July 14, 2012

The Stick - Belsons Dream come true...

Belson, aka Belly, loves his sticks!  We usually get him a package and they last about a month and he wants one every day.  We know when it is time... not only does he start "Jonesin'" but he gets up in your face and starts whining... we can tell the signs and probably should seek a rehab for him and this addiction, yet we, being the suppliers that we are... go to the cabinet where he closely watches us pull out a stick and just before his tail falls completely off from the excitement... we throw it and he is in heaven... or under the couch growling... same place when a stick is involved.

ANYWAY... Dennis and I thought it would be funny to get him a really BIG stick...One he couldnt' possibly ever be able to eat... and it has proven to be a great source of entertainment for us for a week now.  He can't pick it up... so he drags it everywhere... in his bed, under our bed, on top of our bed, in our closet, under the table,  at the doggie door... (he can't seem to figure out how to drag it out that dang thing) and in the middle of the living room floor where I trip over it.  STUPID STICK! 

At any rate here is pictures of Belson and his new friend... "The Stick"!