September 13, 2019

Over Night Kids

I kept 3 of my grand babies last Friday night just for fun!  I haven't really had them over much cause they are all so little, ad so much work, but I thought I would test the waters.... stick my toe in as it were, to see how well I could handle it.

It was FUN & crazy!

They are really good kids.  They are pretty self entertaining, but want things readily available and if it isn't, Joanie is the one that will ask where it is, and WHEN will it be available... and then she will ask you 14 more times until you get that done to her satisfaction.

Benji is good playing alone... He likes the dinosaurs I have for him and the cars.... he also likes to be left alone and isn't good at being teased.  He hasn't learned that personality trait yet.

Evelyn is the easiest  of the three to care for.  She goes with the flow and is perfectly happy playing with the lid of the bubbles and a pay spoon.  If she ever appears to be unhappy  just feed her!

September 12, 2019

Moving to High Tech Stuff

So here's the thing.  I'm not your average bear.  I have learned to stay awake all winter even when I want to sleep... why?  Because there is work to do!  Damn!  Is it October yet?

So today we had some worker bees at the center getting things geared up for the new addition.  I would like to say I was happy to see it but I was running around like crazy!

I caught Abel as he was leaving to ask what they got done today because all I heard was "They are in the ceiling somewhere" from Katie. :O  It's such a whirl wind I don't even know what they are suppose to be doing!

Maybe tomorrow I can actually get to stop and take a peek. I will have new cameras and new door plates and new phones with a headset...(personally most excited for) and some contraption where I can see who is at the front door from my office!   I am always fascinated by what technology can do.

Old people! Sheesh!

The other day I was at the new building with the heat & air guys.  David, the owner, just got a new trailer... and I could NOT talk Hecto, the site foreman, to help me hide it.  I said... it's on wheels!  All we have to do is unhook it and roll it over there behind the vans!!  I could tell he thought about it for a minute... but would not do it!  Why you gotta be an adult dude!?!


After an extremely hectic couple of days at work, my daughter thought we needed to unwind a bit.  So she rallied my daughter in-law and a good friend to go out for dinner and drinks.  I got there late of course and as I was looking for them a waiter came up to me and ask if I was looking for my party.  Then he said, you look familiar.... then he pointed to Katie sitting at he table and said.... that’s your party.  I laughed and said... how did you know???  He said you look just like her!  Needless to say any man that thinks I look like a 30 year old gets a decent tip from me!