October 18, 2012

Be in the moment

This is my first day of fall break and as I still lay in bed I am dreading Monday! I really like my job but I like not having to do anything better! :) Even though technically I do more work while I off,  I don't have to get dresses for it!   I like lazy mornings and coffee at the computer, and I like wearing comfy clothes all day. I love a ponytail holder... My truest friend, and I like piddling from one thing to another without any rhyme or reasoning. But most of all I like the quiet of a day home. Oh!   and my nice- new- big- over sized- pink- fuzzy- comfy- cozy robe!

Bitch Fest

Gotta love being in a store and listen to the employees complain about thier jobs. 

I was at Walmart today and heard it all.  I was having some film processed and a manager came to the back to get some "warm bodies" as she called them, up to the front to check.  The girl she was talking to DID NOT want to go back and check.  According to her, she had been doing it for 2 hours! (wonder what an 8 hour day would feel like to her.) She said she had turned her light off and still 5 people came to her registor.  She rolled her eyes and said, "Duh people".   Then she went on to say that she hadnt' had her lunch or her break! (After a 2 hour work day?  She already needs a break and a lunch!?!?!?)

I remembering thinking..... You are lucky to have a job when so many don't and if that we're my employee she wouldn't be lucky anymore! lol

October 6, 2012

AT&T minute is WAY longer then a Mommy minute!!

I spent the entire 4 day weekend waiting for AT&T guys!!! After the big thunder bolt stuck something near our house, we lost:

alarm system

... Not to mention our garage door wouldn't work! So the AT&T guy was suppose to be there between 1 and 4... (in AT&T time that is 5:00 or 6:00).

So on DAY 1 of none of thee above working - at 5:30  he finally shows up and he trouble shoots everything and figures out that he did all he could do to fix the issue, but now I need a line man.  However.... because it was so late he couldn't get anyone to pick up the ticket until the next day.

DAY 2 of none of thee above working -  the next morning, which is Friday, we had a line man show up about 11a.m. which was 3 hours later then scheduled, (again AT&T time).  But he got everyone up and running... except one outlet... and of course, the garage door.

Then that same day after he was done at our house,  I had to go to my daughters to wait for the AT&T guy to come to her house. I just wanted to take this guy with me!  I thought I could save time this way.... unfortunately life doesn't work that way and neither does AT&T! 

DAY  3 .....On Saturday one of our cable outlets didn't work so I call at 2:00, they give me the time slot of anywhere between 4 and 8!  We waited and waited and waited..... never did show up!  So I had to call and find out the deal! 

DAY 4 ..... Sunday at 9 in the morning he shows up!

I hope lightning never strikes that close to my house again.... and not for obvious reason.... just for the simple fact that I don't want to have to call AT&T again!


I love the weather outside when it is sunny, yet when you go outside there is a cool nip in the air and the air smells cold.  When the grass starts to turn and all the spiders disappear.  Cold enough to wear sweaters and drink coffee on the porch.  Color still lines the trees, but you know everything is fixing to fall from them and clutter the streets and the yards.  

October 4, 2012

Great Answers? Or Smooth Talkers?

I was trying to trap my aid in an uncomfortable situation....One aid at a time.

Here is the conversation I had with one of my aids while the other one was out running errands.

Me:     I am listening to the "Oldie station" and I know all the words!  What does that mean!?"
Chance:     It means you must listen to a lot of different music!
Never know about these two!
So, I am thinking that was a GREAT answer!  But I ask him.  What do you think Clay would say if I asked him the same question.  He laughed cause we both just knew if given the chance, Clay would tell me how old I was.  So when Clay walks in I ask him the same thing....

Me:     I am listening to the "Oldie station" and I know all the words!  What does that mean!?!?"
Clay:    "Well, music ages faster than we do.  I mean, a song from 2002 is old school now.  But you wouldn't say a 10 year old was old....  So I think you are listening to songs that have gotten old.....  But you are not old."

I'm telling you..... he's good!