September 15, 2019

Why is it acceptable for people to be idiots, but not acceptable for me to point it out?

Is it old age that makes you less able to deal with idiots?  I mean, what is it about getting older that screams... "Here let me do that for you?"  I have not volunteered for this extra stuff, because I do not want to do this extra stuff.  I have my own stuff to do.  I don't have time or the desire to do your stuff too!
No this is not making sense, but I have to write in cryptic so the guilty parties don't realize I am talking about them.  (My therapy blog remember?)
You know when it's fun to read my blog?  Years later when I am trying to figure out what the hell I was talking about!  This blog will have me baffled, I'm sure!  (Note to self:  It didn't make sense when I wrote it either)!