July 14, 2012

The Stick - Belsons Dream come true...

Belson, aka Belly, loves his sticks!  We usually get him a package and they last about a month and he wants one every day.  We know when it is time... not only does he start "Jonesin'" but he gets up in your face and starts whining... we can tell the signs and probably should seek a rehab for him and this addiction, yet we, being the suppliers that we are... go to the cabinet where he closely watches us pull out a stick and just before his tail falls completely off from the excitement... we throw it and he is in heaven... or under the couch growling... same place when a stick is involved.

ANYWAY... Dennis and I thought it would be funny to get him a really BIG stick...One he couldnt' possibly ever be able to eat... and it has proven to be a great source of entertainment for us for a week now.  He can't pick it up... so he drags it everywhere... in his bed, under our bed, on top of our bed, in our closet, under the table,  at the doggie door... (he can't seem to figure out how to drag it out that dang thing) and in the middle of the living room floor where I trip over it.  STUPID STICK! 

At any rate here is pictures of Belson and his new friend... "The Stick"!

July 9, 2012

Best of Both Worlds

My builder called me today with an exciting proposel.  He has offered to buy the land, build the building that I want and let me lease it for at least 2 years.  This would mean all I have to do is buy the equipment!  WOW!  In two years I could buy the daycare and only have to pay 10% down... If we decide to go this route, I will still work for the school and offer my daughter the directors job and have her run the center.  She has done it for 6 years... she can totally do it!  I could have the best of both worlds!

Thunder Rolls

I ran to Homeland to pick up a few things for dinner tonight and while I was there the song "Thunder Rolls" was playing.  I found it ironic for some reason.  Maybe the fact that as I was picking out fresh vegetables and the sprinkler system that sits over the produce section started thundering warning the shopper that it was fixing to spray the produce,  or the fact that Garth Brooks was singing the song and I was in Yukon, his home town... the fact that  we are OKC thunder... or the fact that it actually is thundering outside!

July 7, 2012

Settling In

In the words of Annie Warbucks:  "I think I'm going to like it here!" 

Yukon is always where I wanted to hang my hat.  In 1979 at the tender, yet impressionable age of 14,  I came for a Czech festival with my dad and his band and while here, I saw boys!  Lots of them!  I remember thinking even the fat boys were cute!  Since then I knew I was destined to live here. 

However, even though I wanted to move here, and have never regretted the decision to move here... it has been a little disconcerting to give up one way of life, in search of another.  And although many do it... it is more difficult to do while you are coming to terms with other changes in your live such as an 'empty nest'.  However, in that regard I am learning to love the idea of Dennis and I being a couple. Having never really had to time to "date" before we blended families and became parents together.  We know are dating, and I find that refreshing and fun.  I kinda like him!

With the start of my new job... a job that I wanted since before I moved here, I think I am finally settling in and growing some roots.  I think I'm going to like it here.   

July 6, 2012

Retiring from owning and operating a daycare at such an early age has given me the opportunity to recycle myself.  I am looking forward to seeing what else I can excel at!