October 25, 2019

Sisters will always be too loud at night

My sister came down to see mom and stayed with me for a few nights.  We had a blast while she was here.  We stayed up too late and giggled while playing with snapchat!  I am surprised Dennis didn't yell at us! 

One night we made some popcorn and found a good movie to watch and we somehow got on the topic of flying from watching The movie "Men of Honor'.  Not sure how since that movie is about diving. 

Anyway, I told her that I could fly in my dreams but I didn't use my arms like wings.. I used my legs like when I tread water to stay above water.  Hmmm, okay that would make since with the movie...

I explained that I have to turn my legs to the right, bending them at the knees and kick them fast like a mermaids tail and the faster I kick them the higher I go and the longer I can stay up in the air.  There is just one catch... because I have to have them to one side... I can only go left, so I basically fly like a crab... sideways.

My sister laughed so hard at the thought of my flying sideways.  We were way too loud for it being 1:00 a.m.