April 16, 2016

Fake Lashes

No one likes to grow older, but women seem to fight it more than men do.  Botox and girdles... Fake nails and hair extensions.  Lipstick that never fades.  Secret serum that pulls your skin tight in two minutes! (just dont have any emotions while you wear it.). 

We age or we die.  It's not rocket science ...those are the choices.... and since death is less appealing to me than aging.... I reluctantly will choose aging.  

Sigh ...

Sure, my ass is rounder and my face has lots of laugh lines.... (My own fault for having funny friends right?)  I now have to take one a day vitamin for "50 and older", and my glasses have not one!  
Not two! 
But three different prescriptions in them.  
I'm not being dramatic about it either.  I'm stating the cold hard facts.

And since I have colored my hair so often, (31 years but who's counting)...I'm not sure what color it actually is anymore, but Im pretty sure that gray is one of the primary new colors.

Everyone wants to be forever young... Or at least young looking. 

Truth is you can't beat Mother Nature at what she does best, but the one thing I can do is wear fake Eyelashes!
So I guess long story short: 
Doctor visit as you begin to fall apart $52,435.89
Beauty products that don't work $7,345, 727
Waking up with fake eyelashes on... Priceless!

March 25, 2016

She's A Person

This is my sweet granddaughter Joanie.  I love her very much.

I look at her and automatically get happy!  I find that I plan my life around knowing her.  I plan my days at work around playing with her.  I think about all the many sleep overs we will have with her and her cousins... the forts made of blankets that will no doubt surround my living room, and the amount of cookies we will make and then eat. The holidays we will share, the secrets we will enjoy and the silliness we will get into.  I think about her safety and base decisions on her well being.

To think that just 9 months ago she wasn't here, although she did exist... we did not know her.  And now, she is the center of our families universe.

New hope.
New love.
New understanding.

That's what babies are suppose to do to families.
She has touched the lives of so many in her life already.  And wraps us more tightly around her little fingers every day.  She may only be 8 months old, but she deserves respect, kindness, sensitivity, patience, understanding and love.
She's a person.  Not just a baby, and she will always be a prominent member of our family.

Our Forever Home

We are looking to move.....

Not to a far away place, although if I found a castle with a moat..... I would fly across the ocean for that location!  However, I did find a house here in Yukon with a pond right out the back door.  And when I say right out the back door... I meant back patio.... going fishing!  There is NO YARD!  It's a cool concept, and a beautiful view.  It looks like you are living on a lake... but when it rains it pours and when that happens... your house will be floating!  So no.  We are not buying that one.  We have been wanting some yard space.  We have found some acreages that we really like.  We can build a nice home and have some room to grow, and then when the time comes... you can bury us in the back yard! lol

I have several plans and an WONDERFUL real estate agent that has scoured the entire county side looking for a great place and she has talked to several architects about the house I want.  ( I have a DEFINITE KITCHEN PLAN IN MY HEAD)  and maybe one day soon (because we will put it on a 15 year note)... we can get this started.  We aren't getting any younger and I want my forever home to be functional for us now, our growing family, and us as senior citizens!

March 4, 2016


Ya know.... I'm a busy woman..... But I never manage to get all my stuff done.... I blame it on my A.D.D, clearly!!!    Today I cleaned out my kitchen cabinets.  Was that my plan for today?   Nooooooo.  My plan for today was to catch up on some daycare paperwork.  My mistake was unloading the dishwasher and realizing how unorganized everything was.  

March 1, 2016

The BUCK STOPS with you

I just took a quiz that said:

"Most minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family."

As a business owner I agree.  I pay well above minimum wage to most and it's still not enough to support a family.  The cost of living is too high for one income regardless what people make....how do we change this? When does it stop being the employers issue on ' not paying enough'?

Know your spending limits.