June 21, 2021

What's in a name?

The word ”daddy” has been used in my vocabulary my entire life. When my daddy passed away I still called Dennis daddy because we had kids in the home.  Slowly, as the kids get older and have kids of their own, I have realized there isn’t the need for that word in my live like there once was, and that makes me sad.  I miss having a daddy in this world.  I miss having little kids in my home and I miss the simplicity of the family unit when both were in use often.

June 20, 2021

Wishful thinking... But you can't have it all

I could create the perfect worker for the kitchen if I could put three of my cooks into one:

Bailey’s math skills
Terri Lee’s speed and determination to get out of there as soon as possible (or when her ride showed up.)
and Devin’s cooking.

That would be the cook to have!

May 23, 2021


I am not sure if I can handle Dennis when he retires. He is already doing stupid shit and this is just day 3 of his vacation.

Dennis: Come here raven! There is a lot of water coming out of your bathroom!
Me: OMG! Like through the roof? (It has rained for the past 40 days!!!)
Dennis: I don't know!
Me: Why do I have to come look? What am I suppose to do?
Dennis: I don't know come look!
So I stop what I am doing and follow him into the bathroom where he has several water bottles lined up and coming out of the bathroom. 😐
*Sigh* This is going to be a long ass 6 - 8 weeks!

Surgery Ahead

My sweet husband is going to have surgery on Tuesday on his left arm rotator cuff.   I am a nervous wreck about it. He doesn't seem to have a care in the world.  Although he did say out of the blue he was going to cancel it cause it didn't want to do it. :( 

I don't like medical procedures or other people to be have that much power of my life.  I took off work for the week, but I am sure I will be there from time to time.  I just want to be available to Dennis should he need me.  He acts like he will be fine and out doing yard work.  I can hear his whines now though.  It's better I cleared my calendar incase then be at work and him unable to care for himself with his one good arm.

Over the waiting.

We are STILL not done with our pool build and I am OVER IT! 

It's taking too long and I am ready to have my back yard and patio back.  This is where we live our life in the spring and summer.  We have not been able to be out there YET and it's almost JUNE!

I can tell you one thing... I would never do this again!  Not without a  time frame and subs dedicated to that job within that time frame.  I have learned alot during this process. This waiting for the weather and being pushed back on some list you never see, and waiting for one person to be available is for the birds!  We pay too much money to be on an invisible list. We were to be opening our pool by Memorial weekend.  That's next weekend.  

Not gonna happen! 

Beyond frustrating.  

Hopefully getting the landscaping done will give me a new outlook... right now I'm over the waiting!