March 7, 2020

More Toilet paper!

Whoa to the Coronavirus!   It's not just a beer anymore...  It's a scary thing and all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer is gone. What is going to happen when I need to take my daily shit!??   I have been reading about it off and on...not cause I am paranoid or going to start (or join)  pandemonium .. but just trying to stay ahead of it mainly cause I have staff.  I will take my mom some hand sanitizer when I go there again.  Seems like the older generation is suffering with this and I worry for my mom.  It's basically a pneumonia and she can't get that!  I have always been careful not to take her anything I might have caught while being at a daycare... but this is something I don't want either!  Right now I think a lot of it might be more scare then facts, but I still don't want any part of it!  I saw some interesting things and wonder if any of it is true....