July 27, 2014

Stink Eye Received

Dennis turns the freaking channel just as I sit down to watch TV.    he does this all the time and all weekend he has pretty much had control of the TV.  But this time, I give him the stink eye

Dennis:  "What?"

Me:  "Hey!  I was watching that!"

Dennis:  "Yah.. 'Was".   I was just flipping through channels waiting for my show to come back on."

Me:  "You always do that!  You can't control all the TV's in the house."

Dennis:  "Yes I can!  This is my castle."

*Insert another stink eye here*

Me:  "It's not just YOUR castle....."

Dennis:  "But I am the King!"

Me:  "Well, I am the Queen."

Dennis:  "Exactly!  You come in second to the King!"