Use to, I couldn't go anywhere without running into 20 people I knew. Sometimes it would take me hours to run errands because of this. Not that I didn't love to run into my friends or chat it up... cause I love to chat it up! But it caused me to forget stuff and it took me for ever to catch up to my day.
When we moved to OKC, I didn't have that problem. At first it was nice to go somewhere and get my stuff done without the distractions. And I saved time and rarely forgot to get something cause my mind was on task.
In the last week I have ran into one person who I never thought I would run into again in my life... Like literally of all the people to run into... that was freaky! I ran walked into Hobby Lobby and saw a fried from Guymon at the check out. Then I ran into 2 different people I knew from Yukon at Target and another person at 7-11.
Friday, we went to see the Baseball game in Bricktown. *side note* Not as exciting as watching NBA action or nowhere near the noise level in the OKC THUNDER arena, but still lots of fun in the great outdoors!
We sat on the lawn at first where I devoured a hot dog (no baseball game is complete without a dog) and saw a cool firework show behind right field after the game. As we leave, I hear my name... which is odd... not my name - just hearing it in a crowd in OKC.. so I turn around to see a Shelly... a friend from Guymon! We visit for a minute and then after we say our goodbyes, I hear my name again... which is even MORE odd, because this is twice now... it was one of my co workers from YHS! We gave a hug, introduced spouses, talked shop and then went about our way.
I like starting to run into friends again.