up with a large Sarong wrapped around my entire body!   And we PAY for this?!?!

If I wasn't going to the Atlantic Ocean in a couple of weeks... I would not have bought one!

Life is unfair and who needs it!!!  Why must women trade in their perfect little OP bodies when they have kids?!?!  Oh who am I kidding... I got this figure from my love of chocolate ice cream!  Well... here's to Special K for breakfast, lunch and dinner the next couple of weeks!!!