November 15, 2020

Shit that makes you go.... uhmmmm

So.... Teachers...

They all want to be out of the school building because of Covid.  


However, they complain about being on the "front lines" and then when they do close the school, they are all out shopping, posting pictures with friends out on the town or they on vacations!  

Send me home and that is where I would stay.

That's shit don't make sense!  

I wish I was in Space

 I know several people that have COVID now. I was exposed to it on Thursday, and probably every other day in the last two weeks... so I guess I will wait to see what happens.  I mean I am probably exposed every time I go out of my house now.  

Tomorrow we start wearing masks at the daycare, but in all honesty I probably should have started to wear them weeks ago!  Well, better late then never! 

I hope I am able to enjoy some normalcy during the holiday season.  For instance, putting up the tree and decorating the house and shopping.  This year I am making Dennis shop with me.  I am cutting back again.  Every year it gets less.  This year I am saying NO GIFTS FOR ADULTS, unless it is something small, cheap and meaningful. 

The rest of Oklahoma is wacko!  They act like there isn't a pandemic, filling up the stores and big gatherings. Big old barneys!  WTF!?!  There is no social distancing going on.  And people are out without masks.  Although to be fair, I do see a lot of people wearing masks. But I am so happy to stay home it's probably not even healthy! lol  

Terilee says, "All of my favorite things are at my house... why would I want to go somewhere else"? True words.

So I stocked up on food again, and meds.  We can hunker down at the homestead for about 2 weeks or longer before we need something, and I have discovered I like having a full fridge!  I have been enjoying cooking and cleaning for us and even spending a little time getting some work done from home.  Too bad I can't work from home all the time!

Vaccines are coming next month but won't be for the public until around April.  I am jealous of the space shuttle that took off tonight.  They will be in space for 6 months and when they come back, Covid will hopefully be well under way of being gone!



November 7, 2020

The Election

The Election was on Tuesday and the shit hit the fan!  Fraud, madness and mayhem is apparently underfoot and every Trump fan is in disbelief he didn't win in a land slide.  Maybe he did... and that is where all the fraud comes into play.  

At any rate, today they announced that Biden won, and still Trump has not conceded.  Attorneys seem to think they have a case to prove fraud and America is all on pens and needles.  

My understanding is that if they can prove fraud and do recounts that Trump will remain in office.  Either way.... I am ready for this shit to be over with!  

I hate politics!