August 11, 2012

Feeling Pewny SUCKS!

Man!  I have not been feeling good at all since July 1.  I have been to 4 doctors, a chiropractor, an ENT and a gastroenterologist.  I have had a rubber hose up my nose, and down my throat.... I have had an endoscope.  I have had an ultra sound and I have been on rounds of antibotics, steriods, and PPI's.  I have had a diagnoses of PLR and then told I did not have that by the Dr that did and read my scope. I am scheduled for a CT scan on Monday to check for stones. And I have been told to get a second opinion with another ENT.  Prayers are appreciated!  I am just ready to get back to normal... or my normal anyway. 

I'm a Rebel

I started my new job this week and so far... it's working out! lol  I am always afraid of working for someone else because when you work for yourself for 20 plus years you don't answer to anyone but yourself, so if you screw up... you just shake your head and fix it!  But working for someone else, someone else might slap me on the hand, and how will I handle that?  I am a rebel!!

This is my office...

I am pretty independent... but working for myself has taught me that.  Getting it done without anyone over your shoulder.  I don't like being watched or told what to do.  I think that will come in handy on this job cause I don't have anyone in the office with me and I still have to get my stuff done, so being able to work without someone breathing down my neck is a job requirement for this one!

However, the staff that I have, so far, been able to work with are a great group of ladies.  School starts this coming week and I wonder how I will handle all the people needing something NOW from one of the counselors.  I hope I am able to keep a handle on everything.  I am ready.... or as ready as I can be.

July 29, 2012

My GPS is on Crack!

I am not a traveler.  I would like to be, but sadly, not the case.  I did have a plan though.  An idea so crazy and wild that I can't believe I actually did it.... I bought a Garmin! 

I was so excited to get one because it would give me some freedom to travel in the big city in which I live without depending on my loving husband to get off his ass and take me places... Plus he never seemed to want to take me to Hobby Lobby or Places where "I spend money"!

As good as this plan was however, my Garmin got old.  As fast as our town was growing in the last 2 years since I purchased her, she became outdated. She became CA-ranky and stubborn. She couldn't even find her way home anymore, damn thing! Personally, I think she is menopausal!

Because she was a whopping $50.00 on Black Friday where I snagged her at 6:00 am......  We looked into possibly getting a "map update". It would cost roughly $99 to update her... basically the cost of a new one and let's face it.... Why fix it when you can get a BRAND NEW ONE!!!!!  One that has a bigger screen, better graphics, more options!  But Dennis, being the frugal man that he is... didn't see the point!  Why do you always burst my bubble DC!

So last week I go to Midwest City for an appointment... I type in the address of my destination and head out on the highway.  I get about 3/4 way there.. crusin down I40 listening to '50 Shades of Grey' on my kindle and BAM!... I run into construction..  I can not turn where she is telling me too.. because there is NO ROAD and the GPS freaks out!!!  I look down at the screen in a panic and my car looks like it is flying over gray nothingness!!!  She starts yelling at me: RECALCULATING...RECALCULATING And then wanted me to make a U turn!  IN THE MIDDLE OF I40!  She is so old and outdated, could not figure an alternative route!  She had no idea there was construction there and was flustered!  Finally she told me to sod off and I was on my own!  Why does she hate me???  So, I got out my IPhone, which I hate to use for this purpose bacause it is ass backwards...  and found my destination with little time to spare. 

When I was done with my appointment, I went straight to walmart and bought a brand new GPS.  One that was not menopausal.  My new one was calm, cool and collected... knew where all the construction was, helped me avoid it and knew exactly where we lived!  Money well spent!

July 20, 2012

Comic Relief? Or Divorce Court...

How many people does it take to hide the cords behind the TV?


And apparently it also requires the assistance of two growling dogs that have the run of a 2000 sq ft house and a doggie door that takes them to the great outdoors whenever they choose... yet they that pick that moment and that room, and better yet under that ladder I am standing on..... to fight over a stick!

I dropped the Wii and the DVD player... Yep!  They both hit the floor, crushing a candle into millions of pieces, on a floor that I had just swept!  Apparently, or according to the... know-it-all Dennis, the cords which I wrapped, where too tight and couldn't reach the proper plug-ins!!  Suck my big toe Dennis!

Through it all - Dennis only holds the front of the TV with both hands saying, "It's gotta sit flat!  It's gotta sit flat!" (talking about the cable box).  Matthew kept leaving the room and we would have to say... "MATTHEW!  Come here! We're not done!"  And he would whine about how he was trying to "clean his room"!  *Side note... I told him to clean it YESTERDAY and he didn't... now when I need his help his excuse was... "You told me to clean my room!"  OMG!!!

Finally, after Dennis redos my 'screwed-up-wrapped-up-cord-job'... we get the TV back up, and as Matthew and I are trying to plug the 40,000 cords back where they go to make sure everything is working..... Dennis says, "It' isnt' in the middle!  It's gotta go to the left!"  We say okay just a minute we are still plugging stuff in... But ignoring us he repeats it like 5 times!!!  Then he didnt' like the DVD player where it was.  (it has always been right there....)  "That looks hillbilly!"  he says.  At the breaking point and not at my best moment I say "Your MOM's a hillbilly!"  and he is like ... "Don't talk about my momma!"  :)

So, I start to clean up all the mess we have made during this adventure and I have cut wire, cut zip ties, a screw (?), okay, I honestly have no idea where that came from.... and candle shavings that got crushed when I dropped the Will on it... and as I am going to the trash with my hand full of this, -  Dennis wants to make sure I am not throwing anything good away that he can possible use again!  So... feeling aggravated because I obviously know the difference between trash and not trash items, I dumped it all on the island. He picked through it and said... yeah.. it's all trash and then walked away without putting it in the trash! UGH!!!

I haven't watched TV the rest of the night!