November 1, 2020

Be careful... you represent more then yourself

 Along the same lines of my earlier post I have to say it's very strange how one person can influence how you feel about an entire group. 

Growing up in a military town I had a lot of friends that were children of different cultures. Most of my friends when I was small had German mothers.  To this day every time I see a German mother I think of how headstrong they were.  How nice they were. I love their voices and their accents and I think of the every German mom being like these two people were. 

They influenced my thoughts on that.  

Had they been mean, ugly, or spiteful, I would've probably thought the whole race of German moms were mean, ugly, and spiteful. So I think it's important that you know you could be influencing people on how they feel about an entire body of people. whether is about religion...ethnic group... or your station in life.

You can be influencing people just by how you act today.

Here's a message for all you absent fathers!

Don't do that

 Recent events has caused me to travel down memory lane.  This is how I remember it.

I had a great boyfriend in high school for 4 years.  I thought all guys were nice like he was.  Never called me names.  Never hit me.  Never cheated on me.  Always brought me little things like gum or a coke.  Came to see me at work.  Planned time together....  That is not the case with most men.  

I married at 20 to a guy I thought was pretty awesome, until he wasn't.  

Was I perfect?  NO!  

First off I was spoiled.  I was use to the world revolving around me and my needs.  At 20, most people are still living that fairy tail. I am basing so many things on my 4 year relationship in high school, on my own parents marriage... never mind that by the time I was married they had been married for 35+ years.  They had worked out the kinks!

At any rate, I was 20 and he was 21.  He was worthless.  He didn't want a job and when he found one he didn't want to keep it.  He like to smoke weed and hang out with his friends.  He never wanted to come home and when I got pregnant he didn't want to be a dad. Flat out.

He has 4 kids that I know of and wasn't a father to any of them until the last kid and I am not sure he is much of a father to him.  Who knows.  

Now, I'm wondering how that could possibly by my fault if he has a pattern of such behavior.

He has been trying to talk to our now adult son and doesn't want to open the conversation with,  "I know I did you wrong.. but instead he wants to make it look like I didn't allow him.  Good try old buddy!  I lived that life and I know better.  If he had a relationship with all the others then  that might be believable.  Don't waste what time you could have left by lying . 

I have loved that boy since the moment I found out I was going to have him. And he knows that.  If you think for one minute I would do anything that made him sad you need  a new conversational piece.  

Fact 101

Loyalty is a thing.  Either you have it or you don't, and if you don't... Karma!

And that is all I am going to say about that!

They are all growing up so fast