June 14, 2012

A trip to the Vet

My poor dog Alex had surgery for bladder stones!  He was in the hospital for 3 days and two nights.  This was during the NBA playoffs so the Doc put him in Blue wrapping for his IV!  Alex was not interested in being a team player ...or a team supporter! 

He wasn't behaving in the hospital, and doing all types of out-of-he-ordinary things.... not like his personality.  First... he was very vocal... and loud... and consistant about it!  Second... he wouldn't eat, but he would gather his food and hid in under a towel they had in his kennel.  Third... he poured stuff over his face!

When I went to feed him the day after his surgery, because they said he wouldn't eat for them.. he cried and cried when he saw me.  I have never heard him so vocal.  I feed him one pepple at a time... and he ate a lot!  I thought... well since he is hungry I will just put some in the bowl.. so I put some in the bowl, sit it in his kennel and he picks up the opposite side of the bowl with his mouth and lifts it up high and poors it over his face!!  He tried to do the same thing with his water bowl and I had to catch it real quick!  I have never seen him act that way!  I think he was trying to make a point! 

I worried over him that day and was so glad when the next day he got to come home.  Belson was really happy to ee him, but we kept them apart for a day or so so Alex could get is barrings.  He slept alot, and ofcourse Belson snuggled with him.  I think that helped Alex heal faster because the doctor told me a week to 14 days he would be slow, and within 5 days Alex was acting happy! 

Now he can pee a steady stream and sometimes several!  I am sure we are not the only ones that are "relieved" by that!