February 26, 2020

I work too much

I was thinking today....

I work too much.  And even when I am home or on the weekends, I am constantly working.  Always trying to improve something... the daycare ...the website... the staff.  Constantly worrying over it.  Wanting everyone to be happy and well cared for.. or paid well, or treated fairly or leaving happy!  I worry too much.

I work too much

I have not had a vacation since the summer of 2013, the summer before I opened.  I need a vacation.  I need to get away from the grind.... but I worry someone will need me and I won't be there to fix it or help them or put out a fire...... or  manage something!

How do you stop?  How do you make other people care about something your passion about?  Whats the secret?  Could I take just a week....ONE WEEK??

No phone? No email?  No bills?  No payroll? Pace myself... it's a long road still. 

I work too much

February 25, 2020

Hey Cracker

I have a grandson that calls me cracker.  It's not really a "Slang" as in his calling me a white girl.  It's what he seems to call everyone and everything.  He has been on this kick for about 4 months now and I keep thinking he will move past this word! Lately he calls me Lalalalalalalala and this word never ends.  It's really funny... but a MAJOR improvement to being called Cracker! 


Dennis finished Shameless before I got home from work... I got this text...

This, from a guy that I had to make sit down and start watching it.  He watch all 9 seasons in 2 weeks.  He asked me every day  "you ready to watch the movie?" lol  

February 21, 2020

Where's my time going?

I'm crossing things off from my lists... but is anything really getting done?  I cross one thing off and 2 more appear.  I keep saying good things come to those that wait.  But I am not a waiter.  I keep telling myself  I am a lot closer to being done then I was.  And if it's done, I don't need to be worried about anymore!  Personally I wonder if I will ever get to post anything personal again.  All I post about is work stuff these days!  But when you are consumed in your work... what else do you have to write about.


Oh yeah.. Dennis and I are watching SHAMELESS and he can't wait for me to get home every evening to start it.  But I barely get in the door and he asks me if I am 'ready to watch a movie'!  It's endearing and annoying at the same time, but it does explain why I'm up an freaking 1:37 a.m trying to keep up with my blog!  I don't want blank spaces at the end of this year... I needed to stay focused and dedicated!

February 18, 2020

Sore Ass But A Done Website

It's been crazy busy!  I have been updating the website and it took all of 3 days and a sore ass to finish!   ANd am I done?  Possibly... but spell check is never that dependable so possibly NOT! lol  Dennis and I have been binge watching SHAMELESS and we can't stop!  Dennis watched an entire season on Sunday!  It's funny to see him so enthralled! We watched the Manning babies for a bit on Sunday and took them to the park.  They are pure joy to be around.  Sammi still talks in her own language... but I am learning it.  I am sure once I get fluent she will start speaking correctly!  Bless her heart.  She gets frustrated when she tries to tell me something and I ask her to repeat it a few times.  Pop says:  I don't speak Sammi! lol   Danny is potty training and went potty for me.  Pop was impressed.  He is only 18 months old and already doing so well!